
Twisted Fate

Losing all her memories and awakening in an unknown location is the norm for Cecilia Diane Crayford. This phenomena started on the day of her 16th birthday in the world she has lived for her past 15 years. She suddenly got transported into another world and has since been involved in a never-ending loop of dimension-traveling. Everytime she is in a new world, she restarts her life as a 16-year-old with the same name. She never retains any knowledge of experiences from her previous lives and the amount of time spent in each world varies. Will Cecilia be able to figure out the cause for her dimesion-travels and figure out which world her real world is? Will she ever be able to resume a normal life? Travel along with Cecilia as she tries to survive in new (and possibly magical) worlds!

Areira12 · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

The Crayford Familia

"My mother...?" I say in a raspy voice, trying to comprehend what she said.

"Yes, darling." She says, looking at me with some pain in her eyes.

Of course she would feel pain. After all, her so-called daughter just forgot who she was and maybe possibly everyone she used to know.

"I see..." I say trying to fill in the awkward pauses in our strange conversation.

"But what happened to me? Why does everyone look worried?" I ask, trying to get answers to all the questions filling my head.

"It's okay honey. Everything is fine." She says with a gentle smile.

For a second, I thought I saw a glimpse of a sad face.

She tries so hard to be strong in front of me. She worries about my well being more than I do.

At that instant, I felt a sudden stabbing feeling on my head and an image of a woman flashed instantly across my mind.

"Are you okay?" My mother asks, worried.

"I-I think so..." I manage out.

Who was that? I can't remember how she looked like. But...she had such beautiful eyes.

"Oh, do you at least know who you are, my dear?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry."

She smiles and pats my head.

"Your full name is Cecilia Diane Crayford and you are a daughter of the Crayford Familia, one of the 7 noble Familias in the kingdom." My mother says proudly.

Kingdom? Am I in a medieval era right now?

"What kingdom?" I ask, hesitantly.

"My, it's the Diatrus Kingdom."

Diatrus? I have never heard of a kingdom with that name. I shall inquire further!

After 10 minutes of inquiring...

So this Diatrus kingdom has 6 levels of hierarchy: King, Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron.

After the nobility comes the rich aristocrats, the middle class, and then finally the poor.

So then the Crayford Familia must be a marquess family or an earl family I suppose.

I guess the kingdoms here are similar to any past kingdoms in history. I'm glad it's not a completely different system.

The Diatrus kingdom is surrounded by the Syrus, Tyrus, and Pyrus sister countries who are all ruled by the siblings of the king of Diatrus. The siblings are at conflict over who controls land on the south and so battles on the frontiers are a common thing. Despite the fighting, Diatrus has remained a peaceful country so far.

Finally, the current currency system being used are called "merits." They come in forms of bills and coins.

"Well, those are the basics!" My mother says with a cheerful smile.

"I see..." I say, pondering over what to ask next.

I have been quite curious of the paintings on the walls.

"Whose paintings are those?"

My mother looks at me with a confused look. "Honey, that's you. You did the paintings yourself and I must say, they are very finely done."

What! That's me? Wow, I'm super beautiful then.

"Oh right, let me introduce you to your father and siblings." She says as some people walk in the room.

What came next was truly surprising.

There may be some mistakes in spelling >< Sorry

Areira12creators' thoughts