
Twice a Failure

Guardian1 · 科幻
32 Chs

ch 23

I once again began to conduct various investigations trying to locate my next demon spirit but it was difficult especially because I didn't want to get involved with the Bureau of paranormal affairs and actively looking for ghosts greatly raises the chances of running into them so I will have to avoid the high profile incidents or at least some place out of the way that isn't considered high priority but why should I do such grunt work myself I had options for out sourcing these problems.

I could have uncle George look into this matter for me but I don't want him figuring out any part of my cultivation or it's necessary parts or worse report me as a heretic against the humanity first doctrine that some sects have adopted and while some of them might use public opinion or court cases others might try more direct forms of interrogation or directly resolve the problem themselves this is exactly the reason groups like the Tamers guild had a difficult time establishing themselves if they didn't have hero backing they would have been destroyed by the extremists.

My next option was to ask Mustafa for assistance and most likely this wouldn't have been a difficult task for him but the problem was that he would be too interested and I would prefer not to reveal such details to someone that understood what demonic power was especially when he wasn't really exactly a friend.

So my only real option would be Sarah she knows part of my secret and has given me something I have never received before true friendship she honestly wants what is best for me and even now I have a hard time accepting that is she also rich and powerful in this city and has connections that could help me locate a suitable ghost as she works at the bureau of paranormal affairs so now that it was clear I called Sarah.

Me: Hey big sis I need some help

Sarah: Is there a problem? Who's head do I need to crak open this time?

Me: I don't always have to call you for that

Sarah: I know but it would be more fun if you did so what do you need little bro I'm at work right now so I can't just drop everything unless it's urgent

Me: It's not urgent in fact that is why I called you because you work at the bureau of paranormal affairs

Sarah: What did you find something again?

Me: Actually I was hoping you did

Sarah: And what exactly are you looking for?

Me: Ghosts

Sarah: Did you go absolutely insane!? Why the hell do you want to fight ghosts they are one of the most difficult to fight enemies because they lack physical bodies not to mention the crazy shit that they can do!

Me: Sarah calm down remember Venusa used to be a ghost, ghosts are my specialty in fact list me as a mercenary so I can make some money while I handle them

Sarah: If you're short on money I can help you

Me: It's not about the money I need them to become a tier one according to my cultivation technique without I can't advance (that's not entirely true I could but I would lose an opportunity)

Sarah: Fine! Just give me a minute to look and create a mercenary license for you

With Sarah's reluctant assistance she provided me with six different locations that have been identified as locations that contain ghosts she also warned me that there might be other mercenaries at those locations and they didn't like competition and might try to chase me out or kill me some would show up after to try and steal from newbies or make seem like an accident but I wasn't worried about them unless they were tier four they couldn't threaten me and if they were they wouldn't waste their time for small gains and would rather travel to danger zones looking for gates or dungeons still I decided to take some precautions just in case.

Although I could technically use any female ghost it doesn't mean that all of them are worth merging with me especially since Venusa is my foundational demon spirit but it doesn't mean that they are worthless to me which is why I decided to create ghost traps to contain them as for the male ghost I would refine them into tools or feed them to Venusa depending on their worth and what they were capable of if they couldn't be used I would destroy them which would be incredibly rare as most would fit into any of the other previously mentioned categories.