
Chapter 25 Bring the show on!

Looking at the magnificent design in front of him, hundreds of gaming tables, slot machines, various poker games, and free alcohol, Jim was really satisfied with Sam, the son-in-law, and he became more and more sure that Sam is definitely the kid of the rich. , Much better than Mr. Carlito.

A few days ago, Sam actually said that he would take him to the casino to play. At this age, he has not been to any formal large-scale casino. It was just a few friends who got together to play mahjong, which was boring. Now his status is different. The place meets his ideal life.

"Go on!" Jim shouted excitedly.

"Lost again." Gambler Carlo snorted.

"Quit." Gambler Lee pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, luck, you still have a chance to comeback." Jim laughed and circled the chips in front of him.

"If you want to play the big one, I'm afraid you won't dare." Carlo said aggressively.