

My heart started thumping as he entered the room and locked the door behind him. He looked incredibly handsome in his black suit. His blue eyes were filled with lust and were piercing me like a dagger. I felt like a rabbit who is trapped in a Lion's den. He removed his suit and sat on the couch. He didn't take his eyes off me even for a second. " Come and sit on my lap," he said in a deep and stern tone. At that moment I realized that it was too late to run away. I just have to obey and do what he says me to do. Surrendering to him is the only choice I have left now. How am I going to survive this hot and intimidating guy ???? ************************************* Hannah lives a life of lies. She isn't aware of her own identity. Everything changed when she met Liam Eaton. She is obsessed with him from the very first day she met him. He is a ruthless Drug Lord under the disguise of a Hollywood movie producer. He is invincible in both underworld and the business world. He is desperately looking for ways to avenge his family members' death. He comes to know about Hannah's true identity and uses her to his advantage. He imprisons her in his cage in the name of love. Even after knowing his true intentions, Hannah loves him infinitely. Having suffered a tragic past, she sees him as the only light of her life. Her obsessive love changes her into to completely different person. She is even ready to take a bullet for him. It's too late when she realizes the person she has become due to her obsession. She tries to run away from her dark side but in vain. Her dark side follows her like a shadow wherever she goes. She becomes the most wanted target in the underworld. Will she break free from her trap of obsession and survive in the world of immortality? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join my discord server to view pictures of characters and more https://discord.gg/MCNHfvH7m8 Chat with the author directly there and give your feedback.

Riley_Steverose · 现代言情
234 Chs


𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙜 𝙈𝙖𝘾𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙑:

I knelt on the floor of my cabin and closed my eyes. ' Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive my sins. Thirty men have died because of me. Their blood is in my hands. Please accept those thirty unfortunate souls in your kingdom. 

I was blinded by greediness so much that I ended up doing sinful acts. I have sold my soul to the devil and now I'm surrounded by darkness in a deadly pit. Heavenly Father, please show me a way out of the mess I made.  

Please forgive my sins and accept me back in your kingdom. Please bless my son Keith, who is now completely stranded on the dark side. He was a sweet little boy but my greediness poisoned him. He is now a slave to sin. Please forgive him for his sins. Heavenly Father, please show me the pathway for salvation. Amen.'

I opened my eyes and got up from the floor. I looked at the boxes of peonies that were in front of me.

" Did you finish praying?" asked Keith from behind me.

" Yes. And I would advise you to do the same if you ever want your soul to be saved."

" Come on Dad. Life is short and if you keep fearing God when will you live the life?"

" My son, life doesn't stop after our death. On the day of judgment, we all have to face the wrath of the almighty. "

Keith covered his ears with his hands. " Please stop the religious talk, Dad. I'm begging you."

Keith is just too young to understand these things. He is completely consumed by the dark side. But I have faith that one day he will find his salvation. Till that, I have to wait.

" Dad, I have saved the day. You don't have to worry about distributing these peonies anymore. I have recruited a street gang. They will take care of this," he said.

" Keith, are you out of your goddamn mind? How could you involve any more people? They will be killed by Eaton."

" But dad, this is the only way we have. Or else how can we distribute these products? "

He was right. There is no other idea than this. But recruiting people for suicide missions for our selfish purposes is a sin. Holy Father, I'm driven to perform sins against my will. Please forgive me!

" Okay, my son. We have got another assignment from Patterson. We are going to save Hannah."

Keith started laughing out loud." What? Do you mean that whore Hannah? She needs to be saved?"

" Stop it, Keith. Since when did you start disrespecting women? You should not abuse a lady like this."

" Dad, stop being lame. She is Eaton's escort."

" No, she is not. Eaton has her trapped in his cage in the name of love. She is being manipulated by Eaton. That is what her father said. We must save that poor girl."

Keith was about to say something but he was silenced by the ringing sound from the laptop. He went over to the table and glanced at the laptop screen.

" We got a video call from Znakomstvo!" he shrieked. " Mr. Znakomstvo, it's very nice to see you."

" Nice to meet you too, Keith. I want to speak to Craig MaCadie? Is he around?" 

I stepped in front of the laptop and sat on the adjacent chair which was close to the desk. He was wearing a black color mask that fully covered his face. I still don't understand why he is hiding his identity." Yes, Mr. Znakomstvo," I said. 

" I heard that you got a call from Reynolds Patterson. Is it true?"

" Yes," I answered.

" What was it about?" he asked.

Why is he asking me such questions? " Patterson asked me to aid him in saving his daughter from Eaton."

" Fine. Now Mr. MaCadie, I'm going to ask you a simple question. You must answer honestly to it. Whom are you working for?"

" I'm working for you, Mr.Znakomstvo," I replied.

" And who saved your ass from going to federal prison?"

" It's you, Mr. Znakomstvo."

" Who paid off your debts and saved your production company?" 

" Again, it's you, Mr.Znakomstvo." I retorted. 

" Well done! You answered my questions right. Now, to whom should you be aiding in capturing Hannah?"

I could see where this is going. " Please don't ask me to do this one thing. I'm trying to reunite a girl with her father. I can't aid you in this one thing."

" No no," Keith screamed. " Mr. Znakomstvo, don't worry, we will capture Hannah for you. Don't mind my father. He is a little religious. But I'll convince my father and we are going to aid you in this. "

" Okay. Craig MaCadie, Just remember whom you are working for. If you go against me and side with Patterson, then you will have to suffer terrible consequences," he said and disconnected the call 

I was so furious at Keith. " What are you thinking, Keith? You went behind my back and recruited new distributors without consulting with me? At least for that, I could forgive you. But now, you are volunteering to deliver a poor girl to the Russian Mafia? Are you out of your God damn mind?"

" Dad, you are driving me crazy with your religious sentiments. Hannah is not a poor girl. She is serving Liam Eaton currently. And in the future, she will be serving Znakomstvo. What is the difference? She is just a whore."

" No. She is not a whore. She is an innocent girl who is trapped in love with a mobster. She has no idea what she is doing. She needs to be safely handed over to her family."

" Dad, stop kidding. She has no real family. Did you know that her brother Hector shot her?"

" What?"

" I'm telling you the truth. Her brother tried to kill her. And her father doesn't even acknowledge her as his daughter until now. I don't know why they both suddenly need her. But I'm pretty sure her brother will kill her once he gets his hands on her."

Jesus Christ! What kind of family are they? What kind of person tries to kill his sister?

" So Dad, if you feel pity about Hannah, then you should hand her over to Znakomstvo. At least he is not going to kill her immediately. He probably needs her to use as bait against Liam."

Whatever Keith said was right. I felt sorry for that girl's current situation. Only a miracle can save that poor girl Hannah.