
Demon Venom

All she could see was her burnt belongings and blood all over the floor. She cried and was even more worried about her mom. Suddenly, she felt a sudden movement from behind her door, she knew everyone was downstairs looking for some clue. She took a broken glass from the floor for her to use if those bad guys were still there, she knew that this thing won't kill even a single animal but at least she could harm it.

Someone stepped out of the dark, it was Ariann. She felt relieved upon seeing that Ariann is still alive so she hurriedly ran towards her direction and gave her a relieved embrace while she burst out crying. "Ariann…"

"They took Jocelyn." She said weakly.

"Who took her?" She replied in between her sobs.

"Rogue Demon Hunters searching for a mortal cup." She replied.

"What the hell are you saying?" Eviery exclaimed.

"Think, Eviery. Did your mother ever talk to you about the cup? A very important cup. It's.. it's gold." Ariann stammered while walking closer to her. Trying to convince her and get information out of her.

"No! No… I don't know anything about a cup, Ariann." Her voice cracked and cried. "Isn't it one of the antiques d-downstairs?" She added stammering.

"No! No, no… not those." Inhales deeply and talks again, "Think, Eviery. This could save your mother." She added while she gripped into Eviery's shoulder.

"I can't think! Someone kidnapped my mother!" She said aloud.

"You know more than you think, Eviery!" Ariann roared and some tentacles went out of her mouth.

Eviery quickly stabbed her using the glass splinter she took from a while ago, she dragged it down still pierce into her skin. Ariann roared and slowly, her face changed into her real form, a tentacled Demon.

The creature got even more angry as it went even closer to Eviery growled wildly.

"Ahhhhhh! Peter… Help!" Eviery shouted as she tried to escape from it. Its tentacle managed to scratch her face before Peter and the others arrived.

Just when the creature was about to envelop her whole face with its tentacles, Peter arrived and ran quickly to the creature and stabbed its back. It slowly turns into dust and evaporates into thin air.

"Eviery!" Nathalie called in fear. She held into Eviery as it was going to faint in no time. She was gasping, breathing heavily and crying.

They have been fighting with the same creatures downstairs, they were just hiding before they all came in. There are a lot of them in their house. Khalid and the guy from the club and also another sulky woman helped them fight with these creatures before they could hear Eviery's shout.

"You should be careful with that Demon." Khalid butt in talking to everyone in the house and turned its gaze to Eviery who are currently having an unsteady look. "She's got a piece of you." He added smirking and caressed her face where the scratch is.

"A d-d-emon?" Eviery asked while looking directly into Khalid's eyes.

"Yeah. What do you think that miserable, disgusting thing was?" He replied sarcastically. "It's a shapeshifter." He added.

"I thought it was Ariann." Eviery replied with dismay.

"They could shift into anything or anyone they bumped into or anyone they touch. They could replicate its look and everything." He explained while looking into Eviery.

"We thought Vampires are the only one's killing humankind?" Peter asked in confusion.

"Yes, there's Vampire, werewolves and shape shifters. And that is why she looked like someone you know. They might have Ariann captive… and even your… mom." With his last words, everything from Eviery's eyes turned into black.

Peter got alarmed upon seeing Evielyn leaning into Nathalie without moving.

"Demon Venom." Khalid said casually.

"She's still alive, right?" Peter asked him as he looked into Khalid and his gaze traveled towards the other guy and the woman.

The woman smiled naughtly as Nathalie and the guy with black hair frowned upon watching the woman's action.

"Of course, lover boy. Don't worry she'll be fine, it's just a scratch." The woman said and winked at Peter. Peter heard Nathalie's frustrating sigh and he could feel her sharp look towards him. 'Oh-oh…' He said over his head.

"We will bring her to the headquarters." Khalid said while looking into the guy with black hair. He seemed to be asking for his permission but didn't care about his answer at the same time. The guy with black hair frowned and confusion could be seen all over his face.

