
Twisted Love: It Started In The University

In a world full of humans, there were still other mythical creatures living among them while hiding their identity. Vampires, Witches, Werewolves the said mythical creatures were no myths. They are real. Trying to balance between vampires werewolves and humans while hiding and protecting the mythical creatures in modern times when witches have gone extinct, a university had been established for every kind. The humans never knew about it. But what happens when an orphan girl named Genevieve or Eve in short who was admitted there by luck with a full free studentship discovers about it? However, if that was not enough she turned herself to a vampire senior's amusement and also charmed a werewolf senior with her beauty and this screams nothing but trouble! Will she be the reason for creating havoc between the two seniors? Also, will she be able to find the reasons why weird things start happening to her? =============================== Note: 1. This book is just a fictional work. 2. Mature Content 3. Slow Burn Romance 4. The cover and character's picture is collected

Unbeknown_Girl · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Under the starry night

The wind whipped past them as Victor skillfully maneuvered the bike along the empty paths. She could feel the power of the machine beneath her.

As they reached the edge of the campus, Victor accelerated, the bike surging forward with a powerful grace. The wind whipped past them, and Eve found herself pressing closer to him, her face almost buried in his back.

She could feel his steady breathing, the rise and fall of his chest, and the beating of her own heart as they raced through the night.

They left the campus behind and the world around them blurred into a dark, rushing landscape. The road they were on was narrow and winding and it was lined with tall, ancient trees whose branches formed a tunnel above them. The headlamp of the bike cut through the darkness, casting long, eerie shadows on the road ahead.