
looking for Nathalia.

When you are looking for stars, you can't find them right away, you have to get away before you can see them.

-Haiku of hayadine

I closed the door and entered the room; I opened my laptop and Facebook. I searched for Ate Nathalia on her facebook but I couldn't find her name, she had a different face and I thought it was her but she was just a fan. Why would people do a fan FB account for a doctor anyway!

I tried to search him on Instagram but when I followed him and I messaged her but she didn't answer, I look like an ordinary person in his account actually, I also spent a few hours checking how to find his account and message him but I just seem to waste to be wasting my time.

I went to INQ news and saw Ate Nathalia that her plane would arrive tomorrow at 8:00. I had an eleven o'clock class but I chose to just make a fake excuse because of my disorder.