

People have regrets in their lives they want to change. Many say that even if it is the "DEVIL" himself comes even then they would take the deal to make their wish come true. This is a story like that when a boy that had a lot of regrets had met the "DEVIL" and the "DEVIL" had asked him that he would fulfill any of his wish in exchange he will take his soul. So, what do you think happened after that? Did the boy take the "DEVIL'S" hand and signed the deal, or did he leave? Why don't you find out [AUTHOR HERE: 1> ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO DON'T EXPECT A VERY NICE STORY TELLING THERE MIGHT BE MISTAKES HERE AND THERE AND I HOPE YOU JUST IGNORE THEM 2>I AM WRITTING MY FIRST BOOK MOREOVER IF IT IS NOT GOOD THEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ BUT YOU CAN SUPPORT ME BEFORE YOU LEAVE OK, I'LL STOP HERE OTHERWISE I MIGHT GET BEATEN BY YOU GUYS FOR BEING SHAMELESS (WHICH I AM BUT THIS IS MY THOUGHT SO YOU DON'T SEE NOTHING) 3> THERE MIGHT BE SOMETIMES WHEN THE UPDATE MIGHT TAKE SOME TIME BUT I CAN PROMISE AT LEAST 2 CHAPTERS A WEEK (I THINK) 4>I DON'T CARE IF NOBODY READS IT, I JUST HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY SINCE FOR MANY IT IS NOT ALWAYS A GOOD DAY AUTHOR OUT] [OHH ONE MORE THING YOU CAN SUPPORT ME HERE] https://patreon.com/TERMINALLY_ILL?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

8 Chs

CH 6

Ray: System can you make a video for me and send it to the entire world and make it so that everyone understands?

SYSTEM: Yes host. It can be done but host may I need to remind you that there are only 9 points left and it would need 100 points to do this so you still need 91 points.

Ray: I know but I am going to do something that would make everyone in this world remember me and leave a mark in history or they will think I am someone that was crazy. So all I need is 91 points. We can go with that. There are some mission's targets in the next town and there were boxes of cash in that drug lord's place. So I guess there are going to be some deal tonight. I think I should go check it out but I need to do something here about mom. I am pretty sure she would at least come here 3 to 4 times to check in the night. I got to do something about it. Hmm System is there anything that would put them to sleep and not wake for at least 5 hours.

SYSTEM: Yes there is host but it is low grade item and if someone were to use it more than 2 times on a same person than it would not work and they would have no effect on a stronger person. The price is 8 points for it which only put them to sleep for 8 hours.

Ray: Hmm I see. Buy it then.

SYSTEM: Item bought. Should the system use it now?

Ray: Yes do it now when they are sleep. Ok now then that part is taken care of, let's get ready. Hey system can you make my costume look like Spawn's. I kind of liked the character since it's kind of similar to mine but mine had a happy end while his one was sad, I'll keep his legacy.

SYSTEM: Yes Host. It can be done.

Ray: Then do it.

SYSTEM: Ok host. It has been done. If you put on the mask you would look the same like that.

Ray: Ok let's start this Bloody night shall we.


MEMBER 01: Hey, when do you think that guy is going to come? The boss said he is a very big buyer that buys a lot of "goods" every time. I just want to go inside and get some drinks; man even now I think this is bullshit. I mean why did those guy do to let the boss let them stay inside to guard and let us stay outside. I could have enjoyed some drinks and pass my time with those girls.

MEMBER 02: Do you think I know? Even I feel that we are being mistreated now, we were with boss from years ago but we are now staying guard and not being allowed to drink and have fun. Hey wait, Hey who is there? Show yourselves.

Ray: Oh sir, I just want to go inside and have some drinks.

MEMBER 02: Go away before we kick you out. This place is booked today for the entire night and what's with this getup. Are you some clown or something?

Ray: NO NO sir. I ain't no clown. So can you tell me what those goods you were talking about now?

MEMBER 01: Huh look at this bastard he was listening to our conversation. Hey look if you don't want to get killed leave while I am being nice and forget about everything here.

Ray: And you better tell me what I want to know while I am being nice otherwise you won't be leaving thorough this night.

