*Will Follow The GTA5 Storyline* Your whole life you thought both of your parents passed away when you just a baby. You live with your Grandma and everything was great. Until one day you decide to get a DNA test kit and it reveals who your real parents are. Now you got to find your parents and hopefully reconnect so you can have a whole family again.
Standing on the balcony, enjoying the fresh ocean breeze, it's morning and you can't wait for another day to enjoy Los Santos. Today is supposed to be the day you get to spend some time with your dad, Trevor. That is, if he remembers and wants to spend time with you. On the phone, he sounded genuine about getting to know you. Well, it's been a couple of days, so let's just see what he has planned for you.
Melanie then slides open the balcony door, heading onto the balcony with you. She seems to be upset about something.
Y/n: Hey, what's wrong?
Melanie: (Sighs)... I think we have to leave now.
Y/n: The hotel?
Melanie: No, I mean... we'll have to go back to your home state pretty early.
Y/n: What?! Why?
Melanie: My mom's in the hospital right now after having a heart attack. I really need to be there for her in case she's... I'm sorry, but we have to go.
Y/n: I can't just leave. What if I stay here?
Melanie: Y/n-
Y/n: Please Melanie, I can take care of myself. I know how to defend myself. I've been on city buses before and taxis. Plus, you know I'm not one of those teenagers that likes to go out in the middle of the night to party and drink. I cook and clean after myself, please Melanie. I need to stay here.
Melanie: Well...
Y/n: Please...
Melanie: ...If you see Trevor, it must be in a very public place. No staying out after eight. I'm cool if you want to visit Jimmy and his sister since I know they wouldn't harm anyone. I hope his sister is the same way, but Jimmy is a good kid.
Y/n: Thank you Melanie! Thank you!
You give her a big hug as more than thanks for letting you stay here in Los Santos.
Melanie: This stays between us, okay? I know your grandmother would freak out and come get you if she found out I left you alone.
Y/n: (Smile) You got it.
Melanie: I should be back in less than a month. I'll be calling and texting you okay? To make sure you're still okay.
Y/n: That's okay with me.
Melanie: Okay, I'll get packing. Oh wait, I need to give you this.
She goes to her personal travel backpack and opens the small pocket in the front. She takes out a good stash of hundred-dollar bills before walking back to you with the money.
Y/n: Woah, you really saved a lot of money since retirement.
Melanie: That and I have my own business back home.
Y/n: You have your own business? How come you never told us?
Melanie: Let's just say the government doesn't know about it and it's better if they didn't.
Y/n: Uhh... you're not... drug dealing, are you?
Melanie: What? No, no. I mean, back in my home state, weed is not illegal. It's just difficult to get a medical card to get weed for some reason. They've been really strict lately when it comes to giving those out. And for those who couldn't get them, they go to people like me to get them. You know weed isn't bad. Besides, I've been selling weed to people who really need them, like if they have anxiety or insomnia. It helps them relax and be able to focus on tasks.
Y/n: No worries, I know weed itself isn't bad.
Melanie: Good, here. (Tries to hand you the money)
Y/n: W-What are you doing?
Melanie: Take the money. You'll need it while I'm away.
Y/n: But I-I don't feel comfortable-
Melanie: It's okay, just take it. This is for you.
Y/n: O-Okay.
You take the money and she gets back to packing her things.
Melanie: I'll go to the owner's office and have him let you stay here longer than our official stay.
Y/n: I wonder how that much is going to cost.
Melanie: For free.
Y/n: For free? There's no way.
Melanie: Unless you have a picture of him messing around with one of the female employees while still married.
Y/n: Eww, are you serious?
Melanie: Yup. They weren't being cautious enough while at the front desk. Let's just say that. He obviously wouldn't want his wife to find out, so he'll have no choice but to let you stay here for free or he's going to be filing for divorce.
Y/n: Damn... but that's what he gets though. Do you plan on telling his wife after the summer's over?
Melanie: Oh yeah.
