
Traveling through Multiverse with Fiction Card System

Nayla, 28 years old, was an office worker who died from a gas tank explosion She was then sent to the void, the moment she opened her eyes, she saw 2 roulettes with the text "System" and "World" A.N: I write on this platform in English and other platforms in Indonesian (Ind is my primary language). That's why you will see a lot of writing errors in this novel because I'm not used to writing in English. English is my third language. Please take note, that this novel is a slow-paced novel! All anime, characters and images are NOT my original.

BlackHeartCoffee · 漫画同人
20 Chs


Hellooooo Everyone! Thank you so much for your support by giving power stone!! as a thank you, I decided to write this chapter longer~



It's been 10 minutes since Nayla and Yasaka cuddling, as they feel comfy Yasaka decide to ask Nayla something

Yasaka: "Nayla, did you notice that you brought out your fox features?" she said in a soft voice while playing with Nayla's hair

Hearing this, Nayla comes out from a blissful feeling. as she let go of one of her hands from the hugging position. she then tries to touch her fox ears.

Nayla: "Ah! you're right! well...honestly it doesn't matter as I'm not the type of person who likes to hide something."

For some reason, Yasaka really wanted to pinch her lovely cheeks because she remembered Nayla saying that her group didn't like being disturbed so they always hide whenever they go.

And from their brief interaction, Yasaka realized one thing, that Nayla was really an honest person. so she believed what Nayla said...except for the part when she said about their habit of hiding.

Yasaka: "Hmmm is that so? do you want to stay like this for a while?" she said while caressing her cheeks.

Nayla: "un" Nayla nodded as she hug Yasaka more tightly since she feels comfortable cuddling with her

Yasaka: "I see" Yasaka responds while closing her eyes as she then starts humming.

Nayla: "Say..."

Yasaka: "Yes?"

Nayla: "Is there something troubling you?"

Yasaka was a little surprised when Nayla asked this, She does have something bothering her.

Yasaka: "Well I do have some problems, but why are you asking? I mean, I never said anything related to that right?"

Nayla: "No, it's just..... my feelings?"

Nayla: "Well...I don't know why but I feel like you need someone to comfort you right now? and when I hug you, your body seems less tense...Like your troubles are blown away"

Yasaka: "I see...then do you want to hear it"

Nayla: "un" Nayla just nodded in response

Seeing this, Yasaka smiled gently as she started to explain her problem with the devil race and what they did with Nekomata village including How they didn't care about her requests.

After listening to Yasaka, Nayla didn't like what she heard as she started to frown. and honestly, from the races in DxD, Nayla doesn't like the Devil race the most.

such as evil pieces developed by Ajuka. on the surface, they stated that they were using these evil pieces to repopulate their race.

But Nayla sees this differently, Nayla only sees this as an intention to enslave humans and other races. And since humans are the weakest race, they see humans only as a piece for their use. Plus the people who use these evil pieces, most of them are high-ranking young devils.

From what Nayla saw, most of them were arrogant with high self-esteem, and let's not forget how lustful they are.

(A.N in case you didn't know, I think I've read in novels these young demons often capture lower to middle-class devil women and force them to copulate. Not only demons, that includes every race they took fancy in)

And because of their arrogance, they see low-class devils as ants in their eyes because they should be happy to serve them (high-ranking devils).

Now, this is how they treat Low-class devils plus they are devils from birth.

Then what about the humans who reincarnated into devil? One word, Worse.

Nayla knows that not all high-ranking devils treat them like that. but still, we judge people by how they act most of the time right? in this case the majority of devils only treat humans as nothing but livestock or piece for their use. so it's safe to judge them like that right? because most of them do nothing but harm humans.

Besides, even if the young high-ranking devil reincarnated humans into devils to become their part of peerage, they would not allow them to grow to a certain point, because the high-ranking young devils were afraid that the reincarnated devils would overtake them. so they always limit their growth

this is also the reason why high-ranking young devils look down on Sona when she states about her dream to create a school for reincarnated devils. how can they tolerate this right?

(A/N out of 72 high ranking noble houses, less than 10 houses are decent)

That's why she wants to mess with devil races....and it was definitely not because she just bullshiting her way out with reason so her action can be seen as reasonable....yep totally not because of it.

well enough of this.

Nayla: "Then how about I help you? To be honest I don't like the devil race either."

Hearing this, Yasaka was happy to finally meet someone she could rely on. although not a day had passed since she met Nayla. But that's okay, she decides to trust her feelings, her feelings tell her that she can depend on Nayla. Besides, the reason she found out about Nekomata's matter quickly, it was because she decided to trust her feelings.

Yasaka: "Un, but is it okay for you to help me? I mean we just met.... and you don't think I'm lying?"

