This is my first time writing! It is purely to stave my boredom and give me an outlet for my overactive mind! Warning: Everyone in this novel is of legal age! This will contain sexual content(Not that I can guarantee its quality) A young man dies in the prime of his life with no notable achievements to his name. Now he sits in an endless void faced with an entity without any features. Some may say he's extremely lucky while others may say he drew the short straw.
Ark and Jessie were currently walking through the dingy caves of Mt. Moon. Despite the entrance being lit up, as they progressed further, he was met with areas that needed to be taken care of. Many of the tunnel light lining the walls had extinguished, thus Ark was reduced to using his phones flashlight so that they did not go down the wrong path or get seriously injured.
"Uuugh how much farther?"
An exhausted female voice sounded out from next to Ark.
"It hasn't even been 5 minutes since you last asked, we have about 45 minutes more if we keep on moving"
Ark smiled to the lady whose shoulders were drooping sadly next to her.
"I am never going to complain about air travel again!"
Jessie complained as she dragged her feet.
"Would you like to rest?"
Ark offered Jessie.
"In the dark? No way!"
He shook his head at Jessies response. She was truly hard to please.
"In that case, don't mind me"
Ark stopped in front of Jessie, bent down and lifted her on his back. All of this happened so fast that Jessie had not even processed what had happened. Once she was securely on his back, Ark carried on walking down the barely lit path. His phone was now peaking out of his pocket providing the bare minimum amount of light.
"Wait! Wait! What are you doing?"
Jessie yelled in confusion. Her mind had finally caught up with the situation, causing her face to quickly turn red.
"You seemed tired and stopping in the cave is not a good idea regardless, so this was an idea I came up with"
Ark spoke with a peaceful tone. In truth, he was desperately fighting the urge to bask in the feeling of Jessies luscious body pressed up against him.
"Shouldn't you ask first?"
Jessie questioned, her voice now calmed down slightly as she let Ark carry her. It seemed her fatigue had won over her embarrassment.
"I could have, but then we would be stood around for an extra five minutes discussing it. Therefore, I decided for us"
Jessie was taken aback by his blunt words. When she was with James and Meowth, Jessie called the shots. As a result, it was the first time someone other than her boss had been so dominate around her.
Despite her rebellious words, she did not feel as reluctant to let Ark carry her as she originally thought she would. Instead, it felt nice being looked after every once in a while.
"Ok... but only until the end of the cave"
Ark nodded his head gently.
"That's fine, we can have lunch and rest as soon as we are out of this annoying cave"
Unlike what he knew of Mt Moon in the anime, it was not as magical as it seemed. Instead, it seemed to be just like any other mountain pass would, especially since it was not as maintained as it should have been.
Perhaps the Clefairy and the moonstone were located further up, however from what he had seen, it was more of a Rock Types paradise than a wonderland for lunar pokemon.
'I guess I should go and have a look at the peak of Mt Moon when I am alone, I can't even imagine the headache I would get if I took Jessie at the moment'
Ark ended up carrying the tired Jessie on his back until the exit. Jessies body had fully relaxed by the end of the ride, giving Ark a taste of heaven for a short 45 minutes.
"We are at the exit, shall we have lunch?"
Jessie nodded her head but made no effort to dismount from Ark.
An exasperated expression sat upon his face as he continued carrying Jessie to a small shaded area just off the side of the path. Gently setting her down, Ark started making efforts for lunch. As he looked at Jessie, he noticed she was breathing softly, with her head limp against Arks backpack.
"I may as well spoil her until Cerulean. Maybe then she will chill out with this whole stalking a childs Pokemon ordeal"
After 30 minutes of cooking, Ark woke up Jessie, allowing the two to eat their lunch before setting back off towards Cerulean city once more.
Jessie and Ark had travelled for roughly a week now. He was shocked at the sheer distance between Pewter City and Cerulean City. Although his progress was slowed by a certain pampered lady, it had still shocked him when he realised how much distance they still had to cover.
"Ark, why are you still training? It has been 5 hours now"
Jessie sat idly on a blanket as she watched Ark and his Pokemon training. As she had previously said, Ark everyday they had been travelling, had spent at least 5 hours in the morning training.
"Since we are taking a while to get to Cerulean, is it not better to make the most of it and train?"
Jessie looked at Ark curiously before questioning.
"Why train so much? Isn't there funner things to do?"
Ark looked up at the sky before once more looking at Jessie.
"I have had Sylph since childhood. Yet I didn't train her. It was dumb of me, but I wanted my childhood to be fun since I knew my journey will be filled with challenges so at least then I would have my childhood to keep me going. My dreams have been the same since I was a young kid, that's why I am training so much now"
Jessie thought for a moment, however she still looked lost.
"Let me ask you, Jessie do you have a dream?"
This time Jessie went deathly silent, with her eyes going vacant as she seemed to reminisce on the past.
Before long, clarity returned to her expression following a bitter looking smile.
"My dream? I dream to be a world renowned movie star with lots of fame and wealth!"
Despite her energetic delivery, Ark still noticed a tinge of hopelessness seep into her response. Although she was lively usually, there is always a time when someone is vulnerable. It seemed that her vulnerability was her lack of success in life, that may be the real reason as to why she has not left Team Rocket.
"I like that dream. It's a dream that you need to work hard for, but I definitely think you could achieve it"
Ark spoke his honest thoughts, hoping his sincerity would get across. Luckily it did, as Jessie stared at Ark in astonishment. Her mouth was wide open, hanging far more open than it should be.
After a moment of silence, Jessie yelled.
"Wait! Say that again!"
Ark flinched slightly at the strange behaviour of his travelling companion.
"I think that you could definitely achieve your dream"
He managed to repeat himself before Jessie grabbed hold of his hands tightly and stared at him with joy.
"Finally! Someone understands my beauty and style!"
Ark just chuckled and let her continue her monologue.
From then on, Jessie seemed to be much more energetic, constantly speaking to Ark even if it was about something pointless. Despite the constant barrage of questions, Ark felt only joy when Jessie spoke to him, after all, it showed their growing bond had finally started to penetrate her walls.
Ark was currently off the side of the path, looking for a good camping spot. He pushed past the thin layers of leaves and branches.
The reason he had decided to head in that direction was due to him hearing running water. Although he had supplies in his Pocket Storage, as he was travelling with Jessie, it mean't that he had to limit the amount he used from his own supplies so that he does not arouse any suspicion.
As he finally arrived at a clearing, an amazing sight mesmerised him for a moment. Ark crouched gently and observed the situation with wonder.
Meters in front of him, was a plethora of Pokemon lined up next to the rushing stream. These Pokemon walked in an orderly fashion towards an Ivysaur who then lifted them over the stream using 'Vine Whip'.
"This is amazing"
Ark muttered under his breath.