After packing her things and talking to the owner in his office, you walk with Melanie outside the hotel. Even though she'll be back, you're still going to miss her.
Melanie: Remember, answer my texts and calls. Curfew's at eight. Don't talk to strangers and be careful okay?
Y/n: Okay, I'll see you soon Melanie.
Melanie: (Smile) I'll see you too Y/n. Stay safe.
Y/n: I will.
You two exchange one more hug before she gets into her vehicle and drives off onto the street until you couldn't see her anymore. You couldn't help but get teary-eyed when you couldn't see her anymore.
Y/n: Come on, pull yourself together. You'll be just fine.
It already feels lonely without her. You lightly wipe your eyes with your hands before thinking that maybe you can hang out with Jimmy and his sister for today. It'll definitely make you feel better. So you take your phone out of your pocket and dial Jimmy.
*Y/n: Hey Jimmy.*
*Jimmy: Y/n! What's up couz! How you been? Y-You need anything?*
*Y/n: actually, I was wondering if I can come over to your place and chill for a bit.*
*Jimmy: Yeah! You can totally come over! I'll get the snacks ready and games out so we can play.*
*Y/n: Oh wait, don't you need to ask your parents first about me coming over?*
*Jimmy: Aw, I wouldn't worry about that. My parents don't care about that. Besides they've both been out of the house more recently, so we're cool.*
*Y/n: Alright, I'll see ya Jim.*
Good thing you brought your purse out here with you, and it contains the cash Melanie gave you. Now all you need to do is call a taxi to get there.
Two Hours Later...
Jimmy: Go to the left side of the building! We got a sniper on the roof!
Y/n: I'm already taking cover here. I think I can take the sniper down from here.
You zoom in on the sniper from your rifle scope and before you know it, you take one shot and got him with a headshot.
Y/n: I got him! Headshot baby!
Jimmy: Fuck yeah! I gotta say, you're really good at this game. N-Not that I'm saying that girls can't play as good as guys I-
Y/n: You're good Jimmy.
You hear the front door open but pay no mind since it's probably Michael or Amanda. Or maybe Jimmy's sister Tracey. You haven't seen her yet, assuming that she's very busy.
But instead of just one of them you hear a couple of familiar male voices as they just enter the living room downstairs.
Michael: Jimmy!
Jimmy pauses the game to answer his dad, but he looks annoyed when he answers back.
Jimmy: What?!
Michael: Is Y/n up there with you?
Jimmy: (Looks at you) Uhh...
Y/n: It's okay Jimmy, let's just go see what he wants.
He nods his head and you both head down the stairs. When you're halfway down the stairs, you see Michael and Trevor standing next to him. Trevor actually looks clean compared to the last time you saw him. He looks like he recently took a shower and you don't smell anything bad in the room. He's wearing a clean white v-neck t-shirt with a light blue jean jacket over it. Light blue loose men's jeans and tan colored working boots. He combed his hair. Well... the remaining of his hair.
Jimmy: Oh hey uncle T.
Y/n: H-Hi Mr. De Santa, and Trevor.
Trevor: Y/n... I came to pick you up.
Y/n: Uhm... W-Where are we going?
Trevor: It's a surprise. Come on, I got your presents in the truck.
You're speechless. This is coming way too fast, and Melanie isn't here to be with you. Just when things we're starting to become awkward, Jimmy places his hand on your shoulder.
Jimmy: S-Sure thing uncle T, we just got to find her phone. It should be in my room. Come on Y/n, if it's not in there maybe it's in the bathroom.
Y/n: Oh yeah, it'll be a minute or two.
You follow Jimmy back to his room, and he quietly closes the door. He knows you still feel uncomfortable being around Trevor, but he wants to convince you otherwise.
Jimmy: I know you're still uncomfortable around him, but trust me. You have nothing to worry about.
Y/n: Y-Yeah but...
Jimmy: (Smiles) Trust me. This will be a great opportunity to spend time with your dad. You came all this way to find him. Now's your chance to see if he's father-material.
