
Trials of the Multiverse

Picture this: you kick the bucket, and God appears in front of you like, [Hold up, you can live once again, reincarnated in whatever Anime world you want] Sounds cool, right? But nope, it's a total scam! To score a second shot at life, you gotta survive 100 trials. And guess what? It's not all rainbows and unicorns. You gotta take down anime characters in each trial. Like, seriously? Couldn't catch a break, could we? And here's the kicker - no second life, no overpowered Mary Sue status, no harem unless you clear these crazy trials. Oh, and did I mention? You gotta face off with the likes of Saitama. Good luck with that! Join Akira, the Protagonist of this story, on this wild ride where life 2.0 ain't so easy to get. Intrigued? Dive into the chaos and see if Akira can level up his way to a second shot at greatness! --- Check my Patreon for chapters in advance and to support me! patreon.com/TrialsoftheMultiverse Discord: https://discord.gg/mEy8NUDFne Some Author's Notes: - English is not my main language, but I am confident in delivering something of decent quality, so don't worry. - The Main World after the Trials will be chosen later. As of now, All I want is to write some interesting fight scene. First Trial: Spy x Family Second Trial: Eminence in Shadow The picture for this novel is the MC, Akira.

Slayer_King_One · 漫画同人
160 Chs

Entrance Exam

--- ??? --- 

"Welcome to the National Magic University's entrance exam. I am Professor Railey." The man standing before them was an imposing figure, his white hair a stark contrast to his sharp green eyes. He leaned on an elegant, dark wooden cane, which only seemed to amplify his commanding presence.

"Some of you in this hall will become students of mine, the others will probably never see me again." His voice was strong, carrying a weight that generated mixed reactions from the candidates.

Some shifted nervously, while others tried to mask their anxiety. But if there was one thing they all had in common, it was that they were scared.

Well, I can't blame them.

"The test will be divided into a written and a practical part. Before you start underestimating the written part, do not worry." Professor Railey paused, his gaze sweeping across the room. 

With a swift and sudden movement, he slammed the base of his cane onto the ground, the sharp sound echoing through the hall.

The room fell silent, as the few still shaking in fear were so shocked they stopped.

"Your knowledge and understanding of theory are equally important as your ability to put that theory into practice. Students will still fail if they can't pass the written exam, no matter how good the practical goes."

Professor Railey stopped again, letting his words sink in all the arrogant ones present. His green eyes seemed to pierce through each of them, a silent challenge issued and received.

After making sure the pricks were put back in place, he continued, "Remember. We only accept the best of the best. If you are not up to par, I'm sorry, but this place is not for you..."

I remembered how I felt during my entrance exam, scared and unsure if I would pass, exactly like the majority present here.

But even so, it's alright. The teachers' strict behavior was necessary; it kept me from becoming complacent.

Although that, unfortunately, doesn't work on everyone...

As I was reminiscing, I couldn't help but notice a beauty with black hair and blue eyes. She stood out in the crowd of average faces like a sore thumb.

But the key detail that made me focus on her, wasn't her appearance.

Her expression wasn't full of expectation, anxiety, joy. Neither of those emotions were present on her face.

More than ever, it felt like she didn't want to be here at all.

...It's not my business. I should focus on my kid.

'Yeah, she has to take the exam as well. I can't waste time with someone I don't even know...'

...That's what I thought.

But then, why was I approaching her?

"Damn it"

I cursed myself under my breath.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. Can I ask if you're here for someone, or are you perhaps here for the entrance exam?"

She turned her head and looked at me, her gaze a little void.

"Why do you ask?"

'Right? I should tell that to myself! Who am I to think this girl needs help? Oh god, I'm an idiot...'

"Nothing much, I'm sorry if I disturbed you..."

Good, I made myself look like a rude ass that goes around looking into other people's stuff...


Just as I turned around, ready to dig a hole for me to jump into, she stopped me.

"I need to take the test too, it's just..." Her eyes lingered on a man not too far from her.

I followed her gaze.

The man was equally striking, with the same dark hair and similar facial features. The only difference was his deep, enchanting red eyes.

They had that kind of dangerous charm a woman would find incredibly hard to resist.

He'd have a great career another 'profession', if you know what I mean.

Lost in thought, I didn't even realize we were staring at him for too long.

When he noticed, he turned his head, and our gazes locked.

'Oh my god, what was I thinking...?'

I hurriedly looked away. "S-So your b-boyfriend is also taking this test? Are you worried about him?"

Flustered, I spouted the questions quickly.

She shook her head, smiling a little. "He's my brother, but I figured no one would have any hope for him, so instead, I wanted to be the one to hold that for him, but..."

But he's not that talented, huh.

I can understand that.

"You are doing a great job," I said, feeling a bit bad. "It may be presumptuous of someone who doesn't even know you to talk, but I can tell you'll be able to carry the burden for both of you because your love for him is that...big."

Enough to mistake you for his lover, rather than his sister, at that!

But maybe I shouldn't say it.

Honestly, I didn't need the full story to understand what was happening.

It was too common.

Magic Families expecting their children to be tools for success without realizing they were just kids learning to walk on their own.

After comforting her a little, the other parents and I were escorted outside, while the lingering entrance exam takers that had yet to enter were hurried in.

