Extremely slow updates! The reason why I am writing this novel is because I got triggered by a MTL fan-fiction. Oh, yeah, if you want to post comments, please do them at chapter comment since I will rewrite some parts of the chapter as I write.
1. Are you living the life of your dreams?
Answer Here (If you want)!
(Word Count ↑ 1500)
What would it be like if your 15-year worldview suddenly crumbled?
Let me explain since I know exactly how it would be, and I can guarantee that after hearing about my experience, you'll feel the same way and start to have doubts about reality, just like I have.
But before we get into the reason why I began to doubt the reality of my world, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ryuu Yamada, and I'll be 15 on August 31. I weigh roughly around 68 kg, am 175 cm tall, and have blood type O.
I have a handsome face, blue eyes, and spiky teal hair that was sparkling blue on top before turning dark blue. Like all the anime characters who have smooth skin despite having trained their bodies, I have flawless white skin and a toned figure.
Let me start by elaborating on how I came to question the reality of my world. It wasn't a grand discovery when a wild Jurai Andou, who personifies the supernatural, was discovered, but it was nonetheless tremendously shocking to see.
I only recently joined the Senkō Private High School literature club after six months of attendance, so I wasn't expecting to see a boy kneeling at the entrance of the club and shouting in the dim room, which is how I discovered the wild Jurai Andou.
"Please, I beg you, stay back; I can't keep my powers under control much longer." The body warned me, while holding his right hand with his left, that if he let go of his right hand, mayhem would ensue.
I was shocked, not by his gibberish, but by the boy's face; after all, he resembled Jurai Andou, the protagonist of When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace. I recall from the anime that he was a chūnibyō who loves to make dramatic entrances and that he was given the superpower "Dark and Dark," which is a dark flame that does nothing until he awakens the evolved version of his "Dark and Dark," called "Dark and Dark of the End," which burns everything it touches, including its owner.
Other super-powered girls in this club could essentially take over the world on their own, but that doesn't matter right now because their existence was supernatural to me, upending my worldview of 15 years. The fact that they are real people instead of fictional characters from an anime has made me come to believe that my reality is anime.
This shocked me because I had always assumed that I had reincarnated into normal without any superpowers or anything magical. After all, everything appeared normal even though I had searched the internet for any signs or did training like crazy by meditating for hours, 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups, 100 set-ups, 100 squats, 100 jumping jacks, 100 crunches, and 10 km run every single bloody day but nothing special happened other than my tone and musculature figure with insane physique.
Due to my extreme daily training, even my parents began to question whether I was their child when I was 10 years old. However, even after all those years, I still lack any cool abilities that others may gain via hard effort, which left me depressed for the first six months of high school. That caused me to give up on my ambition for supernatural abilities, but an unforeseen run-in with a wild Jurai Andou—a manifestation of supernatural forces—rekindled my dream that I had for supernatural power.
The fact that they were acting like regular individuals without crazy superpowers and the literature club was making odd noises could be the reason why I didn't spot them. Another person entered the room shortly after I did and as they passed me, they saw Jurai Andou continue to go on about his chūnibyō fantasies before taking her seat.
Tomoyo Kanzaki strolled in, she had straight shoulder-length red-pinkish hair with a little ponytail at the back that is tied up by a white bow, one small, yellow star hair clip on either side of her fringe, and violet-purple eyes. She is dressed in her uniform, which consists of a dark red coat with yellow buttons and a dark blue tie.
She also wears a little white skirt, white knee stockings, and brown shoes. Her "Closed Clock" superpower allows her to manipulate time. She, like And Jurai, was pompous and deluded in middle school. She had the second most powerful skill in this group, with her superpower allowing her to control time in ways other than rewinding.
I coughed to let Tomoyo and Jurai know I was still there after their brief dispute about Jurai chūnibyō, which made me doubt my appeal because I had never been so disregarded in my entire second life. They gazed at me as if they had seen a ghost when they heard me cough, which made me feel like coughing blood like some Chinese young master due to the damage done to my confidence.