Nayla just chuckled hearing what this beautiful milf said

Nayla: "It's okay, I did this because I wanted to. besides you don't need to worry, long ago I've been planning how to mess with the devil race. and hearing of your troubles I can finally see this bright opportunity and I can even justify my actions if things go south"

Nayla: "but I want something in return" said Nayla while looking up to see Yasaka's eyes

Seeing this, Yasaka somehow felt nervous

Yasaka: "And what is it?"

Hearing Yasaka's answer, Nayla's face became serious as she took a deep breath and finally said

Nayla: "Let me cuddle you every time I visit Kyoto" said Nayla with a serious tone as if there was nothing wrong with her request

Hearing Nayla, Yasaka was stunned for a moment.

Yasaka: "Sure I have no problem with that, beside... we can do it even if you didn't ask....."

Yasaka said as she glanced to the side because she was embarrassed by what she said

Nayla: "un, that's a deal then"

Yasaka: "un" yasaka just nodded in response

Nayla: "By the way, about Nekomata I have a proposal about what we should do after I rescued them from the devil territory"

Yasaka: "Hmm? what is it?"

Nayla: "Hmm...let's talk about this after I'm done with the rescue mission."

Yasaka: "un"

Nayla: "by the way, is it fine for you to stay here for so long?"

Yasaka: "Sigh, I guess you're right, I can't stay here any longer because I still have paperwork to finish today"

Nayla: "Hmm, I see.... well do you mind if I tag along? I'm also quite curious about your faction"

hearing this, Yasaka just laughed

Yasaka: "Fu fu fu, just said that you wanted to meet another yokai girl dear. Anyway, I was planning to invite you, so feel free to follow me and I'll give you a token so you can visit me any time you want."

Hearing Yasaka's words, Nayla just glanced to the side because Yasaka found the real reason.

Nayla: "Thank you, do you mind if my assistant (A2) also comes?"

Yasaka: "It's okay"

Nayla: "Good, then let's go to your faction!"




(1st POV Nayla)

After we left Fraxinus, I followed Yasaka to the Yokai faction while A2 used Stealth which made her completely hidden to anyone but me, even Yasaka the faction leader was surprised when she saw A2's stealth ability.


After I decided to follow Yasaka, I took this opportunity to introduce A2 since she had been standing behind me… Plus I'm sure Yasaka didn't notice her.

Nayla : "Ahem, ok Yasaka-chan before we go. How about I introduce you to A2? Who will follow me to the youkai group"

Yasaka: "Sure, where is she now?"

Nayla: "Behind me" I said pointing behind me

immediately after saying that, A2 deactivated her Stealth. but for Yasaka who had never detected her presence until now, she couldn't help but be surprised.

Yasaka: "Kyaa!!!" (Insert Surprised noise)

Yasaka's eyes opened wide, as she never found or detected her presence in the slightest.

Yasaka: "...Tell me Nayla. Since when has she been standing behind us?"

Nayla: "From the start... even before we cuddling"

after that I continued A2's introduction to Yasaka, but A2 didn't talk much because she was a quiet person.

(end of flashback)

It took us 10 minutes before we arrived at the Western Kyoto Youkai Faction where Yokai resided, this is also where Yasaka currently resides.

along the way, I can't help but be disappointed...I mean I did meet some youkai, but they are a guy....for me who often saw kemonomimi on girl in my previous life...when I saw kemonomimi on a guy I can't help but I felt weird about it....

Imagine a muscular guy...but on top of his head, there are round white bear ears that look so cute...it feels so wrong okay! it's like seeing Mil-tan 2.0!

but luckily we finally arrived at Yasaka's place, Yasaka lives in a place that looks like a shrine or shrine but is not a shrine at the same time.

I don't know how it works and I don't even bother to ask.

Entering Yasaka's place, she then led me to the living room while she asked me to wait there

And after about 10 minutes, Yasaka came back with a set of tea and snacks. but my gaze didn't land on any of it...

Because I saw behind Yasaka was a little fox girl…and somehow my eyes became teary

I mean how can I not, I don't want to see that Yokai bear abomination okay! I mean, I wouldn't complain if it was just one. But NO, there are quite a few of them!!

Noticing my gaze, Yasaka just smiled

Yasaka: "Kunou, why don't you introduce yourself to the big sister over there"

Kunou: "un" know just nodded and ran towards Nayla with her little feet

Kunou: "Hi big sister! My name is kunou, two years old! Nice to meet you"

seeing little kunou introduce herself

Nayla: "fu fu fu...Nice to meet you too Kunou, Name's Nayla but you can call me Onee-chan~" said Nayla while stroking my Kunou hair

Kunou: "Un, Neeee~ Onee-chan. Let's play!"

Nayla: "Sure, what do you want to play?"

Seeing her daughter and Nayla talking, Yasaka just smiled while looking at them. she then put the tea set and snacks on the table. after putting it down, she then quietly left the two of them to play while finishing her work.

