

Floating down slowly, hands in pockets, all I can do is look at Black Adam in nothing but pity. I understand what death feels like; I can only pity his situation.

Watching as his blood pools out in gallons, floating in the expanse of space, as his once bright spark of never-ending lightning dims, I realize how fragile life is. No matter how powerful one is.

Staring into his eyes, I see them slowly lose their ethereal glow of white, reverting back to his normal black eyes, as he mutters something, but there is no sound in space, so all I can decipher with my trash lip reading is "son". Shaking my head, as his body collapses on Saturn's moon, I turn, as my hair moves under the gravity of Saturn, it's like getting my hair blown by wind.

Staring at Saturn, my life no longer in danger, I feel my eyes widen as I realize how truly beautiful the gas giant is. It's like life, full of energy.

Flying closer to the glass giant, I float criss-cross apple sauce. My eyes closed as I silently cope with my situation. I've been taking things too lightly as of late due to my power. But Adam showed me that no matter how strong, you can still die.

Killed by a monster straight from a creepy pasta, I was thrown into a universe completely unknown to me. All I can decipher is that it's dangerous. There are beings out there that can probably kill me on a whim.

Just because I'm not invincible doesn't mean I'm not strong. The original Trunks lost to the androids multiple times before he got stronger.

I realized that I had no goal. I was just a guy who could blow things up. I have no motivation, no aspirations. Nothing to push me forward. Nothing to keep me sane.

At that moment, a feeling of helplessness overtook me. I shook my head in an attempt to focus.

'I need something to strive for. I need something that will keep me moving.' I have no drive, hell. Even when I was an ordinary guy, I still had a drive, something that kept me tethered to reality. Everyone has that underlying goal, whether they admit it or not.

It can be as simple as 'I want to live' or 'I want to live a comfortable life'. While simple, it's still a goal. What am I without an ambition? I'm less than what I was in my past life. Not in strength or power, but in mind.

I foolishly thought I was untouchable, and if it weren't for Black Adam being an arrogant idiot, I would've Died today. That realization struck fear into my very soul as I remembered the Darkness that overtook my vision. The cold, so cold. There is no life flashing before your eyes with death. It's just cold.

Suddenly space felt colder. I wouldn't wish that darkness on even my worst of enemies. But some are so evil that they deserve that darkness. I skimmed through the Internet and found villains that Batman deals with.

While some aren't really evil, most are worse than anything. The Joker being the pillar of all evil, and then now that I think more about it. Joker doesn't seem to fear death, I've seen brief YouTube videos of him trying to break Batman, by making him kill him. Ruining his own no-kill rule.

I have no qualms with ending someone's life as it can be necessary in most scenarios. Like with Adam, I couldn't have spared him from the darkness since he was attempting to send me back first.

This may be naive but anyone a direct threat to my life with no valid reason should not deserve to live before they can snuff my light out. I will snuff their light out first.

But I don't like that mentality. I will spare those I deem redeemable. But those monsters that directly work against the peace the universe desires deserve nothing but the cold embrace of death.

'That's it!' Opening my eyes, I came to a realization about my goal. I will make sure this universe is at peace. I will make sure to help anyone who deserves it.

Any threat to completely destroy peace will be squashed by me. But that mindset is also naive, as without chaos, the world, hell, the universe, is unbalanced. There can't be harmony without chaos and vice versa.

I will become a necessary evil. If the world needs a savior, then so be it. That will be me, and if the world needs someone to hate, that will also be me.

Flying back towards Earth, I have finally steeled my resolve. I will be the necessary evil and the necessary hero if need be.

As I resolved myself, something weird happened. I noticed, despite my ribs being bruised and my face being riddled in bruises, I was moving even faster than I was capable of before.

The white aura surrounding me seemed to respond to my resolve as a brief flicker of gold danced upon my eyes before disappearing.

At that moment, I remembered Goku's speech to Gohan: "Power comes in response from a need, not a desire."

Smiling, I took the first step towards achieving Super Saiyan, blasting off into the expanse of space.

(Kinda short chapter for my standards but it's whatever. Trunks needed a goal. Because without goals characters are just blank slates of atoms going along with the wind. Everyone has an ambition even 'lazy' people. There ambition usually underlies with being let be. This chapter may get some of you mad but you need to understand. People can change their goals, trunks won't have this mentality forever but for now it's something he can use to move forward.)

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