It was a cold day, it was the beginning of winter. Zhang locked his room and jumped on the bed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, he opened and found no one there, as he looked left and right, his eye caught a figure on the ground he picked it up, it was wrapped up in plastic wrap top to bottom, whatever it was it was in little box. He looked again but there wasn't a sign of a single soul. He locked the door and put the package on his bed. He glanced at the box for a while before carrying a pair of scissors and cutting it. It was some noodles in a packet, hot water in a flask, some spices and condiments and a little note at the bottom. He read the note aloud. It didn't have a anybody's name on it, from me to Yu Zhang, I hope you like it your secret admirer. Secret admirer, I had one of these when I was 12 he giggled, but to by suprise,he ate it and enjoyed it. He just thought it was fatimah
Please I am new to the writing business but let me know what you think of my novel below