MEMBER 02: You know what let's kill this bastard right now. I don't like how he talks or how he looks at us.

Ray: Alright since this conversation is not going anywhere, let's just kill these guys. (Takes out the pistol with silencer and shots the first one down and stabs a knife at the second ones heart)

MEMBER 01/02: What a….e you?

Ray: Just a person that signed a deal with the devil and has to kill you guys because I hate you so don't hold anything against me. OK

Ray: Alright let's enter this place and blood bath this entire damn place since from the map I can see that everyone here is a target. Hmm I can't believe a good drinking place that is famous is a place where drug lords do business.


Silence utter silence. Everyone cannot believe what they are seeing with their eyes. A lunatic dressed in a Halloween like devil costume with blood on it and they can see those 2 outside are dead. What they are having hard time believing is that some lunatic dares to cause trouble here and they seem to be scared. Don't misunderstood they don't give a shit about those guys that are dead lying outside but they are scared because whatever they do they can't move, it's like their bodies are afraid and telling them if they move then they will die

Ray: Ladies and gentlemen are you having a good night. I hope I don't disturb your night but you see there are some bat shit things you guys did and because of that I have come here for your head.

Someone mustered up their courage and yelled at everyone to shoot and everyone did not waste any second since they somehow felt it that as long as that man is here then none of them would leave this place to see the sun tomorrow. Everyone started shooting but as if there was something around that man those bullets were blocked and they fired until there was no bullet left.

Member 9: Is he dead?

Member 07: He has to be. There is no way any human could survive that.

At this moment they saw that man that came here to kill them was standing right in that placed and as if some miracle no bullet had hit him and at that moment they knew something they fucked up.

One member without thinking started running from this place. He could feel it that he would die if doesn't leave here. Other seeing this also started to do the same but would Ray let them run away from here alive

Ray: Oh some cowards are trying to run. You are the first one to die. Oh how I wished you stayed here to play a game with us. But if want to leave then "Boom". You are dead. Alright everyone if anyone moves from their place I am going to kill that person first.

After hearing this everyone stopped. Everyone wanted a chance to live. Nobody wanted to die.

Ray: OK now that I have everyone's attention then I will tell you the only way you can walk out of that door alive would be to listen to me otherwise I am going to find everyone of you and kill you.

Hearing this everyone immediately felt relived as if they found their last life saving straw

Ray: We are going to play some game of battle royal but here's the twist it's going to be real life. Here you go "throes some bullet" whoever stands the last one standing can walk out of that door alive. I'll be sitting there right beside that door.

As if everyone was possessed by demons they started to kick or punch anyone to get those bullets, some who did not use up their bullets used it to kill others. At this moment if anyone were to see what is happening here then they would think some chaos is going on. Ray was sitting there while watching those gangsters kill each other

Ray: (Hey system why were those guys not able to move. I don't think I have any skill that would make them immobilized)

SYSTEM: Host you are getting closer to getting each your stats to 50 because of that some of the demonic nature are starting to appear. As a demon humans will naturally have fear towards you but since you have been with your family that nature of yours never got the chance to grow. Now that you killing more people and getting your stats closer to 50 your demonic nature is starting to show up.

Ray: So I really ain't a human anymore. Is that demonic nature going to affect me in any way?

SYSTEM: NO. It will not. You can live like a human, eat like a human, marry a human women and even the child will only posses the human part, it will not give the child any of your part so you don't have to worry but when you get all your stats to 50 and travel to another world then you would unlock a special stat which will boost your power immensely.

Ray: So can I shut this power that is affecting them or what?

SYSTEM: Yes you can but I advise you not to since those in front of you are so obedient because of this power and have not tried anything so far because it is affecting them.

Ray: Alright System turn this power off when I go back home.

SYSTEM: Yes Host.

Ray: Hmm it should be over by now. OHH I didn't expect out of all the people to survive you to do so. I am genuinely surprised. I never thought you the boss would survive. You can walk out of that door alive but can you tell me something

The boss immediately said yes

Ray: You see I want to know what is the deal that was supposed to be here. I just want to know you don't have to "tell me" if you don't want to.