(time skip)

(3rd POV)

In the night, Nayla sits at the terrace while staring at the stars with kunou sleeping on Nayla's lap.

Not long after, Yasaka came and saw Nayla and kunou who sleeping on Nayla lap. she then quietly sat beside Nayla

Seeing Yasaka sitting beside her, Nayla then leaned her head on Yasaka's shoulder.

there was nothing to talk about as they just wanted to enjoy the moment while closing their eyes while Yasaka started humming.

Nayla: "Say..."

Yasaka: "Hmm?"

Nayla: "I will go to the underworld to solve the nekomata problem tomorrow"

Hearing that, Yasaka held Nayla's hand....she knew Nayla could easily solve her problem but...she was still worried.

Yasaka: "Do you need any help from me? I will help with anything"

Nayla: "Hmmm... just prepare a big room for me to put a teleportation anchor so I can teleport nekomata people there"

Yasaka: "Sure, anything else?"

Nayla: "Hmm...oh do you know how I can go to the underworld?"

Yasaka: "Hmm...I'll help you get a train ticket to the underworld, you'll take the train to the capital city of Lilith"

Yasaka: "most supernatural beings who want to go to the underworld always take that special train to go there because that's the easiest way"

Nayla: "I see... well just prepare 1 ticket for me because A2 will follow me in stealth, I'm sure no one will be able to detect it"

Nayla: "oh and I will go there in disguise"

Yasaka: "do you need help with that?"

Nayla: "No, it's okay. I've prepared everything"

Yasaka: "I understand"

Yasaka answered and once again silence descends between them, but they didn't feel it was an awkward atmosphere. instead, they prefer this, stay close to each other while gazing at the stars with someone you...




(Time skip - morning)

The sound of birds chirping singing in the morning sleeps Nayla in a comfortable bed. as if hearing birds chirping, Nayla opened her eyes.


She then got off the bed, and went into the bathroom not far from her room to wash her face and take a morning shower

After finishing her morning shower, she then came out of the room and walked into the living room

arrived in the living room. see saw kunou sitting at the dining table while waiting for her breakfast.

Nayla: "Good morning Kuu-chan"

hearing someone greeting her, Kunou then looked at the source of the voice. seeing Nayla there Kunou smiled happily

Kunou: "Good morning Onee-chan" she said as she patted the chair beside her to invite Nayla to sit next to her.

seeing this, Nayla walked over and sat beside the Kunou

Nayla: "nee...Kuu-chan, where is your mother?"

Before Kunou answered, Yasaka came out of the room that looked like a kitchen while holding the plate of food for breakfast

Yasaka: "Ara~? Already awake?"

Nayla: "un, good morning Yasaka"

Yasaka: "Good morning Nayla"

Yasaka: "Anyway, you must be hungry, let's have breakfast."



(Time skip - after breakfast)

Yasaka: "By the way Nayla, this is a train ticket to go to underworld" she said while giving Nayla the ticket

Nayla: "Hmm...oh that's for today afternoon"

Yasaka: "if you need anything, feel free to ask me Nayla"

Nayla: "Un"

Kunou: "Onee-chan are you going somewhere?"

she said with a sad face (';ω;')

Nayla: "Fu fu fu, don't worry Kuu-chan, your onee-chan won't be going for long. After I'm done with my business, let's play again okay?"

Kunou: "Un, promise me"

Nayla: "I promise" said Nayla while patting Kunou head

Kunou: "Yeaayyy (/◕ヮ◕)/ "

Feeling happy she started running to god know where



(Time skip - Afternoon)

Outside the yokai faction, near the torii gate.

Yasaka: "I guess....you will be going now"

Nayla: "Yeah...but don't worry I'll be back soon"

Nayla: "Besides...I have to complete my mission as soon as possible so I can cuddle with a certain blonde nine-tailed fox Yokai" said Nayla while winking at Yasaka

Hearing this Yasaka just smiled at Nayla

Yasaka: "stay safe okay?"

Nayla: "Un, goodbye"

Yasaka: "Goodbye~"

After bidding farewell, Nayla decided to teleport to Fraxinus first with A2



(Scene Change - Inside Fraxinus)

You might be wondering why she teleported back to Fraxinus, well that's because Nayla decided to change her character card, she doesn't want to go there with her current appearance.

Nayla: "Alice, Change my character card to Ereshkigal"


as soon as Alice said that Nayla's body was enveloped by light…not a second had passed, her appearance had already changed to Ereshkigal.

[Ding! by Replacing Ara Haan Character Card, Ara Haan Skills has been locked]

[Ding! By equipping Ereshigal Character Card, Ereshkigal's Skill has been Unlocked]

Nayla: "And with this, I am ready to mes- I mean visit the underworld"