
Chapter 52: Misty Date P.2

Finishing their lunch, Ark and Misty left the restaurant with satisfied expressions on their faces. After Misty had eaten her first portion, she had immediately ordered another with great gusto. Meanwhile, Ark had watched with a small smile.

"I take it you enjoyed it?"

Ark looked at Misty as she gently rubbed her stomach.

"Yeah, it was amazing! Boss is such a good cook!"

Chuckling at Mistys words, Ark smirked at Misty.

"Boss huh? I wonder who was it that found the idea of me calling him Boss weird? Hmmm..."

Misty listened to his words with confusion. Suddenly, a look of understanding dawned on her face as she turned her head away in an attempt to escape Arks teasing smirk. The delicious food had caused her to completely forget about her previous comments and the clear lack of trust in Arks ability to find good food. Furthermore, she had even underestimated Boss! Misty wanted to go back and slap her former naive self.

"I admit it! I was wrong! I swear I will never doubt Boss' cooking prowess ever again!"

Laughing at the random commitment Misty had just made, Ark grabbed a hold of her hand lightly and gestured that they start walking.

"Ok, let's stop now or a new cult may be born. Shall we get going?"

Misty looked down at where their hands were connected and nodded. Many emotions could be seen on her face, a show of conflict was present in her eyes. Noticing this, Ark remained silent and decided to allow her to think it through. Right now, she needed to think it through herself rather than looking for others. After all, much like Ash, if Misty continued to look to others to decide for her, she may never develop beyond what she was in the anime. While Ark did not mind Misty in the anime, he wanted to see her true growth as this was no longer just a show, it was his reality.

Leading Misty down the main street, he brought her to a cinema. Ark had decided that he wanted to keep his date with Misty more traditional and generic if you will. After all, she is a girl who likes to dream of love, thus this simplistic display of affection will help her raise her expectations. Had he gone all out from the start, it means that later down the line he would need to keep up with her increasing expectations. This would be killer for someone who aimed for a huge harem.

After much debate, the two decided to see a action, romance movie that had a Gallade and Gardevoir as the leading stars. Ark found it pretty amusing that the first cinema date he had, starred not one but two of Sylphs evolution line.

"This movie seems way too convenient for us right now"

Misty spoke as they queued up for refreshments.

"I know right, it seems pretty perfect"

With much idle conversation, the two finally got their refreshments and watched the movie.

After 2 hours of the movie, Ark and Misty came out of the movie theatre with pleased smiles on their faces.

"So how was it?"

Ark questioned Misty. through the film, the two had gotten slightly more intimate now, this showed by the way Misty now had her arm linked with Arks with more of her weight resting on him.

"Hmmm it was pretty good. I enjoyed the romance but I think the action was a bit too forced"

Ark nodded to her comment, he felt the same.

"I agree, next time it might be worth us going for a pure romance one"

Misty smiled impishly at Arks comment.

"Next time? You mean there is a next time?"

"Of course, well that is if Miss Misty graces me with another opportunity"

Ark returned a mischievous smile as he pulled Misty in closer.

"We will have to see, the day is still young~"

Arks heart thumped hard at her comment as he imagined what he hoped would come. He had a lot of expectations for later on.

"Where to now?"

Misty questioned the smiling Ark, although she hated to admit it, she was also looking forward to what was next. Her expectations were creeping upwards with each segment of the date passing.

"Shopping. I want to take you out shopping, hopefully we can get something memorable so that you won't forget today"

Misty tightened her grip on his arm as they started to walk towards the shopping mall.

"Is there anything you've been wanting recently?"

Ark proposed in a inquisitive voice. He already had a plan of what sort of stuff he wanted to buy Misty, but it's always a good idea to see if there is something your date desperately wants.

"Ummm not really? Well other than a bike, but Ash needs to replace that"

Misty responded with a slightly venomous tone as she spoke about her bereaved bike.

"Yeah I wouldn't pay for it anyways, as much as I try to look out for him, I am not cleaning up after him unless he's in dire trouble. If that's the case, I will be doing the choosing then"

Wryly smiling at Misty, Ark pulled her in a direction that was populated by a lot of women.

There was men dotted around, however the sheer amount of women in this one section would inspire true fear for any lone man to traverse.

"Wait? Why are we here?"

Misty looked to the shop in the direction the two were heading. A large sign above the door read 'Luxury Brassiere'. As they got closer to the store, Mistys actions became keeper as her face started to boil like a kettle.

The entire time, Ark remained silent as he led her in that direction. His mind was thinking about which design would suit Misty best and what he would love to see her in.

As the two arrived outside the store, Misty closed her eyes as she felt Ark gently dragging her along.

"Okay we're here"

They finally stopped as Ark proclaimed. Looking down at Misty, confusion tainted Arks expression as he saw her tightly squeezed eyes.

"Is everything ok Misty? Are you hurt?"

Guilt started to fester in Ark as he thought he had maybe pulled too hard whilst he was delving in his thoughts.

"No it's just too embarrassing"

Mistys quiet voice made her seem like a mouse as she made even more effort to be smaller.

"It's not that embarrassing. I mean everyone has to come here"

Mistys body straightened up slightly as she retorted with still closed eyes.

"Of course everyone does! But definitely not on a first date!"

Her face was cherry red as the creases on her face increased. The futile attempts to not be there made her stand out more.

"I see nothing wrong with this, but look around. You're starting to draw a lot of attention"

The hairs on Mistys back stood up as she heard Arks words. Resolving herself so that they can quickly get out of this shop, Misty slowly opened her eyes.



That was all that came out of her mouth as she surveyed the area. Ark retorted unintentionally to her.

As she looked around, her face became more shocked.

"Hold on! Where are we?"

Ark looked at Misty as though she was a weirdo. Not only had they walked in the shop together, she had just made a huge deal about not wanting to be in this particular shop, yet now she was asking where she was. Worry filled his expression as he started to suspect some form of amnesia or worse mental issue.

"We're in the 'Kabeauto' boutique. Apparently the clothes are really fashionable here"

Ark spoke with a calm voice as he saw Misty continue to look around in confusion.

"We were going here and not there? Why didn't you say so!"

Mistys fiery nature flared up as she confronted Ark as though he had wronged her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about but yes. This is where I want to take you and get you a gift"

His calming voice paid off as Misty started to slump down, her body exhausted from overheating and her embarrassment finally clearing up.

After a few minutes of respite, Ark and Misty started to browse the shop together with great curiosity.