
CHP15 Preparation for War


Times where stressful recently. So spending some time with Aurora was a much needed recharge, which I planned on making the most of before the next storm will inevitably awaken.

Dalhia will soon be upon us and I'm not sure what to expect. I am confident that I could kill her but what I'm not sure of is if she has an counter measures in place for her death. She should not be as powerful as she was shown in the TV show, as she's not had the extra centuries to feed from the power of Freya but if I'm correct, her powers must be at the peak of the current worlds limits.

Other than myself and my siblings, the most powerful beings should be the Gods, which I know nothing about, only that they exist. The other is maybe Silas but with my current strength and that fact he hasn't been gaining anything other than mental strength all these years he should be a lot weaker than even a normal vampire. The only way he could threaten me is if I'm underestimating his telepathic powers but my own are strong and with time and blood, they will continue to grow at a healthy rate.

And then there is 'The Devil' I'm unable to remember his name, that is how unimportant I find him. Another one with psychic powers but the fact he has the moniker of 'The Devil' and he was dealt with by some average vampires and to be fair to him a fairly powerful witch makes me dismiss his threat level at the minute. Who knows though... he may prove me wrong.

The Hollow... A witch that was juiced to the gills. A super witch capable of creating the werewolf curse. My memory is fuzzy on her full capabilities but what I do know is that she isn't to be messed with for the moment. She's dangerous but shouldn't be an immediate concern so she will be put on the back burner for now.

My planning of the destruction of my future enemies was put to the stop, as Aurora entered our room. The next week was spent relaxing, as I awaited Elijah's return after he left to take the siphon girl back to her coven. I tried to remember her name but it just wouldn't come to me. If you wasn't someone I deemed either a threat or interesting, I couldn't for the life of me be bothered to remember someone who would die in the next couple of decades.

I of course visited Rebekah. She was now a lot better, no more illusions but the effects of the whole scenario, Alexander and the other hunters still plays on her mind. The only positive I can see from the whole situation is, she will be a lot less willing to trust men and much more picky when it comes to who she starts to see romantically. Other than that she's mainly okay. Unlike the Klaus who got cursed for 50 years or so, Rebekah was a lot less paranoid in general so it would naturally effect her less. Klaus on the other hand had many years of trauma thanks to Mikael, which would have after 50 years started to truly effect him.

I finally got to meet Sage in this time as well. She and Finn seemed to be in love but you can never know with the amount of leeches that try and attach themselves to our family. I'll give Finn the benefit of doubt for the time being but I'll be keeping an eye on her for any sign of disloyalty and betrayal. Finn before letting me meet his woman, pulled me aside to try and persuade me to not enter her mind, he was very adamant of this. I eventually agreed not wanting to ruin our brotherhood, after us all finally getting along.

Sigr, my curious daughter had left the country. I wanted her as far away from Dalhia as possible for the time being but try telling a teenager not do something and they will always try and do it anyway. So I used my amazing persuasion skills (bribed) to send her out of Scotland and to meet up with some high level ranking people in my world wide network. She will be learning from them, so if needed she could one day take a role in the organization or even take over my whole section.

Aurora had been telling me that she wanted to help me and my siblings with Dalhia. I had given her a serum which made her an Original that was also unkillable by White Oak but this was not her battle to fight. This was personal for me and my siblings. All though Aurora was my wife, so she was a 'Mikaelson' she better of elsewhere for the battle with Dalhia. I ended up persuading her that she was better of out of the fight, which took a lot of persuasion and a promise to take her on a long vacation, just the two of us. She will be leaving to go visit her brother in Europe.

When Elijah arrived back, I said goodbye to Aurora and Sigr as we Mikaelson siblings got ready for war.

Rebekah all healed up we decided she would be a last resort and would stay out of the fight and only get involved if she was needed. We had to wait for Dalhia and Freya to be awake before being able to kill Dalhia because of the spell that linking them together.