Y/n: (Sighs) Your right. I promised myself that I would find out if he's a good dad or not.
Jimmy: And you're going to find out that he is. Go on, he's waiting for you.
Y/n: (Sighs) Alright, I'll give him a shot.
You grab your phone and purse before you two head downstairs and into the living room where Trevor and Michael were talking. You did come all the way here to see him, right? All you could do is hope that he's a good father figure or you just made the trip and stayed behind for nothing.
Y/n: Okay, I got my stuff. I'm ready to go.
Trevor: Alright, let's get going.
Trevor gets up and you look at Jimmy one more time. He just smiles, signaling you to go on. Michael, on the other hand, just has the look that tells you that he's already warned you. But you can't let him discourage you. As you already feel uncomfortable enough. But at least Jimmy's been supporting you and made you feel a little better.
You follow behind Trevor outside and into his red truck. There are only two seats, which are the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. So that means you got to be next to him instead behind him. But at least it's a truck where if things go south you can easily escape by jumping off the truck, as much as a crazy idea that is. When you reach the side of the passenger seat, you see that the seats look brand new than what you saw the first time. No tears, stains, or holes, it's all brand new leather seats.
You get in the passenger seat and as soon as he gets in the driver's seat he turns his head to you, seeing that you didn't put on a seatbelt.
Trevor: Seatbelt.
Y/n: O-Oh uh, right.
Putting on your seatbelt, he backs up the truck before sliding open the black gates and taking off with you. Things get awkward real quick, as you can't even think of a thing to say to him. You don't know where he's taking you and you don't know the "presents" he has for you. And honestly, Trevor is feeling the same way. What could he say to you? What are good fathers supposed to say? But then he gets an idea.
Trevor: You ate anything?
Y/n: J-Just some cereal and orange juice.
Trevor: Are ya... still hungry?
You could still eat, and being in a very public place with him does make you feel more comfortable. Besides, you didn't really eat much of that cereal anyway.
Y/n: Y-Yeah, I could eat.
Trevor: Okay, uh... what do you like to eat?
Y/n: Uh... I could go to a breakfast place. I-It's still morning.
Trevor: Alright, I know a spot.
It gets awkward again. Man, this is painful... You can't think of anything to... wait... maybe this would be a good time to know more about what happened in North Yankton with your mom. Like, is it true that she was an addict and stuff and how they met.
Y/n: S-So how did you meet Alice? My mom.
Trevor: Alice was... a good friend of mine. I saw her when she was selling her jewelry at a pawnshop and we started talking. Turns out she was interested in what I was interested in, and she started hanging out with me and a few other guys.
Y/n: Was one of them Brad?
Trevor: Uh yeah, how do you know about Brad?
Y/n: My grandmother was telling me that when my mom became pregnant with me, she told her that she slept with Brad and she was worried that I was Brad's daughter.
The grip he had on the steering wheel became tighter, and the tone of his voice got dark. He definitely wasn't expecting that.
Trevor: That, I didn't know. Brad...
Y/n: He's your best friend?
Trevor: Was, is the correct word.
Y/n: Oh uh... I didn't-
Trevor: No, I mean... he's no longer here. He was sort of like a brother to me back when we used to pull jobs together. Micheal was there too.
Y/n: Mr. De Santa?
Trevor: (Scoffs) Of course that's what he had you call him. Here's your first lesson. Never trust anything that lying piece of fat turd tells you alright? He's lied to me, the only best friend he's ever had, and betrayed the rest of the guys that were with us. For your sake, I won't go into details, but that "man" is only to get you into shit that you don't want.
Why do you believe that? Well, he did warn you about seeing Trevor and basically gave you an attitude. That and even Jimmy was telling you how much of an angry alcoholic he is. Oh, and there's the first time you saw him and he loudly argued with his wife, cheated on her with a stripper, and cursed his son and yoga instructor. All while you were still in the house. You remember that argument well. Fake last names, a murderer, lying...
