
Chapter 862: In the end, it has to be paid back!

All of these confidants held one or more shares of the Dunn Group.

So, even if they were not bosses, they were in the same boat as Harris Dunn.

Now that the company was in trouble, they would, of course, do their best to help.

Together, they worked overtime in the office until late at night, coming up with nearly twenty names.

Because it was getting late, they agreed to have Harris Dunn issue a reassuring statement in his capacity as President of the Dunn Group early the next morning using his verified account, and then they would call each person on the list one by one, asking the partner clients to help forward Harris Dunn's reassuring statement.

Harris was not sure whether this method would restore the confidence of shareholders in the Dunn Group, but for the time being, he could not think of a better way to go about it.

He returned home late, took a bath, poured himself a drink at the small bar, finished it, and went to the backyard to find Jayden Dunn.