This is my first time writing! It is purely to stave my boredom and give me an outlet for my overactive mind! Warning: Everyone in this novel is of legal age! This will contain sexual content(Not that I can guarantee its quality) A young man dies in the prime of his life with no notable achievements to his name. Now he sits in an endless void faced with an entity without any features. Some may say he's extremely lucky while others may say he drew the short straw.
We followed Professor Oak and signed ourselves in. We were given a wristband that had the number 1 on it.
"These are wristbands that will tell us who is staying where, keep these on everytime you leave the room. Lets head to your room then"
Ark and Ash put on their wristbands and picked up their luggage to continue following Professor Oak. On their way they passed by many similar small log houses with different numbers. Other than that, it seemed very deserted with nothing but trees and the occasional bench.
"Professor, how come it's so quiet?"
Ark voiced his curiousity.
"They will all arrive tomorrow, the staff live near the central sector since quite a few of them spend the majority of the year here. They're setting up everything for tomorrow so you probably won't see them all until tomorrows induction ceremony"
Ark understood now that despite it only being used once a year by children, it still needed constant maintenance through the year so it only made sense for it to have some permanent residents. After a few minutes of walking, they approached a large building that had a very clean feel to it. It was obvious that this building in particular was kept wholly clean.
"This is the Dining Hall, it's the largest building, so we do our daily assemblies here at breakfast time. Of course the induction tomorrow will be here."
Ark and Ash nodded while trying to commit the information to memory, so they don't get lost tomorrow, how embarrassing that would be.
They continued on for only a minute more until they found a small log cabin with the number 1 on it. Walking up to the door, Ark turned the doorknob and gently pushed it open. Inside was a small space with a bunk bed in the corner and two small wardrobes. The layout was very simple but had all the necessities of a bedroom at camp. Though it wasn't anywhere near as comfortable as his bedroom, Ark did not have any complaints as he expected to spend very few hours of his free time in here.
"Right I'll leave you boys to get settled. We will be having dinner at 5pm, make sure you come"
Ark grabbed his suitcase and started unpacking, Ash followed and started unpacking into the wardrobe next to Ark. Silence dominated the room, but they both knew an important decision had to be settled. Neither of them intended to back down on this issue, tensions grew by the minute as they both finished unpacking. Ark's wardrobe was neat and orderly, sorted into outfit selections. On the other hand, Ash had half of his clothes bundled up since he gave up halfway through.
They both spoke at the exact same time, tensions increased further as they sat eagerly waiting for the other to speak. Fed up with the stalemate, Ark decided to be blunt.
"I get it, settled"
Ash was suprised by the blunt attitude of Ark but managed to retort.
"No way! I want it, I saw it first!"
They both glared at each other as though they'd committed a grave sin against each others families. Minutes passed but neither of them backed down. It was after all a very important decision. Ark came to the realization that at this rate neither of them would sleep and while he was confident he could stay awake the latest, he knew he would grow hungry.
"Fine. We can settle this like men"
Ash nodded and asked Ark to continue.
"Grab your weapon"
Arks words were short and sharp, like a knife pressing against Ash's throat. Ash gulped but moved to grab his weapon. Ash's palms were sweating, his knees weak, but he carried on despite his fear. They both hardened their hearts as they knew the result of this fight could change the future of everything.
"On the count of three, we fight"
Ash nodded and waited for ark to countdown"
Immediately a projectile flew across the room, Ash covered his face and tried to twist out of the way alas his body was nowhere near as fit as Ark. Ash's reaction speed could not keep up with the projectile flying at him, bracing himself to receive it was all he could do. Just as Ash lifted his arms to cover his face, a heavy impact pummeled him onto the floor. A feeling of weightlessness assailed Ash. In the next second his mind went dark.
"Ah shit..."
Ark only now realised what he had done, while he had held back, it seems he forgot Ash was nothing but a normal 8 year old boy. Ark rushed to Ash's side and checked his pulse, his pulse was beating normally as was his breathing. Following this, he gently checked his neck and head for external injuries before placing the pillow on Ash's chest, behind his head.
"Honestly, I should refrain from participating in pillow fights especially with people my age and younger"
With this, Ark ascended to his throne that he had won before laying down and using his Sage mind to read through some books he had memorised but not processed fully. It seemed that while he can memorise and save anything he sees into his memory, he still needs to read it through or process it to actually fully comprehend it.
After 10 minutes, Ark heard a small stir in the silent room. He leaned over the metal railings of his bunk and saw Ash slowly lifting himself up. After a few seconds, Ash finally spoke.
"I lost huh"
Ark saw that it was the first time Ash had faced such an overwhelming defeat, so he decided to offer him a few words.
"That you did, I'm stronger right now that's all. Maybe next time the results will be different"
While the words he offered cannot be called kind, they hinted that Ash could win next time. This lit the fire to Ash's naturally competitive heart.
"I will win next time Ark, just you wait!"
Ark shook his head a smiled. Checking the time, he realised that they might as well start making their way to the lunch hall after tidying the room.