
How bad is he?

Max sat down and Alex put his head in his lap. It was a very peaceful scene, as Max stroked Alex's head and Alex closed his eyes.

Max stood up and gently put a cushion under Alex's head. He then covered him with a blanket before silently tiptoeing out of the room.

"He sleeps a lot these days. I guess it's a way to recover his strength." Max sighed to himself and he suddenly caught sight of a figure wearing a blue dress going towards the fields.

He caught up with Alina just as she reached the fields. Alina continued to work for some time and Max stood hidden, before she straightened up and called, "What are you doing here? Don't tell me my 'big bro' sent you here to see if I was plotting to kill you both."

Max: "....." He came out and put his hands on his hips, "Can you never talk straight?"

Alina: "You're fed up only after two conversations? How're you going to survive the rest of your life?"

Max rolled his eyes, "Anyway, how did you know I was here?"

Alina: "See that little bird over there? It told me."

Max: "...."

Alina: "I'm kidding. I could hear your breathing."

Max: "....." *internally* "This girl is super annoying on top of being able to kill me. Wow!!"

Alina laughed, "Don't make that face. I knew you were following me ever since I entered the field. Call it a sixth sense if you want."

Max sighed as he walked over, "What are you doing?" he asked Alina.

Alina resumed her work as she replied, "I'm prepping the field. Making sure it's in the best condition before the sowing begins."

"Oh." Max replied with a single word. He was a city boy so he didn't know much about farming. "Do you need any help?" He asked awkwardly, after some time.

"I'm not really accustomed to help, but you can if you want." Alina replied nonchalantly.

Max stood awkwardly before he went forward and tried to help Alina.

After a few minutes, Alina sighed as she put her hand to her forehead, "Please stop."

"Huh?" Max looked up. Alina stared at him and said, "Sit down in that stone. I don't want you to ruin my field and your fancy clothes."

Max looked down upon hearing this and chuckled seeing that he was all covered with dirt. He dusted his jacket and sat down.

Alina hummed to herself as she worked and Max looked at her, lost in thought.

"Say, Hadum right? What is Alex doing?" Alina's voice broke Max's trance and he blinked. "Alex? He fell asleep. And you can call me Max." He replied.

"No. I like Hadum better." Alina replied with a smirk.

Max: "..." How could this girl make him speechless do easily?

"So Hadum, tell me? How bad is he?" Alina continued.

"What do you mean?" Max tried to avoid the question.

Alina stood up with her hands on her hips, "Before this conversation goes any further, I want to tell you something. I might be a village girl, but remember, I came from the same womb as your boyfriend. So don't take me for a fool. I'll ask once more. How bad is he?"

"Quite bad." Max replied and hung his head.