
Trying to be a superstar

Waking up in an alternate universe, Ji Hoon takes advantage of his memories and knowledge from his past life, step by step, he left a mark forever in the entertainment industry. "Let's do better in this life." P.S. Story will involve movies, songs and variety shows.

dexxterzxc · 现实
72 Chs

Chapter 4 Pixie Entertainment


Zenith debuted and released their first album 'Beginning' and they broke the records for the most selling album by a rookie group. They won all the 'Rookie of the Year' awards and got named the 'Nation's Siblings'.

They didn't win any major awards but Ji Hoon encouraged Soo Yeon by saying: "We can still win those major awards in the future, but you only get one Rookie of the Year award in your life."


They didn't release any album this year, instead, they composed some music for movies and animes oversea. They focused on their studies most of the year.


Pixie Studio got expanded into Pixie Entertainment which is located at Soul. They started recruiting trainee from all around the world. Ji Hoon and Soo Yeon spent some time teaching and giving advices to the trainees in the company, as a result they are well respected and loved by them.


Ji Hoon finished his middle school education. During the holidays, he received an invitation for him and his family to attend a movie premiere at Carli. Ji Hoon and Soo Yeon composed the theme song for the movie.

After discussing, the Kim's family decide to spend a week at Carli after the movie premiere.


After arriving at the hotel at Carli, they decided to try the western food at a nearby restaurant. As they exit the hotel entrance, a masked girl rushed towards Ji Hoon and fell to the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Ji Hoon asked worriedly and try to help her up.

"I'm fine, I'm the one who should be sorry because I was in a hurry. Ouch..." The girl tried to walk but seems to be in great pain.

"Looks like you hurt your knee, it's bleeding, we should get it treated immediately."

"But I'm gonna be late..." The girl said so teary eyed.

"Late for what? Since I'm the one who caused this, let me handle it afterwards. Dad, you guys can go ahead to the restaurant, I'll stay here with her."

"Got it, we will bring back some local food for you. Take care of that girl! See you later."


"Let's take you to the medical staffs here."

"No! Just bring me back to my hotel room please."

"Let me carry you then."

The girl nodded shyly. She stayed in the same floor as Ji Hoon's. He put her down on bed lightly and went to find the medical box.

"We should clean the wound to prevent any infection, it's gonna hurt so bear with it a little."

The girl grabbed a pillow tightly but managed to go through with it. Ji Hoon then put a bandage on the wound.

"I think it's fine now, remember to protect the wound from water, then it's gonna heal nicely soon."

"Thank you so much and sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"You are welcome, anyway, I should probably go now, here's my number, contact me if you need me, I'm Ji Hoon, I'm staying just a few rooms away."

"I will, thank you!"


Emmy's POV

"Ji Hoon? Why does the name sound familiar?"


"I should probably get ready for the premiere later."

30 minutes later, dad and the others came back and they set off to the movie theater together.

P.S. Emmy is the first female protagonist.