
tvd:the b*tchy b*atch

what will happen if I bored gay teenager dies and meet God and reincarnate to tvd? Will he be entertained in what his new life offered??

imre_amon · 电视同人
6 Chs

ch 4:sugarplumplum

Ch 4: sugarplumplum

"MS BEAN!!" A child yelled, and all the maids and butler I'm the house started panicking. Why, you might ask? Well our lovely Emrys here is being a bitch to everyone again

Emrys pov*

"MS BEAN!, are you so incompetent that you don't know what color coding is!, like God! Just look at this!" I said as I show an organize closet, well organised for others but for me it's fucked up

"I-I'll reorganise it right away" Ms. Bean told me while shaking like a bitch "God, you are so incompetent!" I said as I started walking away and closed the door really hard

After that stressful event I decided to head out since I'll be exploring mystic falls today! And since we're exploring, I gave to look my best. I decided to put on some cute outfit!!

*while exploring*

I took one of my butler with me since it will look weird if a 10 year old kid is walking by himself, but anyways I was walking when I saw the dooplewhore herself, Elena Gilbert, I must say she really is beautiful isn't she?

'All that beauty wasted on her whorish personality' I thought to myself as I sip my shake... 'should I talk to her? Maybe, yeah since I do want some drama in my life' I decided in my head and so I approach her

I walk cutely, if that's a thing, I walk until I was behind a 11 years old Elena and I said

"Hellow~" I said with a cutesy attitude "hello" she said back to me "I'm Emrys Altair, what's your name?" I ask her and she answered

"Elena Gilbert!" She said to me and I ask the bomb "do you want to be friends?" I ask as I tilt my head to act cute since I've learned if you want something, act cute

"Sure!, I'll even introduce you to my other friends!" She told me and I'm guessing that friends are Caroline and Bonnie "Okay!" I said to her and u look at my butler "Hey butler 3 I'm going with Elena here, here's a card buy whatever you want" I said to him and Elena and I left

I don't know if Elena is retarded or not bit she just ignore the fact that I just gave a platinum card to my butler, or she doesn't know what a platinum card since she's poor!

while I was doing that monologue Elena and I Arrived at a park and here I saw a gurl with blonde hair that looks like the typical 'I'm going to be a cheerleader' trope and a black girl that's beauitful that just screams 'I'm the best friend' trope.....thungking about it now they really have a stereotypical casting.... I guess It was not stereotypical back in 2009 or in the future 2009...





"This are my friends Bonnie and Caroline!" Elena Introduced me "Hi, I'm Emrys!" I said as I do a little wave and Caroline just squeal like a car that was overspeeding and then suddenly hit the break

"YOURE SO CUTEE!! Caroline squeal and me being the narcissistic bitch I am, ofcourse I showed my cuteness more by opening my eyes wider and doing a pout and make my cheeks poofier!!

And that's the tale on how I befriended the scooby bitches

1 month later*

It's been a month now since I've lived here in mystic falls I've met Jeremy also he looks cute since he's not a drug addict yet! And today I'm going to the park to play with them again, since I have a feeling something significant for me will happen!

So I skip as I go to the park....as I arrive in the park I greeted the scooby bitches and Jeremy the clean version, then I saw another boy who looks older than Elena and her group and he looks cute too!!! Like super cute like really really really cute like hot cute!!!

"This is Tyler" Jeremy introduce me to the cutiepiesugarplumplumhumptiehumptiedumpie 'OMG THIS IS TYLER LOCKWOOD, I MEAN HE'S HOT IN THE SHOW BUT HE WAS A DOUCHEBAG BUT STILL HOT!! VICKY, I VOLUNTEER AS YOU!!' I thought in my mind but in ny face there's no trace of that fangaying just smiling cutely

"I'm Emrys Altair" I said with a smile as I put ny hands out for a handshake "I'm Tyler" he told me and just like that I decided already








'I'm gonna groom tyler'

That sounds bad, but trust me its not that bad I mean technically physical wise I'm younger so not really grooming, but hey look at the positive side no one will try to rape Vicky, right? Yeah let's go with that, let's justify our actions!

*1 year later*

Let me guve you un update on the grooming tyler task! So as of now we're as close as fuck! Like literally, oh do you want to know what I did? Let me tell you....

So I decided to tweak the head of Mr lockwood a bit and you know, verbally abuse Tyler, with a but of magic and that's easily accomplished and with that whenever Tyler is down I will find him and make "coincidence" meeting between us too we're I will comfort him and make him dependent on me MWAHAHAHAHA-ehem

So yeah that's my update on that so I would say it's going smoothly.





"I need a dick" I thought to myself as I saw in my bedroom/office and that's when I receive an email saying they need a daylight ring~~

"Looks like I'll have a dick down my throat today~" I said with a lustful look and I replied to the email

[Sure let's meet up in *adress*

Love: E.A]

I replied and with that I teleported myself to the address and I waited for the dick owner to arrive~

As I was waiting the door opened and I could sense the death around him so I know his the vampire that emailed me I looked up and guess who that vampire is~~

'Damon Salvatore' he sat down and started talking "I'm here for the daylight ring" he said to me with a cocky smirk, I smiled and I said "do you know what the favour I will ask~" I ask him with mischief in my eyes

"I've hear what favours you wanted from other vampires" Damon said still with that smirk "Oh and what is that favour?" I ask with a playful smile "you want my dick" Damon cockily Said

"Yes I do~" I said and just like that we went to an alley and I suck Damon's dick and he cums really fast, which was a bit disappointing but a deal is still a deal so I give him his vampire ring and left

"I wonder how long my lovely tyler will last when were older~" I thought dreamily