Y/n: Michael isn't a good man, I knew that.
Trevor: Good, that means you got the right instincts. Now me, I'm not a lying bastard. I tell it like it is and never give up the most important code of life. Loyalty.
Y/n: That's true.
He then stops his truck in front of a breakfast taco shop and you both get off the truck before heading on in. He insists that he pays for your food because you're his daughter. You let him, knowing that he's trying to make a good impression. You still remember the first time you saw him, as he seemed angry and stressed. But now he seems calmer and willing to spend time with you and getting to know you.
Believe it or not, he's trying his best not to show an outburst that Brad slept with your mom, and how she didn't tell him that she did. He's also mad that Alice completely ignored him so he wouldn't know about the pregnancy. But he knows he'll have time later today to let his anger out on a Lost Biker or something.
After getting your food, you sit outside at a table instead of inside. Besides seeing the city, you can also see traffic in front of you. You ordered an omelet-style taco with extra of your favorite toppings and a fruit smoothie. Trevor ordered some nachos and a water bottle.
Sitting across from each other, you begin to eat while admiring the view of the city in front of you. It's still kind of awkward but at least sitting here in public makes you feel better.
Y/n: So... are you an agent for the government or something? I remember you said you had to do something for an FIB agent.
Trevor: No, they're just using me and a couple of other guys to do their dirty work. Me, I'm the founder and leader of Trevor Phillips Enterprises. Maybe you heard about it when you were in Sandy Shores.
Y/n: N-No, I haven't.
Trevor: Well, it's a huge company.
Y/n: What do you sell?
Trevor: A couple of one of the greatest inventions America has to offer third-world countries.
Trevor: Oh yeah, one of your presents is in the back of the truck. I was thinking we can go on a hunting trip this weekend. You like hunting?
Y/n: I never hunted before, but I guess I could try it.
Trevor: You're going to love it. You're even talking to someone who's very experienced in guns.
Y/n: Really? How often do you hunt?
Trevor: Well uh... Very often. I kill many animals (*He whispers to himself* and assholes).
You couldn't hear that last part since he was eating his nachos. But it's no wonder he's a good hunter, it's because of where he lived.
Y/n I've only gone fishing with my Grandma a few times. But I've never even held a gun before.
Trevor: It's easy. I know a spot outside of the city while I was on my way over here.
Y/n: Okay.
What else is there to talk about? Damn it! The whole time on the way to Los Santos you thought about the possible conversations you could have with him, and right now your mind is just completely blank. So you just continue to eat your food while looking at the passing cars and people walking by.
Trevor: So where are you staying at?
Y/n: At a hotel by the beach.
Trevor: Vespucci Beach right?
Y/n: Yeah.
Trevor: I'm staying with a friend who's gonna help me with my business, and there's an empty apartment room across from ours. Instead of sleeping in a dirty hotel room, you can sleep in a clean apartment room that no one's staying in. I'll even pay for it.
Y/n: O-Oh uh, you don't have to. I'm not paying for the hotel room anyway.
Trevor: Alright, well... it's always there in case you ever want to come to stay there.
Y/n: I'll keep that in mind.
After breakfast, you ask him if he can take you to a nearby aquarium. It's a very public place, penalty of exits in case things go bad. And it has been a while since you've been to an aquarium, so this should be a fun time. He takes you to the aquarium and though it's not as big as the ones you've been in, but they have a lot of cute little fishes and a petting area.
Walking side by side, you two walk towards the turtle tanks and near the petting area and you see the variety of small turtles in each tank.
Y/n: Aww, they're so cute!
Trevor: Turtles?
Y/n: Yeah, they're so small and slow and cute. I hope they got turtle plushies in the gift shop before we leave.
Trevor: Yeah.
