
Twisted Love: It Started In The University

In a world full of humans, there were still other mythical creatures living among them while hiding their identity. Vampires, Witches, Werewolves the said mythical creatures were no myths. They are real. Trying to balance between vampires werewolves and humans while hiding and protecting the mythical creatures in modern times when witches have gone extinct, a university had been established for every kind. The humans never knew about it. But what happens when an orphan girl named Genevieve or Eve in short who was admitted there by luck with a full free studentship discovers about it? However, if that was not enough she turned herself to a vampire senior's amusement and also charmed a werewolf senior with her beauty and this screams nothing but trouble! Will she be the reason for creating havoc between the two seniors? Also, will she be able to find the reasons why weird things start happening to her? =============================== Note: 1. This book is just a fictional work. 2. Mature Content 3. Slow Burn Romance 4. The cover and character's picture is collected

Unbeknown_Girl · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

The trauma of the past

When Eve was a young girl living in the orphanage, the church had been her sanctuary. It was a place of solace, a refuge from the harshness of her everyday life.

The soft glow of candles and the gentle hum of the organ music offered her a temporary escape from the loneliness and uncertainty that marked her existence.

One rainy afternoon, Eve slipped into the church after her classmates had dismissed her. They had taunted her with cruel jabs and shoved her during lunch, taking pleasure in making her feel small and insignificant. The small chapel was quiet, save for the rhythmic patter of raindrops against the stained glass windows and the distant echo of thunder.

Eve made her way to the front of the church, where the altar stood bathed in soft, golden light. She took a seat on the worn wooden bench, her tiny hands clasped together in earnest prayer. Her heart ached with a longing for comfort, for a sign that she was not alone in the world.