
Twice a Failure

Guardian1 · 科幻
32 Chs

ch 11

The test results were a little lack luster for my taste as the imbued jewelry did carry my particular brand of demonic power but what they did specifically remained a mystery to me at the moment other than serving as a backup reserve of demonic energy they didn't seem to do anything at the moment well that wasn't exactly true any place I wore said jewelry was easier to transform and required less energy and concentration so for now I could only use it to help me manifest my demonic form.

While I was lost in thought trying to ponder the uses for this ability I got a call from Sarah saying that she is outside my apartment she has come to check up on me as I would be starting classes soon she also warned me to not call Randall today as she clearly figured out how he "coincidentally" showed up shortly after Sarah arrived the other day he must've had a history of doing things like this for her to figure it out after only one incident when Sarah arrived she immediately went into battle mode because I forgot to dismiss Venusa.

Me:"Wait Sarah it's not what you think!"

Sarah:"Then what is it because right now it looks like a ghost is in your apartment and you're defending it!"

Me:"Well that is what is happening right now but in the way you think she is my familiar"

Sarah:"Okay, I am going to need a lot more information than that" finally beginning to relax but still on guard

Me:"First allow me to introduce her this is Venusa..."

Sarah:"Hold on did you say Venusa? As in the recently deceased black widow Venusa?"

Venusa:"I don't appreciate that term I much prefer the title given by my hangers-on the goddess of beauty Venusa" careful not to call her followers cultists

Sarah:"And of course she can talk, Hector you need to get rid of her she is too dangerous to keep around although I am surprised by your growth your still a zero tier and I doubt that you can control her when she is a tier three ghost I mean I'm only tier two even if we fought her together we would still most likely lose"

Me:"You don't have to worry haven't you noticed she isn't really a ghost anymore she no longer has any ghostly energy she is radiating the same energy as me"

Sarah finally began feeling the energy in the room with her aura and her eyes widened in surprise as she began to really look at Venusa trying to figure out how this was possible as she could feel that she was brimming with life even though she was clearly a ghost albeit with with a few other minor differences when she finally gave up trying to determine answer on her own she looked toward me.

Sarah:"How... How is this possible? If she isn't a ghost anymore what is she and what happened to your energy why is it so different?"

Me:"She is a demon using an inheritance orb that I bought from the same witchdoctor that I told you about before I learned of a unique cultivation technique that only I know that let's me create demonic energy"

During the apocalypse ruins from other dimensions popped up around the world some containing objects that advanced humanity it was always assumed that those were relics from failed human civilizations in alternate dimensions this belief stemmed from the fact that one of relics discovered in those ruins proved it the inheritance orbs they were the crystallization of knowledge of the previous civilizations to varying degrees most could only used once very few were usable afte basically a mixed bag no one ever knows what's inside until it is used some would contain the technology blueprints of the civilization others might only contain a book on poetry etc.

Sarah:"I don't know whether I should be glad that you discovered something so impressive or furious that you endangered yourself once again you do know how many people are in comas or dead using those things!" like I said mixed bag

Me:"You forget how many people also became rich using these as well the risk was worth it especially since I now have a unique cultivation technique"

I of course will do my best to avoid using an inheritance orb now that I know that that other species could have developed their own civilization and maybe some of the inheritance orbs are from them meaning that it was probably the real reason people ended up accidentally hurting or killing themselves was the fact that their minds were incompatible resulting in a backlash the more foreign the people the worse the backlash affect would be at least that was my current working theory so until I could identify what species the orbs came from I wouldn't use them.


hey author here just letting others know that I probably won't be too interactive with the readers here as I am on other sites mostly because I have about twenty chapters already written so if it seems rude please excuse me I do read the comments and if I like the idea I might include it