
the siege of singhasari palace

Kediri Palace

That night Prince Mahisa had a bad dream, he dreamed that the Central Palace of the Singhasari Kingdom was under siege and the King, Queen and Prince Wisnuwardhana were killed. He was about to save them but it seemed too late, they were all dead, and the seat where the king lay was already occupied by Mahapatih. Mahapatih continued to laugh out loud as if he was very satisfied because he had succeeded in seizing the power of the King and ascended the throne as King.

"No, that's impossible", shouted Prince Mahisa in his dream.

It turned out that the sound of his screams woke Sinta up. Sinta realized that her husband was having a bad dream, so she tried to wake him up.

"Kakang Mahisa, wake up Kakang!".

Prince Mahisa woke up from his nightmare. He was sweating profusely and his breathing was irregular.

"Calm down bro, I'll get you a drink."

"Yeah, I'm fine."