"...Hello, my name is Ryuu Yamada, and I'm a new member of the literature club," I said with an awkward smile. However, all I received from them were whispering to each other in a semi-circle.
"Psst, do you remember we have a new member joining the club?" Jurai asked.
"I don't recall anyone telling us anything like this," Tomoyo responded quietly.
"Let's go ask him about it since we don't want to be rude," Jurai whispered back.
"Hello there, we don't often get members entering the club, so please pardon our rudeness," Jurai said with an enthusiastic smile as if he was seeing an old friend he had just remembered, but I could still hear their whispers due to my keen hearing though I could still hear them even if I was normal due to loud whispers.
"Yeah... No worries; I hope we can get along from now on." I responded with a small bow, noting that they had not considered their inability to exercise their superpower in front of others.
"Me too," Tomoyo and Jurai agreed with a little bow.
After that, I sat down and observed Jurai repeat his scenario because of the bet he made with Tomoyo. Hatoko Kushikawa entered through the door, she has pale pink hair that is quite wavy and her hair is almost always tied into two braids that are seen leaning on the right side and the left side on the back, a quite big fringe and she is wearing a blue hair band with a ribbon on it, small, light pink-linen-colored eyes and quite thick eyebrows.
Her "Over Element" ability allows her to control all five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Light. She could also mix elements to create new ones, such as earth and fire, causing magma to erupt like a volcano. Her reaction to Jurai chūnibyō is the most serious, as she nearly phoned the ambulance when he said his hands were burning, though she was stopped by Jurai when he saw that she took his claims seriously.
Though she reasoned, why not use her superpower, which she accomplished by calling water from nowhere and encasing Jurai in it. She didn't see me, and even if she did, she'd use her power because she thinks Jurai is in danger.
That's when my mouth struck the ground like anime characters since even though I knew they could wield superpowers, I was still surprised that it was conceivable, as I spent years looking for anything supernatural and all I got was a peak human body and mind, which isn't too awesome to any one of the members in this club.
Then a portal emerged, revealing Chifuyu Himeki, a blond elementary school girl. She is the niece of Shiharu Satomi (the Literature Club advisor), and her power is "World Create," which allows her to create whatever she wishes out of matter alone. The user can construct anything, including portals and dimensions, and even manipulate objects at the subatomic level.
Sayumi Takanashi, a purple-haired female with a mature body, walks through the door and begins beating up Jurai. She is the president of the Literature Club and possesses the "Root of Origin" ability, which allows her to return anything to its original state just by touching it. She subsequently acquires an advanced form of her superpower known as "Ouroboros Circle," which allows her to return entire regions to their original condition rather than simply individual things.
They were the last members of the literature club from the anime I watched. They see me after a bit of quarreling between themselves, which hurts my increasingly fragile confidence in my appearance, and they freeze once they notice that a regular human witnessed them using their superpowers.
I try to compose myself, and I think I did a pretty good job based on the looks they were giving me, and try to speak, but before I could, I was hit in the head by what I assume was Sayumi, who was looking around nervously, though fortunately, I managed to doge due to my better physique and fighting experience, which are finally coming in handy.
"Wait a minute before assaulting someone, and let's speak about it. Just to put you at ease, I swear I will not expose the fact that you have superpowers." I said it quickly because I don't want to battle super dangerous super-powered beings that could kill me in no time. Though even with that I still had to fight a little hand-to-hand combat with Sayumi to which I easily defended myself even if she has a black belt since I had been trained from age 10.
After that, they calmed down, and I invited them to take a seat and begin discussing the situation at hand. I was relieved that they agreed with me, but I guess they were a good group that wouldn't injure anyone even in the anime. I guess that I am a lucky guy since if this happens with the Hajime group "Fallen Black", then I might as well say my goodbyes to this world.
A trick question I found on the internet:
1. What are two things you can never eat for breakfast?