

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · 现代言情
25 Chs


"Remember! We want to open a restaurant. If we can approach her, then she could be a main investor for us. Moreover, her company is engaged in food raw materials. Who knows we can work together and get a cheap price." Luke was still trying to convince Geva, even though he was sincere and wanted to be friends with that woman.

"That's your business. Why should you involve me? Remember, I cooperated with you because you are good at this." Geva was still adamant.

"The problem is I can't cook like you. She wanted to taste your cooking. Just this time, please listen to me!" Luke said and took the groceries from the trolley and moved them into the trunk of the car.

Luke's car was parked perfectly in his garage. Tonight Geva chose to stay there. "Let me help you." Quin grabbed one of the shopping bags from Geva's hand, but…

"I can do it myself." Geva pushed Quin's hand away.

"Don't care about him. He is really hard to get along with new people." Luke, who was standing behind Quin immediately said it when he saw Geva leaving them.

"Does he hate me?" Quineera turned around and saw Luke.

"There's no reason for him to hate you. He just needs to adapt. The proof is he wants to cook for you." Luke tried to dismiss Quin's suspicions and gave positive words.

The three of them were already in the kitchen. "What should I do?" Quineera asked. This was her first experience. In the past she saw her mother cooking in the kitchen but that was when she was seven years old. Her hand touched the stove when it was hot. This incident created a new rule. Quineera and her sister were not allowed to touch the kitchen.

"Let me and Geva do it. The princess can sit here." Luke pulled out a chair and let Quin sit there.

"Luke is a bullshit man. He always seduces women to get what he wants." Geva muttered while he was cleaning the beef tenderloin. He would make steak for their meal.

"Is his cooking delicious?" Quin commented when he saw how Geva cut the onions.

"You really don't know anything about him?" Luke frowned. Only this time he met a woman who did not know who Geva was.

"I wasn't interested in taking care of other people." Quineera replied while reaching for the strawberries on the table.

Luke looked at a cookbook that lay on the table. It looked like the book belonged to his mother. The cover of the book was a photo of Geva. It was certain that the contents were food recipes written by Geva.

The book became a book that sold well in the market. "You see this! This is a food recipe book. The contents were written by Geva," Luke said while handing the book to Quineera.

Quineera took the book from Luke's hand. Every page she opened until the last and there was a closing remark from Geva which was affixed with a signature.

"Gevariel Ethan Xander!" Quin's eyes bulged at the name written on it. All this time she knew that Gevariel, her sister's ex-lover, was a chef. In fact she had already arranged a meeting with the man but she did not expect that this man in front of her was the same person. "Is he Gevariel Ethan Xander?" Quin confirmed what was on her mind and she was shaking Luke's shoulders to get an answer.

"You know him?" Luke was confused by Quin's sudden strange reaction.

"Yes. I'm Gevariel Ethan Xander." Hearing his name, Geva turned around and confirmed Quin's words.


There was no way Quin could tell him everything but the sudden reality she received made her legs go limp. She thought Geva was just an ordinary man who happened to be able to cook and had the same first name with the man she had been looking for all along.

"What happened, Quinn?" Luke asked. The Chinese man's face was confused by Quineera's strange attitude.

"It doesn't matter." Quin calmed herself and took a breath. "My family used to tell me about Gevariel Ethan Xander. I didn't expect that the person in front of me would be the same person." After mastering the situation, Quin returned to calm.

"All right, Mister Geva. Tomorrow is our pleasant meeting. Starting tomorrow we will be business partners." Quineera talked in her heart.

As previously stated, Max said that Gevarial Ethan Xander would open a restaurant. In fact, they were looking for investors and food providers for their restaurants. Quin took the opportunity. She also knew that Gevariel's profession as a chef did not have the support from his family.

On the table, there were three plates of tenderloin steak, potato wedges,beans, carrots, and peas.

"I don't like peas and beans." Quinn said.

"Don't waste food! Give it to me!" Geva said, making Quineera shocked.

"Are you serious?" Quin looked at Geva's face who was sitting right in front of her.

"Hmmm." Without seeing Quineera's face Geva answered.

Geva took Quineera's plate and moved peas and beans to his plate. "Take care of the food like humans," Geva said while returning Quineera's plate. He always treats every food well. Geva was not willing if the results of his cooking ended up in the trash.

"How come his strange personality like this has never been heard of by me." Quineera thought. It turned out that there was a lot of information missing from Max's search.

Quineera's plate was clear from peas and beans. She cut the steak with a knife and then pierced it with a fork. The piece of meat landed in her mouth. "Very delicious." Quin subconsciously praised Geva's cooking.

"If you want to be cooked again, be friends with Geva. He will make you a taster of his food. So far, only Sam and I have been his victims." Luke said when he managed to swallow his food.

"Wow, it would be really fun if I could taste his recipe." Suddenly Quineera was enthusiastic.

"Wait for me, Geva. Today I tasted your food but in the next few days I will make you fall in love with me. That way I can avenge my family." Quineera's mind spoke.