
TVD: Mor Et Vita Nova

Levi lived a sad life and had an even sadder funeral, Reborn as Henry Parker guaranteed he wouldn't be alone. Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters. Bad at Synopsis; just read the story!!!!

ParadiseHeights · 电视同人
9 Chs

Chapter 4

Henry returned to his room, where he found a moment to vent his frustrations about his family to his new companion. Afterward, Henry provided Liam with a blood bag and arranged a place for him to stay in his old motel room, which he had rented for the month. As he left, he reminded Liam through their sire bond not to kill anyone but to follow his instructions to feed discreetly.

Klaus and Rebekah entered Henry's room with Esther's Grimoire, and Rebekah, clearly unhappy, glanced at Henry. "I see you want me to help," Henry stated.

Klaus nodded and responded, "Yes, get onto it. You do the spell, and you get the grimoire."

Henry smirked and instructed, "Alright, sit on the bed, Aunty Bex." Rebekah reluctantly complied.

Henry held her head and assured her, "Don't worry, I'm not going to bash your head in this time."

He then turned to Klaus, saying, "Do me a favor, Nik, and hold her because this will be painful."

Henry siphoned the spell that had been blocking Rebekah's memories. She thrashed around and screamed in pain, but with Klaus holding her down, it was over in a minute.

Henry looked at Klaus and said, "There we go. She's unconscious now, but she should be processing her memories. Now, hand over the grimoire for your part of the deal."

Klaus carefully handed Esther's Grimoire to Henry, who took it with a satisfied grin. "Pleasure doing business with you, Niklaus," Henry remarked, tucking the grimoire under his arm.

Klaus glanced down at the still-unconscious Rebekah and then back at Henry. "You better hope she's all right when she wakes up," he warned.

Henry chuckled, clearly unfazed. "I'm sure she'll be fine. Now, excuse me, I have some reading to do." With that, he began flipping through the pages of the ancient spellbook,

laus gently lifted Rebekah's unconscious body from the bed and cradled her in his arms.

After Klaus and Rebekah left the room, Henry continued to sift through the pages of Esther's Grimoire. The ancient book was like a treasure trove of supernatural secrets, and Henry couldn't help but be intrigued by its knowledge.

Hours slipped by as he immersed himself in the grimoire's contents. He marveled at the intricate spells, rituals, and incantations described within its pages.

With a sense of urgency, Henry quickly began working, meticulously copying the contents of Esther's grimoire. He knew that the knowledge contained within could be a valuable resource, and he wanted to ensure he had a backup in case circumstances changed.

Exhausted from the day's events, Henry took a refreshing shower to wash away the tension and frustration that had built up. Once he felt clean and rejuvenated, he climbed into bed, the copy of Esther's grimoire safely stashed away, and drifted off to sleep.


With his mind made up, Henry decided to use the substantial amount of money his mother had left him to buy a new house. He went through several listings and finally settled on a property that suited his needs. He owned his new home after completing the necessary paperwork and financial transactions.

Henry took extra precautions to secure his new house, setting up various magical and physical protections to keep unwanted visitors at bay. While exploring Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah's homes, he stumbled upon their credit and debit cards. Without hesitation, he pocketed them and used them to make discreet purchases for his new residence. He also hired renovators to make the necessary changes and upgrades to personalize his new space. Henry was determined to create a safe and comfortable haven for himself, far from the Mikaelson family's influence.

With everything set up at his new house and Liam helping prepare the place, Henry decided it was time to move. He packed his belongings and left the Mikaelson family's residence behind, heading to his new home. He treated himself and Liam to a complete wardrobe makeover using the credit cards he had acquired.


Over a Month, Henry and Liam decided they needed to up their game. Sure, Henry had his magic, but he realized that sometimes you needed good old-fashioned fisticuffs. So, they hit the gym, signing up for MMA classes and picking up a few other fighting styles along the way.

But that wasn't enough for them. They craved more intense training, so they joined an underground fighting ring. It wasn't exactly sanctioned, but it sure toughened them up.

Henry was far from complacent when it came to his magical abilities. He dug into that grimoire like the latest bestselling novel, spending countless hours deciphering spells and practicing incantations. Nights became mornings as he honed his skills and expanded his magical repertoire.

Fireballs, telekinesis, and even a touch of reality manipulation became part of his magical arsenal. With each new spell he mastered, Henry's confidence grew. 


Would you rather be the Child of Elijah or Rebekah?

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