
Chapter 51: Misty Date P.1

The next morning, Ark woke up early as per usual. He was heading towards the training area again for some light training. Last night, he and Misty had decided to meet up at the lobby just after lunch. As a result, he and his team could get a good few hours of training in without him being too worn out for his day out with Misty.

Although it was early, he had asked Nurse Joy about Ash and apparently he had come back to the Center late last night. While he was not worried, Ark was truly curious about Ashs actions and the way he will develop now that there was a new unknown added to the events, that being himself.

Morning continued on like normal, Sylph was able to control her attacks with more precision ncreasing and decreasing the damage she was causing. However, she often lost control when making minor tweaks thus there was still more room for improvement. Shellder and Ark were nowhere near as damaged as before, they confidently sat through Sylphs barrage and did not need as many breaks as before.

Checking the time, Ark called an end to their training with a bright smile.

"Good Job Guys! It's time to head back for today, we should head abck so you two can eat and rest."

Sylph and Shellder nodded as they walked towards Ark. Recalling his two partners in crime, he put the balls away and leisurely went back.

By the time he returned, it had just turned lunch time. It seemed that in pewter City, most shops and business' have the same time set out as lunch, other than restaurants. It was a pleasant city that had a very welcoming atmosphere.

Arriving at his current accommodation, Ark walked in without reserve. Handing his Pokeballs to Nurse Joy, he went up to his room to get ready. He planned to take Misty out for something to eat so he avoided eating anything more than a quick snack to provide him an energy boost.

Throwing on a a collared t-shirt and a pair of black jeans, Ark left the room feeling refreshed. He had taken a shower to wipe away all of the training from this morning, making him look as good as new.

Descending the stairs, Ark takes note of the sheer lack of people in the lobby. Luckily, Misty was not already waiting, after all, he would not hear the end of it, had he made her wait. He went to the edge of the lobby and sat down on an empty bench.

Minutes later, Ark heard footsteps coming from the stairs he had come down from. They were hurried almost borderline frantic. A pleased grin spread across his face as Ark watched Misty sprint down the stairs in a hurry.

"Sorry I am late!"

Arriving with a generic line, Misty hunched over to catch her breath. A light blush was pasted on her cheeks as she struggled to regain normal breathing.

"It's fine, you're on time. I was just too eager"

Ark flashed a smile at the dishevelled Misty.

"Shall we go? Or would you like to rest for a bit?"

Ark reached out his hand, giving Misty a choice of what to do next. While he planned to lead today, he wanted to make sure she was ready.

"Let's go. I am all better now"

With the go-ahead, Ark took hold of Mistys hand and led her out of the Center towards Main street.

On the way, the two chatted about their trips through Viridian. Ark was open about all of his experiences with the Scyther and they eventually got around to his new addition Shellder.

"It was a good choice to grab a water Pokemon before you challenged Brock, if only that little kid would have listened"

A wry smile floated upon Arks lips as he knew exactly who she was referring to. Seeing Mistys mood sour after thinking about Ashs idiocy, Ark gripped her hand tighter and gently pulled her body closer to him. Startled by the sudden change in posture, Misty yelped as her body fell onto Arks shoulder and rested there without restraint.

"I know it's annoying, but for today, it's just me and you. Let all of your other troubles stay at the Pokemon Center"

Misty fell silent for a while as she rested her head on Arks shoulder. The two were currently walking into the main street. A plethora of shops, restaurants and service shops were lined up next to each other, every single one had it's own charm that seemed to liven up the neighbourhood.

"So what are we doing today?"

Misty looked up at Ark as she asked her question. As she had just arrived, she was clueless as to what would be good for today, thus she was hoping Ark had at least done a small amount of preparation.

"Over there, that small shop there. It's the best place for lunch. I guarantee it"

Ark pointed to a small shop that was average height but did not have any of the eye catching decorations like the other shops.

"There? Really? Well... I will trust you for today"

Though hesitant, Misty chose to follow Arks lead.

The two entered the store, only to be greeted by a gritty voice.

"Welcome! Huh? Oh Ark!"

A middle aged man with a bushy beard and firm muscles shouted out from behind the counter. There was only a few other customers at the time, but they showed no reaction to the loud greeting.

"Afternoon Boss"

Ark greeted the man familiarly before pulling an astonished Misty over to a private table in the corner.

"Sorry for his loud nature, but trust me, his food is honestly the best"

Hearing Ark address her, Misty snapped out of her daze.

"He is very loud, are you sure he's a good cook?"

Misty did not even try to hide her doubt. She had started to wonder if Ark had even put any thought into todays plans.

"Just wait until you eat, heres a menu"

Passing over the menu, Ark dismissed Mistys doubts with a light tone.

She scanned the menu with judgemental eyes, the dishes were far from extravagant however, they were good enough.

"What are you choosing?"

Misty put down the menu and asked Ark who had been watching her with an amused smile.

"Me? I am having my usual, Pasta"

Misty closed her eyes for a second before she spoke.

"Then two pastas it is."

Arks amused smile grew wider as he saw anxiousness cloud Mistys expression.

"Hey Boss! We will take two pastas please"

Ark called out to the middle aged man behind the counter. The man nodded with a hearty laugh as he looked at Ark and Misty.

"Do you work here or something?"

Tilting his head in pure puzzlement, Ark stared at Misty as though she had said something stupid.

"No? I am a trainer remember?"

Misty followed up with an explanation.

"You keep calling that old man Boss, doesn't that mean he is your boss as in work boss?"

Ark chuckled as he realised what Misty was thinking.

" No no no, I jist call him that out of respect for his cooking. He's a nice person and he makes brilliant meals, it would be rude not to"

The doubt in Mistys expression deepened as she heard the praises Ark spoke.

After a few minutes of conversation, a thick scent of Pasta flooded the area the two were sat in. Pure excitement brewed in Arks gaze while Misty sat quietly watching the middle aged man approach them with two steaming plates of Pasta.

Misty looked at the plate in front of her. The scent alone threatening to make her salivate.

Across from her, Ark had already started eating. Though it may seem rude, he felt that leaving a perfectly good dish to turn cold was even ruder.

"Here goes nothing"

Misty mumbled as she lifted a fork full of Pasta into her mouth. The moment her mouth clamped down, her body shook with a shock.

Ark smiled knowingly at Mistys strange behaviour.

"What do you think?"

Misty placed down her fork and stared at Ark was deadly seriousness.

"I... May need to order seconds"

Pretty light chapter guys. you could say that it may not serve much, but I want to flesh out the characters before I let them have any major impact on the story.

Xrkerrcreators' thoughts