

"You are asking about the guy whose body is full of tattoos?"

Yi Yun glanced at Wen Yu who was half a year younger than him. She looked a little weak, and since Yi Yun had little contact with her, he had the impression that she was just a very quiet girl.

Wen Yu nodded as she stared on with her watery, dark eyes. She looked at Yi Yun with hope, "Yes, Senior Yi, his name is Viper. You must have looked up his information before the battle, right?"

The opponent was just too terrifying, so she could now only hope that Yi Yun was stronger, even by just a bit. She was really hoping that Yi Yun had carefully researched their opponents, and that he only took on Viper's challenge because he had confidence in winning against him.

After all, Yi Yun was rumored to be the strongest person amongst the second year cultivators, at least a year ago. With such a halo around him, he should be reliable, right…?