It was time.

The entrance exam was about to begin.

'...I'll pray for you and your brother as well'

It may not be much, but I can at least do this.

--- ??? ---

The professor's voice echoed through the hall, capturing everyone's attention. "For the first part of the practical test, you will punch this mannequin with all your strength. Your score will be measured and displayed on that monitor over there. The use of Magic is permitted!"

This was the first course of the practical test. The results, combined with the second course, would determine the overall score for the practical exam.

Whispers spread through the crowd,

"Wait, this wasn't how the test was supposed to go."

"Wasn't the first practical test supposed to test our spell activation speed? This has nothing to do with it..."

I didn't care.

Let them whisper all they wanted.

If they can't even handle such a tiny variable, then how could they take into accounts all the variables needed to execute a magic spell correctly?

In short, they lack the class a real Magician needed.

I simply nodded to the professor, signaling my understanding, as I stepped in to be the first to be tested.

'Since I can use any magic I want...don't hold it against me for going all out!'

Without hesitation, I went forth the activation process to use my Magic: Acceleration.

The Magic Calculation Area in my subconscious mind, often called the Magic Processor, was where it all began.

I envisioned the target, the strength I needed, and the desired outcome. These thoughts formed the Activation Sequence, which my Magic Processor transformed into a Magic Sequence.

This required intense calculations, but it wasn't difficult, not for me.

As I focused, the Eidos—the magical information events—began swirling around me, ready to be rewritten. The sequence was almost complete.

With the final touches, I whispered the spell's name out of habit, "Magic Acceleration."

Even though no such a thing was required.

In an instant, I felt the surge of power.

My body became a blur, moving faster than the eye could see. Like a splinter, I shot towards the mannequin.

My fist soon connected with an explosive force, driving into the mannequin and pushing it back a few meters. The impact created a shockwave that reverberated through the hall.



For a moment, silence filled the room. No one moved or spoke, stunned by what they'd just witnessed. Then the instructor's voice rang out, breaking the silence. "Exam Taker 022, 187 points!"

Gasps echoed around me, and I could see the somber expressions on the other students' faces. Right, that's how it should be.

Understand the gap between you all and me.

"He must be a genius from some famous magic family."

"Yeah, there's no other explanation..."

The whispers grew louder, turning into words spoken out loud.


This went on for a few seconds, and I could see the instructors preparing to quell the mess. They had many others to test, and wasting time was not on their agenda.

I guess that's enough. I've accomplished what I had to do.

My name will soon be known throughout the National Magic University.

Just as order was about to be restored, though, a voice cut through the commotion.

"...Was it that amazing?"


Simple words, not mocking or condescending, but in a situation where everyone was praising me, someone had the nerve to criticize me.

Soon enough, all eyes focused on the owner behind that voice, including mine.

A red-eyed, dark-haired man with an exceptionally beautiful face.

A vein popped up on my forehead as I couldn't help but mutter, "Are you kidding me?"

Him, was the one who had the nerve to criticize me?

That trash?

I knew the person speaking, but that did not explain anything—it only raised more questions.

Instead of voicing them, I retorted, "If you think it wasn't that amazing, then why don't you give us a demonstration of something amazing?"

The man simply smirked, nodding as he approached the mannequin, coming practically eye to eye with me before turning his gaze to the instructors, disregarding my existence.

If the intructors weren't watching, I'd beat this kid to death.

But in front of them, I cannot show any kind of violent behavior.

Calm yourself...

You can't kill him, not here...

"Am I allowed to destroy this thing?" he asked, pointing at the mannequin, still ignoring my existence.

'...Has this kid gone crazy?'

Destroy the mannequin when even I couldn't?

Keep dreaming, buddy, you can't even use proper magic!

The instructors laughed.

One replied, "That's impossible. The mannequin is made of extremely durable materials. Unless you can use extremely strong Born-Specialized Magic focused on offense, it can't be done. Even then, it might be difficult."

Unrelenting, he insisted on knowing if he was allowed to try.

The instructor sighed, muttering about the arrogance of kids these days, but finally said, "Yes, you're allowed to do anything you want here. We'll cover it."

I sneered, "You're deluding yourself if you think you can even scratch that mannequin. I can't fathom where this misplaced confidence of yours is stemming from. You still have a chance to grovel and apologize for your insolence. Otherwise, I might just have to involve your dear sister in this matter." I let my gaze wander over to her, allowing my tongue to trace my lips ever so slightly.

Oh, everyone knows who she is. A prodigy in magic and a flower of unparalleled beauty. She's the prize I've been aching to pluck.

She has a soft spot for her brother, doesn't she?

I couldn't have asked for a better situation, hehehe.


Author's Note:

Exam Taker 022, it's been nice seeing you, FR. Your days have expired, it seems.

I'm back! Did you miss me? 

For those still here, it's a pleasure.

Anyway, I'm still waiting for everyone to vote on the best girl poll on discord, just so you know!

Oh, and also, to make the people totally unaware of how the Irregular at a Magic High School works, I have tried to incorporate some degree of explanation in this chapter, but I'll slowly focus over everything in the chapters to come, so that we can understand what is useful to Akira, how he'll use it, and why.