You then walk towards the petting area where you can touch the starfish and some small fishes. While you're petting the starfish, Trevor hears a couple of guys snickering nearby. Looking at them, he sees two teenage boys around your age, touching the starfishes in an inappropriate manner. One of them even grabs two starfish and places them on his chest while pretending to be a stripper for some reason.
The boys laugh at each other's actions and continue to play around with the fish. It disgusts Trevor, but he knows that as long as they don't mess with you, then maybe while you're not looking, he can shove one of the fishes down their pants if they want to get some real action.
Y/n: Oh, I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back.
You head into the bathroom while Trevor waits in front of the gift shop. In the display window, he sees the aquarium's merchandise like T-shirts, posters, jewelry, and a couple of plushies. One of them is the turtle plushie you were talking about getting. An adorable light green plush turtle with a smiley face.
Trevor: Well, might as well.
He heads in and gets you that turtle plushie you wanted, as well as a couple of other things for himself that he found interesting. Like a blue baseball cap and a 1000-piece puzzle, he'll have Wade and Floyd do for him when he gets back. Walking out of the gift shop, and turns his head toward the bathrooms and sees something he's totally unprepared to see.
He sees one of the teenage boys he saw earlier talking to you. And from the looks of it, you seem to be uncomfortable and trying to end the conversation quickly, but the boy keeps standing your way. He rushes over to you and places his hand on the boy's shoulder before forcing him to face him.
Trevor: Hey! She's not interested in you little man.
Teenage Boy: Who the fuck are you old man?
Trevor then grabs the teenage boy by the neck and throws him against the wall while saying he's your father and the boy's fucking nightmare. As scary as this is, you're actually really glad that your dad came in to help you. But he doesn't stop there. He grabs the boy again by the collar.
Trevor: I saw you like molesting little fish, huh? Well, you should have said you wanted to have some fun with them. How about I help you with that?
He then drags the boy by the throat and you follow behind him. Everyone else is watching one of the employees feed the biggest fishes they had from the biggest tank they had. Standing twenty feet above them, the employee throws some fish feed to them and that's when Trevor walks toward the employee.
Employee: H-Hey! You can't be up here!
Trevor ignores the employee and throws the boy into the tank and the employee calls for someone to come get the boy out. Meanwhile, In an attempt to get you out of here, Trevor walks back down the stairs and places his hand on your back. You two quickly get in the truck and he drives off just everyone figured out what happened back there.
Trevor: Did he touch you anywhere?
Y/n: N-No, and thank you. He was getting really creepy and weird. He kept trying to talk me into getting my number, but after the third rejection, he just got pushy.
Trevor: Well, he won't be making that mistake again with you. And I got you that turtle plushie you wanted. It's in the bag.
You open the plastic bag and see the turtle plushie smiling back at you. He really got you the plushie and protected you from an uncomfortable situation. This puts a smile on your face as you're starting to, little by little, become comfortable around him.
Y/n: Thanks Trevor.
Trevor: Don't mention it. That's what fathers are supposed to do right? Protect their kids.
Y/n: And you did just that. (Laugh) The look on that guy's face when you threw him into the tank. Haha! That was so cool and crazy at the same time! But he deserved it though.
Trevor: (Chuckles) Yeah, he did.
His phone then starts to ring, and he answers the call. You don't pay mind to it as you're too busy hugging your new and first turtle plushie.
Trevor: Right now? (Scoffs) Fine.
In an annoyed mood, he hangs up the phone.
Trevor: Looks like we have to cut this father-daughter moment short. But don't worry, we still got that hunting trip this weekend.
Y/n: Okay, I can't wait.
Thirty minutes later and he finally pulls up in front of the hotel you're staying in. You don't feel awkward anymore as you did this morning, but maybe you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Maybe Jimmy was right after all. Maybe Trevor is a good guy.
Y/n: (Smile) Thanks for dropping me off. I'll see you later.
Trevor: See ya soon kid.
He then drives off as you make your way inside the building. It's still early in the afternoon, so you're thinking that you'll head into the room and get dressed to chill at the beach for a while.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!