
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · 现代言情
41 Chs


Vivian took a step back to break free from Ivan's strong arm. She tried to look calm, but was freaking out inside. Her heart is racing so fast that she feels like it's going to explode.

Turning around to avoid Ivan's eyes while taking a quiet deep breath. The cool evening fresh air makes Vivian's heart calm down a little.

Started walking while Looking around. "It's beautiful."

Ivan followed behind. He didn't catch what Vivian meant. "Huh?"

"The garden. It's beautiful."

"If you like, I can build one for you."

Shaking her head. "No. I don't have time to take care of them….. I do like flowers, but I don't like having them around my place."

Ivan was ready to do everything for Vivian. As long as she says the word, he'll make it happen. He's about to tell Vivian that they can have someone take care of the garden after he builds it for her, but his words stuck in his throat after hearing the next sentence.

Since Vivian doesn't like having flowers around her place, Ivan doesn't pester her.

"Is there anything that you don't like to eat or do?"

"Mmmm… I don't like to eat fish. I hate the smell of it. No matter how many times I've cleaned it, I can still smell it once it's in my mouth."

"That's all?"

"For now, yes. Since I don't try other foods much."

"I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, do you hate living with your in-laws?"

Ivan was curious. He wants to know what Vivian's answer is. Because, in the future, they might have to sleepover at his parents place since his mother likes Vivian so much.

Vivian's legs stop in her tracks as she turns to face Ivan with a gentle smile on her face. "Why would I hate living with my own in-laws? Why would you think that?"

It's not that Vivian hates living with Ivan's parents. She just doesn't feel comfortable seeing them everyday. Plus, she doesn't know how to act around them.

Vivian was not sure if they'll accept her wholeheartedly once they find out what she does. Ivan too, will he stay and love her like now and not leave once he gets to know everything about her.

For Vivian, if Ivan doesn't accept her after he finds out about what she does in the dark, it's easy to break up with him if they live by themselves.

"I'm just curious. Ninety-nine percent of the daughter in laws hate living with their in laws."

"It's just that we just got married and I want to spend more time with you. If I live with my in-laws, do you think I'll be able to play with you freely?"

"Why not? I have my own bedroom here."

Vivian grabbed Ivan's necktie as she pulled it down, making Ivan bent his upper body toward her. Moving her lips next to Ivan's ear with a smirk on her face and spoken in a low voice almost as if she was whispering. "How can we play with each other everywhere in the house if we're not on our own? I can't eat you in the kitchen or living room. It's no fun if I have to eat you up only in the bedroom."

Ivan's hand's naturally wrapped around Vivian's waist as he pulls her against his body.

She lets go of Ivan's necktie. Moving her face in front of Ivan's face as she wraps her arms around his neck with a smile on her face. "There's lots of people around here. I can't sleep naked or walk around naked with you."

Hearing Vivian's words, Ivan doesn't know what to say. It seems like Vivian doesn't take his words seriously since she started playing around but Ivan still agrees with her.

They won't have much time for themselves if they live with their in-laws.

Staring at Ivan's eyes. "Don't you agree?"

With a gentle smile on his face. "How can I not agree with you when everything you said is true."

Vivian felt like the longer she looked in Ivan's eyes the more she was drowning into his beautiful eyes.

The flowers are beautiful but he's even more gorgeous than the flowers. She feels like she's in lalaland right now.

'Oh Gosh! He's always attractive. What should I do with my poor heart? It keeps beating really fast that it is about to burst out of my chest.'

Vivians didn't say anything. Smiling at Ivan as she unwraps her arms around his neck. Turning her head to avoid his beautiful eyes as she breaks free from his strong arms to hide her lust filled eyes.

If they stay in each other's arms longer, she doesn't know what she's going to do. Even if she wants to jump on top of him, she can't do that at her in-laws place.

Vivian starts walking slowly. "Let's go sit there."

The moment Vivian pulled away from his arms, Ivan frowned. This is the second time that she did that and Ivan doesn't like it.

He doesn't like the feeling of being abandoned. Since they're husband and wife, Ivan doesn't understand why Vivian didn't let him touch her much. She always tried to get away from his hands.

Without saying anything, Ivan followed her behind with a long face.

Sitting down on the metal garden chair as she patted the spot next to her. "Come sit with me here."

Still, Ivan doesn't say anything. He walked up to her and sat next to her.

Leading her head on Ivan's shoulder while looking up at the sky, staring at the sunset. "Why the long face? You're making the sunset look ugly."

With a heavy heart. "Why are you always trying to avoid my touches? Do you hate being next to me so much that anytime I hug you, you always try to break free from my arms."

Vivian understood what Ivan meant. It seems like her actions from earlier made him misunderstand her.

"No. If I hate being with you, I won't be leaning against you right now. It's just that anytime I look at you, I can't stop wanting to throw myself on top of you. I have to avoid what I'm about to do to you before it happens."

She then sits up straight and turns to face Ivan. "I can't believe you think that way. How can I dislike being next to my own man?"

With a smirk on her face, Vivian pinch Ivan's cheeks gently then let it go the next second. "You're this handsome, there's no woman in the world who will want to stay away from you."

Ivan felt much better after hearing Vivian's words. The heavy in his chest disappears in a blink of an eye.

He's happy to know that Vivian avoids his touches because she can't control herself toward him.

"I don't need other women. I only need and want only one woman by my side. And that person is you. As long as you're with me, I don't care about others."

With a serious face. "You better. If I find out anything about women throwing themselves at you and you didn't do anything about it, I'll make sure to take care of them for you. If that day really does come, don't even think about blaming or stopping me if I end up doing something to them."

Seeing that Ivan didn't say anything, Vivian continues. "Because once you open your mouth to stop me from doing something to them, I'll take that as you're protecting them. And of course you're going down with them. I don't care if she's important to you or not. I don't give a damn about sharing my man with others."

Ivan was lost for words. He's too stunned to even speak after hearing what Vivian said.

Smiling at Vivian. "Don't worry. I won't let that happen."

What Ivan meant was he won't let Vivian deal with unimportant things like that. He's not worried about what Vivian is going to do to other women if they throw themselves at him since he never cares about other women. He's just worried that she might end up getting hurt instead since she's too skinny and frail.

"Good. That's what a good husband would do. To not let his own wife down. Am I right?"

"Yes, dear."

Vivian stood up from the garden chair. Held out her hand. "Shall we go back inside? It's getting dark."

Taking Vivian's hand in his as he stood up. "Sure."

They then head back inside hand in hand.