
Trapped in silk

Princess_yasss · 青春言情
3 Chs

Chapter three.

<p>Who is he....? I shake it off and look at my clock. It's just a dream anyways. <br/><br/>4:30. I sigh and lay back down. But his hair was so soft, I could feel the locks around my fingers as I slid my hand into his hair. His skin was smooth....like silk. He was anything but....but he felt so good in my arms. I groan and sit back up. I walk to my bathroom and run a bath. <br/><br/>I need time to think...I almost told him the name of my pack. Granted he's a dream man it still could be something trying to get to us. I grew up/live with evergreens forest pack. It's extremely well known for its hard to navigate forest. I personally never had trouble it was really easy to navigate but I'm also a cat.<br/><br/> I hear a knock and I get out of the tub. "Hold on!" I say. I get out of the bath and grab my towel. I slip it on and crack open the door. "Y-" before I finish my sentence I hear a growl. Marcus barges in and shuts the door. <br/><br/>My heart beat speeds up as I stare wide eyed at the boy. "What are y-you doing?" I stutter. He turns and his eyes are glowing an icy blue, perks of being an alpha. He looks me up and down and takes a step forward. I look at my body and see nothing but the towel. <br/><br/>He stocks a bit closer. He won't be able to do anything like mark me due to him being 14 but still I'm really scared. He's about four inches taller so he has an upper hand. I scream and he growls, covering my mouth. I struggle making the towel fall. I hear loud heavy footsteps approach us. I bite his fingers and yell. "Help me!!". The door swings open and it's my brother and nexus. <br/><br/>The pry Marcus off and I pull up my towel. They drag him-or his wolf out of the room. I wait till they leave and change into sweats and a baggy t-shirt. I slip on some gym shoes and rush down stairs. <br/><br/>Nexus is holding my brother back from attacking a just as scary Marcus. I get in front of my brother and hug him. His arms latch around me and I hear a small whimper in my ear. "I'm okay, I'm fine I'm not going anywhere.." I whisper. <br/><br/>I know this is true but I can't help but shake in his embrace. I can't believe Marcus did that. My brother pulls me back and looks me over. "I didn't do anything.." I heard Marcus grumble. "But YOU were going to!" My brother seethed. "Why?" I asked softly. "My dad said take what you want...I was doing just that." He said,he evilly glared at me.<br/><br/> I stare mortified. "I thought you were different..." I whisper. I run out of the house and shift into my cat. I run deep in the woods. I let out a series of whimpers. Kinda like crying. Great know I have a terrible image of my future alpha. I curl up in a ball suddenly exhausted. I shut my eyes and whimper again.<br/><br/>I wake up and look around. It was night time. I-I've been asleep for 12 hours? I jump up and run back to the house. I shift at the front of the wood line. Kitten shifter perks. I walk quickly inside and see a blur run and grab me. <br/><br/>By the scent it was my mom. "M-mom.." I wheeze out. "I'm sorry are you okay?" She asked. I nod and take a deep breath. "Where were you?" She asked. "In the north part of the woods....why are you dressed up?" I asked. She walked me to my room. "Alpha archer Smith is here.." she whispered. <br/><br/>She then helped me get dressed into a soft black dress. She pinned my hair into a nice bun. "Wow.....thank me later!" She winked. I giggled and we walked down stairs. Everything was being set up in the ball room. <br/><br/>"Who's alpha archer again?" I asked. She gasped and looked at me. "He's a famous alpha due to his silver white hair..I heard it's longer than his knees but when up right down to his butt!" My mom said excitedly. I looked at her. "Weirdo.." I mumbled. We found my brother with nexus and milika. "Hey guys...milika." She nodded in acknowledgment. I don't like her. She was in a satin dress that contracted with her pale white skin and blonde hair. The door opens and I look smelling cherry and jasmine.</p>