We had Ada on hand and even more witches to help her unbind Freya as soon as possible, so me and my brothers could go for the kill.

Many weeks passed of just waiting for the signal that they have awoken... and finally it did. Ada sent a telepathic message into all of our heads, stopping what ever thing we was currently doing and we headed straight to Dalhia as quick as possible.

We all arrived ready for a fight, to see Dalhia leaving her coffin, looking around in confusion.

"What's this?" She whispered to no one, she looked around at her surroundings confused. She flexed her power to make sure that she awake and liked the amount of power she felt. She felt STRONG she thought to herself, now she was assessing the situation with a lot more calmness thanks to the confidence she had in her abilities and power.

"Hello Auntie." I spoke in a neutral tone, shocking her to turn around and see me and my brothers. After a few moments she realized what I had called her and recognition washed across her face.

"Esther's boys... I presume." She said in a calm measured tone, straightening out her clothes with a now serious look in her eyes.

"And you would be correct." I replied back, trying to stall as much time as possible for the link to be broken.

"Why have you kidnapped me? And where is my darling Freya?" Dalhia said in a relaxed tone, which didn't sit well with Finn. My other brothers on the other hand stayed true to the plan, keep Dalhia preoccupied.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK HER NAME!" Finn said in anger but managing to keep himself from lashing out physically.

"What? Freya?" Dalhia said acting ignorant to Finn's anger. "Ohhhh.... I see what this is about."

"Well then you realize, what must be done." Elijah added speaking up for the first time.

"You want to rescue Freya." Dalhia said getting amused as she continued to speak. "I've only took what I've been owed boys.. your mother knew what she was signing up for."

"And what of my child then?" I added leading her into my direction, I could see she was getting prepared for a fight but I wanted this to go as smooth as possible. "Did I sign up for that?"

"You have a child?" She asked in confusion, puzzled. She had thought that the Mikaelson line had ended when Esther had turned them into vampires.

"Yes I do." I added, "But unluckily for you, she doesn't have the genes of a witch."

"That's truly a shame... I would have loved to teach the next generation of Mikaelson witches." Dalhia added imagining the scene of her guiding and feeding from the most powerful group of witches, the world would have ever scene.

"I'm sure we can come to an agreement." Dalhia spoke directly to Klaus.

"And your terms would be?" Klaus added humoring his daft aunt.

"I would be willing to teach and guide the future Mikaelson witches, in turn you and your siblings would let me siphon a little of their power, so that I maybe be able to continue to live forever as their teacher." Dalhia proposed, thinking that it was a reasonable pact.

During the whole conversation the Mikaelson's had been linked telepathically ,so they could communicate without Dalhia knowing.

"She's daft" Said Kol, his brothers agreeing with him.

"If she thinks we will except them terms, she must be truly nuts." Said Finn

"She's just so managed to leave out the part of where she binds them all to her, stealing their power and then eventually doing the same to us." I added.

"Is the binding nearly broke?" Elijah asked Klaus.

I quickly sent a telepathic message to Ada asking her that question. The reply was a couple more seconds.

"A couple more seconds." I told Elijah, "When i start to move you all pounce." I said to all of my brothers.

During this I kept up appearances with Dalhia trying to keep as much focus as I could on her but she realized I wasn't all there, lashing out in response. She sent a burst of magic at me, knocking me back but with no real effect.

"DONT.. ignore me!" She said, speaking to me as if I wasn't mentally older than her. "It's disrespectful."

I stood back up speaking to her, looking at her with a mocking smile. "Sorry about that, we was just planning how we was going to kill you.. that's all, don't take it personally."

With the signal activated my brothers raced across intending to grab ahold of Dalhia and rip her apart, where surprised when they where bounced back, when they touched her clothes.

Dalhia didn't have the reflexes of a vampire so she didn't react as quick as she would have liked. Nearly being killed if not for her magic. But she did eventually realize what was happening and geared herself, for the fight of her life.