"No! If you bring her, you must also bring us together!" Peter speaks out. He couldn't trust them fully yet, what if something will happen to Eviery, what about their mission? How are they supposed to go back to the past if Eviery is dead, their main mission is to help Eviery kill the bad guy and save this world.

"Mundanes are not allowed in our headquarters!" The black haired guy replied in frustration.

"We may be mundane but her mother told us to keep her safe. We can not just give her to you, she doesn't even know you, we don't know you." Peter said to Khalid firmly.

"Alex… I don't think they are only mundane… they saw me even when I should be invisible to a mundane eye...back when we were at the club." Khalid said to the black haired guy.

"And they can fight really well… especially this cute guy here." The woman said, referring to Jacob while she flustered a naughty smile and pointing out his chest area. "They have weapons that are also invisible to the mundane eye." She added, her gaze now transferred to Nathalie's pocket and Peter''s hand.

Silence took in for a few minutes and then the guy named Alex raised his hand above his shoulder, he surrendered, "Whatever!" He sighed.

"But before we bring you to our headquarters, may we know your names please or at least give us some background." The woman said. "Oh! By the way, I'm Izzy." She added, introducing herself with an ear to ear smile.

"I'm Nathalie."

"Jacob here!" He said as he tugged his hair backwards and scratched the back of his head.

"Tsk! Peter… Ahmm… we are from the past. 100 years ago… we---" He was not able to finish his introduction when Alex interrupted.

"Ha ha… Are you kidding me?" Alex interrupted with a smirk. Khalid waved his hand as a sign that he wanted him to stop and let Peter finish.

Peter narrowed his eyes to Alex's direction and continued, "We traveled here through a traveling portal discovered by my Grandfather 200 years ago. To be more specific, Jacob and I came from 200 years ago now as to Nathale, she is 100 years ago." He stopped and glanced at each of their faces. When he was certain that everyone looked calm he continued again, "Jacob and I were stuck in Nathalie's current timeline for years and weren't able to return to our own timeline because the Portal was ruined."

"Guys… I think we need to do something about her wound first." Nathalie interrupted worrying about Eviery.

"Save your chit chat. We need to bring her to the headquarters now, we need to cure her first." Khalid replied firmly as he pointed out to Eviery, they could see that she's in pain.

Khalid moved quickly and went to Nathalie and Eviery's direction and carried her without any struggle. Well, everyone knows she's too light. While Izzy and Alex hurried outside first.

Izzy looked so seductive, she's like a living temptation for every man. She is wearing a black thin dress that shows her perfectly shaped breast, her hair is long, curled and black. Her red lipstick added to her seduction and her eyes were tantalizing.

When they went outside the house, the two waited for them inside a black limou smirking and proud, especially Izzy.

"Come on in." Izzy winked at Peter and Jacob.

At the headquarters…

Khalid brought Eviery to their infirmary to cure the demon venom in her body while Peter, Jacob and Nathalie roamed around to the place, no words could explain their amazement in this place. This is too good to be true, everything in here couldn't be seen in the past, everything is in hologram. Everyone was busy at their own post, they've got CCTV all over the place and even outside the place. They've even got a place where 2 people are in training. This place is too magical for the three of them. This is only an abandoned church from the outside but when you go inside it's just WOW. Their mouths were just dropped hanging in awe.

Meanwhile, Izzy is having fun while staring closely into the sleeping Eviery's face while she keeps murmuring in her sleep, calling her mom. The necklace that her mother gave to her keeps blinking a purple light.

Eviery suddenly got up and slammed her forehead into Izzy's. "Aww!" They both grunt in motion.

Eviery caresses her forehead that was hit as she glanced into the woman in front of her confused. "Wait, I don't know who yo---"

"I'm Isabelle…" She said cutting Eviery's question. "I've never seen Khalid so curious about a mundane… or distracted." She added and chuckled.