
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · 奇幻
60 Chs


"You want me to be little Shaya's godfather?"

Alan was both amused and speechless.

A godfather, akin to an adoptive father in the East, even held supervisory rights. If something tragic were to befall little Shaya's parents, theoretically, he would have the responsibility of raising the child.

In a more sinister light, should the Count pass away in the future and Colin also perishes, Alan could leverage his guardianship to directly act as the Count of the Green Forest!

From a legal perspective, it would be more justified than Sean.

"I don't really mind, but Colin probably won't agree... Moreover, this is just a rumor, possibly spread intentionally by some lady to create discord..."

Alan shrugged: "We don't need this, so there's no need to push for anything, understood?"

As he spoke, he pressed his temples.

Moments ago, his spiritual sense surged, as if perceiving a vague scenario, but ultimately seeing nothing.

This led Alan to a hypothesis: 'Is this... the power of divination... has the darkness enhanced my intuition?'

'Could it be... the 'Sun' or [Black Sun] from the dream world also holds the symbol of divination?'

'The path of the Black Sun is darkness, related to corruption... wait, does this mean I've intuitively sensed a conspiracy? A future conspiracy?'

His expression became serious.

Albert bowed even lower.

He felt a terrifying heat surging from the front, as if the person before him was not a lord, but a dark furnace!

Black flames rose, resembling a black sun rising, about to swallow him whole.


Albert awoke from the nightmare-like state, his forehead drenched in cold sweat.

'The lord's aura... surpasses the Count... no… surpasses... human!'


Sothos Fort.

"Godfather? Why him?"

Ginny rolled her eyes upon hearing Colin's roar.

As expected, she saw Colin being awkwardly expelled from Theodore's study.

"Once father decides on something, it's irrevocable… just like our grandmother, unwavering!"

Ginny whispered, looking at her brother Sean beside her.

Sean's expression was equally displeased: "With this, if anything happens to Colin, Alan will undoubtedly ascend..."

In the Green Forest's tradition, only the eldest's inheritance barely counts as legitimate.

If the eldest dies, his brothers have equal inheritance rights; no one has precedence over another.

Thus, if Colin dies, the title could be inherited by Alan or Sean, both equally valid.

Of course, since Colin has a son, his son's succession rights would be above that of his uncles.

Then, through Alan's guardianship rights as a godfather, his priority would surpass Sean's, at least until Shaya reaches adulthood.

If the heir were a daughter, it would be even more tragic; the godfather might even arrange the marriage.

He could very well plunder the territory before the heir comes of age.

"Colin is the eldest; Alan is the son he is satisfied with... What am I? Nothing!"

Sean said sarcastically.

"At least... you see things clearly."

Ginny added, pouting: "I want some caramel pudding, but the one from the castle kitchen is never quite right..."


Colin left the castle, mounted his horse, and rode to a villa in the town.

He maintained a mistress there.

For the people of the Green Forest, this was no big deal. Colin occasionally enjoyed the company of town courtesans as well.

It seemed to be a way to compensate for his wife's infidelity, something he was keen on.

Outside the villa, Colin dismounted, and thoughts of his mistress's shy face stirred him.

"Elayne, I'm here!"

He walked through the door, grabbed a pretty girl, eagerly about to kiss her.

"Wait, there's a guest!"

Elayne blushed, quickly refusing.

"A guest? Who? A merchant looking for passage and tax breaks?"

Colin frowned, entering the living room.

Then, he saw someone who surprised him immensely.

"Lord Colin, we meet again."

Ferris Grato, an envoy from the Kingdom of Kagash who Colin had once met at a wedding, stood up and bowed respectfully.

"It's you?"

Colin stared at Ferris, momentarily dazed.

Ferris Grato, who once donned a silk robe with impeccably combed hair, eyes filled with pride—a picture of an upper-class noble.

But now, he wore a gray coat, his hair a mess like a bird's nest, a flattering smile on his face, indistinguishable from a common merchant.

Instantly, Colin realized he might have underestimated this legendary court jester.

"You sneak into the Green Forest... what do you intend?"

Colin entered the living room, asking sternly.

"I am here to assist Lord Colin. I heard you encountered some... um... minor troubles?" Ferris Grato said, "The Kingdom of Kagash is willing to support you in becoming the undisputed Count of the Green Forest... It is beneficial for both of us."

"Are you the chief spy of the goat people?"

Colin wasn't stupid; he immediately sensed conspiracy, scoffing: "You want me to betray the Green Forest, betray my father? I am already the heir and need no help!"

His hand was already gripping the sword hilt, ready to decapitate the man before him.

"No, no, no, from the news I've heard, Lord Colin, your position as heir is already shaky... Moreover, according to the Green Forest's savage traditions, the legendary Green Forest King favored his second son and thus killed his eldest to pave the way for him..."

Ferlic smiled and said: "Do you... want to become Alan's stepping stone?"

Looking at the suddenly halted Colin, he sneered inwardly: 'As expected, a fool. Even your brother knows not to associate with me and to keep away... But, fools are good. Fools are beneficial for the kingdom!'

Inexplicably, Ferlic thought of that unflappable young man: 'If a king like Alan rises to power, he would definitely set his sights beyond the Green Forest, and then the kingdom would be in danger...'


Colin's expression changed several times, but he oddly fell silent, his hand releasing the hilt of his sword.

"That's right, dear sir, we are not asking you to betray your father. Our target is only your brother..."

Ferlic continued to incite him, thinking, 'Whether the plot succeeds or not, I will expose it... Forcing the Green Forest into internal strife, ideally splitting again, would be most beneficial for the kingdom. Those remnants of the Davis Family are too foolish, having been mostly captured; they are no longer worth investing in...'