
Twice a Failure

Guardian1 · 科幻
32 Chs

ch 27

walking past the show room where the slaves were kept we entered what was most likely the employees section I could tell by the dead guard by entrance re-examining this place it would seem that the ghost killed everyone too quickly for them to figure out what was going on or to realize that there was a ghost in the first place but what was odd was there were no bodies on strip club/brothel side when I first arrived meaning that this ghost was born in the slave section and most likely manifested here.

Foxy lead me deeper into the building to what seemed like a dungeon where they kept slaves and of course everyone here was also quite dead but because of the sheer number corpse energy was generated I wouldn't be surprised to find a zombie forming among the corpses here.

We eventually made our way to an elaborate office door that was slightly ajar I couldn't see what was inside but I could here faint whimpering and someone humming a lullaby that I wasn't familiar with but to be fair the only time I ever heard one was on TV in my first life and even that was blurry now as I wasn't very intelligent then and it was a small moment in my life.

Stepping inside a saw the same beautiful woman from the slave shop upstairs except now she was a ghost with a few wisps floating around her like stars in the sky and just beyond was a pudgy man who was miraculously still alive even though everyone else inside was dead but he was nailed to the wall and barely clinging to life.

Foxy: Mother I found a man who said that he wanted to be your husband and take us away from here

Not what I said but I wasn't going to argue the point if it helped me get what I wanted faster and with less effort I had Venusa on standby in case things didn't pan out.

Ghost Mother: Is this true? But we hardly know each other I'll admit that he is handsome but he seems a bit too young to be a good father and I don't think he has a proper job so while I am flattered I don't think it's possible

Well this is a first I never actually expect the ghost to seriously consider me as her potential husband in fact I expected her attack me on sight or say something insane not to be rational enough to consider a potential match between us with rational reasoning it makes me wonder why she killed everyone here with the exception of the guy nailed to the wall behind her.

Me: Beautiful lady I think you are too biased in your evaluation of me although I am young I do have some money saved away more than enough for me to live comfortably in the upper districts and I have already started work as a hunter which combined with knowledge and resources can help me nurture our children well beyond tier two

Foxy's eyes were wide with shock and awe as I listed my credentials while the ghost mother began to examine me but still seemed to be hesitant to accept me as her potential husband so I decided to take drastic action to remove her doubts using some minor deception.

Me: I know that it is hard for you to believe me considering that we barely know one another and you're worried about the future of our children as you don't wholly believe I can provide for them so allow me to prove that I am capable man you can trust

I then had Venusa manifest herself shocking not only the ghost mother but Foxy and the hostage as well as Venusa looked like a goddess descending to the world with her almost otherworldly beauty and presence easily able to supress everyone in the room at the same time awe inspiring needless to say they were speechless.

Ghost mother: I guess I was too hasty in judging you clearly you are a very capable man with the means to provide for your interests but are you certain that you can take care my family and your own I don't mean to be rude but