

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · 现代言情
25 Chs


"Why is it my fault? What are you going to do if I refuse?" Gevariel asked, he stood defiantly Quineera.

"I will kiss you when you are in front of the camera. You have your own tv show, right?" Quineera said, confidently. Suddenly the crazy idea popped up in her mind.

"I can guess that you have never kissed. I can't imagine that I would steal your first kiss," Quineera said, laughing.

Gevariel watched the woman in front of him. Quineera was very different from how she looked when they met at the office.

"You can't do that. What if your boyfriend gets angry?" Geva asked. He was still adamant and did not want to do Quineera's request.

"I don't have a lover. After all, kissing you would be nice. Your face is so handsome and your lips are so sexy," Quin said. Her mouth spoke very fluently while she had never tasted a kiss with a man.

All this time Quin was only close to her best friend, Brave. Family made her ambitious and forgot to date. Quin did not even realize that Brave had special feelings for her.

"Okay. You can stay here and I will cook food for you but don't make a mess while you stay here. You are forbidden to touch my stuff. You can't even contaminate my apartment. Do you understand?" Gevariel agreed with many conditions. Gevariel was dizzy if he had to argue with Quineera. He gave many rules, hoping that the woman would not feel at home in his apartment.

"Okay, I agree. Now finish your food! You said the salmon was good," Quin said, pointing at Geva's untouched plate.

Gevariel took the fork and knife. He cut the salmon into some pieces and then ate it. "Did you cook this food?" Gevariel asked, stuffing the salmon and potato wedges into his mouth.

"I can't cook. The maid in my house cooks it for me. Max deliberately asked the maid to cook because I just got home from the hospital," Quin answered while watching Gevarial who was still eating.

"So is there a maid in your apartment? Then why did you ask me to cook?" Gevariel asked. Quin's honesty annoyed him so much.

"I have one maid but I am staying here for your responsibility." Quin answered. She was relaxed while enjoying the face of Gevariel who was enjoying the grilled salmon cooked by her maid.

"You are so annoying!" Gevariel's voice was still heard clearly even though his mouth was busy chewing food.

"I know that I am annoying but I am also very beautiful and adorable. I am sure you will fall in love with me," Quin answered, making the man in front of her choke.

Quin rubbed Gevariel's back and then she took a glass of water. "Drink it? No need to be awkward in front of me," Quin said confidently.

Gevariel shook his head. He wanted to kick Quin out but they had made a deal.

"How is that food? Is it good?" Quin asked when Gevariel finished his food.

"Hmmm, I didn't expect a stranger's cooking would be delicious like this. It's been a long time since I have eaten other people's cooking," Geva replied.

"This is great, Geva. You managed to beat one of your weaknesses. I am proud of you," Quin praised.

"Are you proud of me?" Geva asked, frowning.

"Yeah, I am so proud of you," Quin answered. This time she was sincere in saying her compliment.

A smile appeared on Gevariel's lips. He was excited because of the Quineera's compliment.

"Do you want to cook? I can teach you," Gevariel asked. Suddenly he wanted to share his skill with the woman.

"Do you want to teach me?" Quin asked, her eyes lit up. She was so excited.

"Yeah, I will teach you to cook."

Quin's spirit suddenly disappeared. Her face gloomy, making Gevariel frown. "What happened?" Gevariel asked.

"I don't have time to do that. During this time I was always required to study and avoid the kitchen. I am afraid to make a mess in your kitchen like before." Quineera said in a low voice.

Gevariel saw Quin's face. "This is my invitation, it doesn't matter if you make a mess in my kitchen. Honestly, I am happy to teach you. You are the only person who wants to be friends with me except Luke," Gevariel said, comforting Quineera.

Of course Geva's confession made Quin confused. "Don't you have any friends? You are a celebrity chef and I know you have a lot of fans," Quineera asked, not believing in Geva. It felt like a lot of information had been missed by Quineera.

"Fans are not friends. I don't like crowds. I don't even like meeting new people. That's why many people call me weird or arrogant. Except Luke, you are the only one who wants to survive to be friends with me. Even though you went to the hospital because of my negligence but you did not get angry at me," Gevariel confessed. After they met often and got into arguments, Gevariel felt comfort and began to exchange stories with Quineera.

Quineera came closer to Geva and rubbed the man's hand. "From today we are friends. You can tell me everything. Sorry if I am annoying. I just want to be friends with you, that's why I always bother you," Quineera said. She managed to enter Gevariel's life. Quineera was sure that in a short time that man would fall in love with her.


An adult man in a black suit, tie around the collar of his shirt, sunglasses closed his eyes, leaning against the door of a car parked in front of the apartment. The man was waiting for Quineera.

"Good morning," Max greeted Quineera. Max opened the door and ushered Quineera in.

"Thank you, Max. Isn't Katty with you?" Quin asked about her second assistant.

"Katty went to the office before us. She said there are files to be prepared before you met the staff."

"Good," Quineera answered, then she texted Gevariel.

"How about your mission?" Max asked.

"Now we are friends. This is a good start to my plan," Quin replied.