

On board the Malevolence Obi-Wan and Anakin ran off telling Meadow to make a distinction. Meadow ran threw the halls till she came apon a wave of droids. "Halt you are unauthorized to be here." One of them said "Ok time to make some noise." She said igniting her lightsabers. "Uhoh Ahhhhh!" Cutting threw the droids was fun. To be honest in my opinion not enough. Then I came face to face with Grievous. "Hello ugly man the history books do not lie about you my dude." I said makinghim tilt his head"A Jedi how exciting. I get to add two more lightsabers to my collection. Though you are younger than I expected." He said drawing his lightsabers. He went to lungs at me "No leave her to me. You go to the Hyperspace generator." The cyborg growled but followed the orders of my brother. Fast strikes were exchanged between the two force users. Anakin gets their and sees what Meadow ment by evenly matched. She was holding her own till JD force grabbed her throwing her into the wall. Before JD could strike Anakin jumped in Force pushing him back. Padme helped Meadow up on her feet. "Come on we got to go before the place blows." Anakin said leading us to the twilight. Once all were on board we disconnect flying back to the resolute.

Anakin pov

After saying goodbye to Padme I decided to go check on Meadow. She was in the hanger working on some ships. Rex was talking to her. "Rex mind giving us a minute? I need to talk to Meadow." He looked at me skeptically for a moment but nods. "See you is the mess princess." He said gently before leaving. "Princess?..." I asked "only he can call me that." He said quickly. "Hey about today you have good form with a lightsaber. That kid I assume is JD your brother. You two were evenly matched but he pulled a dirty trick. I'm happy your ok though. Padme was worried due to your slight dizziness." She got out drom under the ship and stood. "About all I said you and your siblings. I'm sorry I know it wasn't" she held up her hand stopping me. "Anakin I never once blamed you. It's fine you didn't know me or them. We talked about our mission you jumped to defend someone you did know. If it makes you feel better forgiven and forgotten. Now I am hungry so I will see you latter then." She said running off to get cleaned up. Yeah thats definitely a good mix of Rex and Iris in that girl.