
A Love Unbound

Susan and Mario were in love, ever sense the 6th grade Susan had a crush on Mario and in 9th grade she confessed and then they started dating and eventually got married. They ended up having two kids that were twins. The only thing is that they couldnt agree what to name them. "I want to name them Ellaine and Demetri" said Susan. "Sakura and Naruto sounds better". They ended up choosing one kid each to name. There names were Ellaine and Naruto. Suasan was badly I'll after the birth so she stayed for about a week then when they got home, sat down and hugged the babies close to them a paper was sticking out of Marios pocket. Susan saw but didnt really care until it fell out when he got up. She picked it up and unfolded it. The shock in her eyes was dreadful. It was the paper with the babies names and the doctors signature with a bunch of mumbo jumbo. The doctors signature was Marios and the names were Dororo and Elizabeth. She demanded an explanation. He just said" both of the names we picked didnt seem to be right so i changed them. She went to the room for about 30 minutes and came down with a gun. "my love for my children is unbounded, and you being there father and always doing what you want is terrible, so get out" she said this very calm. "As you wish but just know that one day I will be back to see them, sometime when they are old enough to make proper judgement on if they hate me or not, i wanted them to have names that resembe us, your moms name is Elizabeth and my middle name is Dororo. We both love those name and I thought i had better judgement given that you just pushed them out so goodbye for now. Give me one day amd i will get all my stuff." "Sounds great"

6 Years later

Dororo and Susan were on the couch looking at pictures when Dororo asked "What happend to dad, qll the other kids have one how come i don't ""Well you see he died in a car crash. He got off work one day at 2 am and on the way he didnt expect a car to be coming this late so he drove past a red light and died along with anathor." " i see" Dororo said thinking he should be sad but couldnt considering ge never k ew him and never will.