The boss knew the man in front him acted like he was requesting him something but his tone said otherwise.

The boss: Um…. H. you see it is selling humans that were kidnapped to a drug lord."Gulp" That drug lord has business in organ selling so he wanted to some people.

Ray: I see. You can go.

The boss immediately started running out of this place as if it was hell and started to kiss the ground out of joy but before he could do anything else the man that had told him he would be allowed to live was standing in front of him and started walking towards him


Ray: I only told you I would let you walk out of that door alive. I never said anything else about not killing you after you come out, did I? (Hold him by his throat)

The boss was screaming like a madman trying to get away from this man's grip but he was unable to do so. Then the man started talking as if that voice was like a voice from hell he could feel it that he was going to die. Tears rolling down

The boss: Why? Why did you come after us? We did nothing wrong to you. We don't even know you.

Ray: WHY? Do you really want to know? Then tell me do you remember the victims that you killed or kidnapped. Do you remember those eyes that were filled with despair and begging you to let them live but you did not do it. I just did all this just make bastards like you feel what it feels like to be the one on the receiving end. That's all nothing else. Now die

The boss got his neck twisted and died. His eyes still with felt regret as if life had given him another choice he would have lived like an honest man.

Ray: Hooh good. Bastard like them should experience hell before dying. Pity I could not make him suffer more. Never the matter I should go save those kids that are still there.


Ray: Found it.

After entering the room which was hidden all Ray could see was children that were below 12 or 13 injured, starved and after looking at their faces all Ray could think of how he had let that bastard die easily. If he was given another chance he would make him suffer more pain. The children after seeing this man in a costume tried to hide as if they were scared of what that man would do to them.

Ray: You guys don't have to afraid. I am here to rescue you. Those bad guys have been taken care of. But first all of everyone eat something first.

As if it was magic the man brought food out of nowhere. Everyone were surprised but they were still scared. Everyone was hungry but they didn't come forward in fear of something the man might do. Ray seeing this wasn't surprised. He didn't expect kids that have been trapped here who knows how long would believe a total stranger. But when he was thinking of what to do a girl came forward to take the food offered by the stranger. Once again seeing this girl Ray could feel that his anger towards that bastard was increasing but that bastard was now dead so he can't do anything. Seeing the girl coming forward and not being attacked the others also did the same and one by one everyone came forward to eat. Ray waited for everyone to finish before taking them all out of this hell, But he didn't take them from the front side since it was a mess so he took them through the back door.

Every kid after seeing the outside started to cry out happiness many thanked Ray for they could not believe that they would be able to see the outside.

Ray: Kids can you all come here for a sec.

After hearing this everyone came towards Ray. They had fully trusted this person that had let them see the outside after so long.

Ray: Alright everyone listen up, I am going to leave after this, Ok. The police are going to come after this and take you back to your home. You don't worry they are the good guys that will return you to your parents and don't worry I would see if they do anything to you.

The girl that had taken the first step when he was in the basement had come towards and asked to know Rey's name so that she could repay him.

Ray: (Oh cute. She is trying to act like an adult) My name is "Spawn" and if you are trying to know anything about me then you shouldn't because it would only hurt you. I am just a man that wants to rest and I do not have any motive to take anything from you little girl the things I want nobody can give me that (I have to be in character aaaaaaah I can't laugh) little girl so you should be at ease. Looks like the police are coming here, I can hear the siren. You should all be ok now. I hope you do not meet me in the future kids as I do not want to see someone in a same situation like that. I'll leave. Before the police arrived here "Spawn" had vanished and the girl at front as if she wanted to ask something more shouted but "Spawn" never came back. But she still shouted and told "Spawn" to remember her name. But "Spawn" never replied back.

Ray: Well we won't be meeting anytime so why should I remember her name. But her name "Lucy" seems familiar as if I heard it somewhere. Well it doesn't matter. I don't care. Oh fuck acting all cool and all was alright but 6 hours have gone by already. If I don't return mother is going to find out and kill me. Oh I received only 29 points. Well doesn't matter. I just wanted to make those bastards fell despair and nothing else.




















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