

Quineera was a beautiful and successful young woman. At the age of 25 she managed to become CEO of Carl's Company, one of the leading companies in her country. Success did not calm her down. For the past four years she had been searching for information about a man named Gevariel Ethan Xander. A chef who caused her parents and sister to die. Quineera wanted to avenge her broken heart by making the man feel the pain of loss. But she could do nothing when love appeared unexpectedly. Quineera discovered many new facts about Gevariel and she fell in love with him. What will Quineera choose? Love or revenge?

Avaya0627 · 现代言情
25 Chs


Gevariel's kitchen was a complete mess. Three Teflon of various sizes were already in the sink. The Teflon still on the stove showed a charred omelet. The table was filled with very messy pieces of vegetables. What angered Gevariel the most was the tempeh which Quineera crushed in the blender. Actually, Gevariel ordered the tempeh on purpose when Luke was visiting his uncle in Indonesia.

"What are you doing with my tempeh?" Gevariel was so upset that he almost shed tears. Last month Luke was visiting his uncle's house in Jakarta, then Gevariel left a message for his friend to buy him tempeh, chili paste, and cowhide crackers.

"I just wanted to prepare some food for you. I'm hungry too," Quin replied.

According to the information she got from Max, Quin knew that Gevariel did not like eating out. The main reason Quin did not understand. She only guessed that Geva did not like to eat carelessly considering he was a chef who really took care of what food went into his body.

"You have made a mess in my house. Get out quickly!" Gevarial lost his temper. He snapped and chased the woman away.

Quineera froze for a moment until the silence was broken when Quineera's stomach creaked.

Every eight o'clock in the morning, Quin must have had breakfast but today her stomach had not been filled with anything even though it almost noon. "I'm hungry," she said. There was no trace of guilt on Quin's face. Quin rubbed her stomach while she complained of hunger making gevariel's anger disappear.

"You just sit on the chair. I will prepare everything," Gevariel said. He took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. Geva was really not willing if his tempeh ended up in the trash.

"What are you doing with my tempeh?" Gevariel asked. His eyes were still watching the tempeh that had become porridge in the blender.

"Tempeh? What is that?" Quin's forehead furrowed perfectly.

Quineera did not know what kind of food she put in the blender. She only saw that it was a mix of soybean. She thought if blended it would be delicious like almond milk. Quineera was embarrassed. Quin intended to make a perfect impression but in the end she destroyed everything.

"This is called tempeh." Gevariel had run out of energy to be angry. He lowered his voice and tried to explain to Quineera who did not understand anything about the kitchen.

"I don't know what it is. I just wanted to prepare breakfast. I am hungry." Quineera suddenly felt guilty. Suddenly clear liquid ran down her cheeks due to the yell she received earlier from Gevariel.

Seeing Quineera's tears, guilt turned to Geva. To cover the awkwardness he approached the woman's body and hugged her. "Sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. Sit down! I will make some food for us."

Quineera could only obey. She had intended to give Gevariel the perfect impression but in the end she could not do anything after receiving a hug from the man.

Gevariel was not willing to let the tempeh that was guarded like a lover just fall apart. He forced his brain to think so that the food did not end up in the trash. Suddenly his instincts as a chef immediately led him.

Gevariel opened the refrigerator door and saw some kinds of fresh vegetables and finely ground meat. Gevariel brought out eggs, potatoes, carrots and pre-mashed meat. Potatoes would be used as a substitute for flour.

Gevariel's hands worked to blend every ingredient he cut. His charm in cooking was above average even though Geva was still in his pajamas and he had not showered yet.

"So handsome," Quin said subconsciously.

"I am indeed handsome but you have to remember to blink. Your eyeballs can pop out if you are enjoying my charm too much."

"So stupid! Why I praise his charm. He will be more confident," Quinn annoyed in her heart.

Finally Gevariel finished cooking. "Tada!" Gevariel shouted. He brought an impromptu tempeh steak.

Two porcelain plates were decorated with sliced ​​carrots, chickpeas, and tomatoes. Tempe, which was already round, was sprinkled with Geva's homemade sauce. Quineera was hungry and she could not wait to enjoy it.

"Eat!" Geva did not forget to put the fork and knife on Quineera's plate.

"Thank you." Quineera enjoyed her food without saying a word but occasionally her eyes glanced at Gevariel who was also eating his food.

"I think this menu is suitable for your restaurant. Simple menu but special taste." Quineera said in when the silence that ensued between them.

There was no answer from Gevariel. The man was busy putting food in his mouth and chewing it.

After finishing half the meal the man did not say anything as if his stock of words had run out.

"Is he still mad at me?" Quin asked herself. She saw no sign of peace from Geva and it made her think badly of the man.

Quineera did not know if Geva would really run out of topics if he had to talk to someone he just met.

"Hurry up and finish your food! Soon Luke will pick us up. We have to go to the restaurant to try some menus before launching next week," Geva said when he stood up and wanted to enter his bedroom.

"Wait!" Quin stopped Geva's steps. "Where should I buy the tempeh? Should I replace it? I know you're angry because of that."

"No need! That food doesn't exist in this country. One more thing! Don't act weird again in my kitchen. Later the maid will come to clean my kitchen." With great emphasis Geva warned. Geva did not want the woman to further ravage his beloved territory.

Then Geva continued to walk into the bedroom. He left Quineera who was unmoved from her place.

"He's so fierce." Quineera muttered.

Having been strictly prohibited from cleaning the kitchen, Quineera chose to return to her apartment. "He's so annoying. I just want to prepare breakfast. It's normal if his kitchen is a mess because I have never cooked. It was not a big mistake but why did he have to be so angry?" While selecting some well-fitting clothes, Quineera was still grumbling.