

It was such a rainy day, even though it was pretty sunny outside. The rain clattered on the grass and dirt.

I decided today I would explore instead of doing quests.

I was outside of Monstadt's walls and I could take three roads. Left, right, and straight I decided to take the left road to Whispering Woods, to Starfell Lake, and so on.

I walked and walked forever till I saw the Statue Of Seven where Paimon brought me.

Paimon was not here now. I was glad she was not here. Then she would pull me everywhere, ask for food, and even wander off on her own and I have to find her!

I did not want to go where I started so I went off the path and went up the map to Stormbearer Mountains.

It was a new place that I have not explored yet. And so I went up some rocks and I saw a very small pond.

Inside there were Cyro slimes, but small ones.

Wherever they bounced on water, the water turned to ice under them.

'Wow! That's so awsome' I thought

As I said that the slime jumped up and bonked me on the head and I lost 100 hp.

"You ugly slime how dare you"! I said raising my sword and jumping in the water and slashing the slime with my sword.

The hydro sign appeared above my health at the bottom of my view.

The slime jumped at my head.

*Whack*, the slime hit me first and it blurred my sight and light blue was all I could see.

I swung my blade blindly but I couldn't move!

And I just noticed that I was frozen.

Coldness surrounded me but I didn't pass out.

Finally, I broke out.

Though I was low on health, I still had 2 more avatars.

Kaeya and Amber.

Wait, Amber!

Amber was a Pyro type and the slime's weakness was Pyro!

So I changed into Amber and drew my arrow at the slimes and aimed.

I let go of the arrow and it hit all three slimes!

I changed back to Axel and got out of the water fast and after a few seconds the watermark wore off down near my health bar.

The slimes followed me on land, and I swung my blade and kept on swinging blindly till all of the slimes were dead.

I collected all the material that they dropped and the mora just flew to me into my inventory.

Up ahead I saw a teleport waypoint, it was red so I have not activated it yet.

So I sprinted and touched to waypoint.

It turned blue and I also appeared on my map!

"Wow," I whispered.

Suddenly, words appeared in front of me.

[ Stormbearer mountains. Highly dangerous].

"What"! I screamed.

Some monsters appeared nearby and heard me.

They started to move towards me!

"Oops," I said sighing. "Guess I'm going to have to fight".

"Time to get my game face on and kick some monster's butt"! I screamed out loud. "Where are these cowardly monsters, COME OUT"!

Then more than 50 hilichurls, 50 different kinds of elemental slimes, and 20 Large hilichurls appeared on top of the hill.

"Yup, they were not kidding when they said highly dangerous," I said. "Yea, guess I'm going to run for my life instead".

Ad so just like that I ran away to Starfell Lake, to Whispering Woods, and back to the city Mondstadt.

"That was so scary". I said, "I should have just stayed quiet instead of evoking them".

Sometimes, I just get way too ahead of myself.

So I went to get some food cause I was starving.

I went to my map and saw a food sign, there were a fork and a spoon crossed that made an X shape.

I ran to the shop and there was Sara, the chief.

"Can I have some food"? I asked.

"Certainly" she answered and gave me the menu.

The menu screen popped up and I found my favorite food immediately.

It was Chicken-Mushroom skewer.

It had chicken that was fried and mushrooms that were cooked stuck onto a stick, that was what skewer was.

I took all five and the skewer was sold out.

I sat on the nearest chairs with tables and began to eat the skewers.

Since all my health and all the other avatars were on full health I did not regain more health but the skewer was still awesome!

It was dark when I got back to my, wait, right, I didn't have a home, so I teleported to Starfell Lake and swam across the water around the Statue Of Seven.

I soon dried up and lied down on the soft grass and said to myself, "next time I'm going to be way more careful and not get ahead of myself".

I looked up at the stars above and slowly fell to sleep.