
Transporter : Fishman Island

I some how ended up on Fishman Island, in the One Piece world after getting lost in the mountains. I plan to leave the Strawhats alone and live a normal life while enjoying the wonders of the new world I find myself in, but everyone has to make a living in any world so I'll... ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound Twitter.com/@DGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Ch 2 : 2 Years Later (Edited)

"Den! I'm going to get some more sap, we're starting to run low." Solomon shouted to Den who was working on the other side of the ship they were coating.

Solomon had worked for Den for over two years now, and during this time the locals eventually got used to seeing him around when he walked around shopping at the market or going about his life.

In the beginning he would sleep on the ships that they would coat as there was never a shortage of people trying to make it into the new world, mostly pirates, but even they knew better then to attack the ones coating their ship so there was never any problems with them.

But once he had started earning enough to look after himself he had bought his own place, it was only a small bedroom, kitchen and bathroom but he was proud of it, it showed off all his hard work since he arrived in the world of One Piece. But he was actually preparing to move out of his little home as he had gotten a much better offer for a place to live closer to the centre of Fishman Island, and just thinking about his new 'room mate' made him smile wide.

His old home was cut out from the rock of the ocean floor and there was a lot of similar ones build in the rock around him, all available room was used on Fishman Island as the outer bubble that protected it was unable to be made bigger with out a lot of risk.

In that 2 years Solomon had also gone through a couple changes as well, he was now over 3 meters tall, coincidentally the same height as the Admirals. He credited it to all the sea king meat he ate on a regular basis, whatever it in them that makes them grow so large seemed to have effected his height.

But his height wasn't that strange when you though of some of the people in the new world and you would also see a lot of Fishman around that were the same height as him which wasn't odd as they ate the same meat as him.

They were currently working on a ship that was going back up to the Sabaody Archipelago, a rare merchant ship, rare as they didn't get many of them as very few people would be willing to make the journey down to the bottom of the sea.

But whenever there was such a ship Solomon would hitch a ride up with them to get necessary supplies that you couldn't get on Fishman Island, he would always make sure to buy more then he needed as he would sell the rest to other people down on Fishman Island. He didn't overprice things like the merchants would do and so a lot of people would give him requests of what he should get, this also got him into a lot of people's good books, even letting some see past their hatred of humans eventually, his new room mate was one such example.

But he couldn't blame them for that hate, not even when he was occasionally on the receiving end of it, as he knew there was people among his kind that truly deserved it, like the celestial dragons for example, walking piece's of human trash that thought they were gods that were too good to even breath the same air as everyone else, they would kill anyone they wanted for the simplest reason or even no reason at all and they treated everyone else as their slaves.

Solomon still remembered how they acted in the anime and it made him sick when he thought about how they were real in this world, he hated it whenever he was forced to kneel whenever he would run across one on Sabaody and had to watch as they did as they pleased with everyone else's lives.

He may have gotten stronger and taller since 2 years ago but he knew there was no fighting the power behind the celestial dragons. The power of the Navy and the 3 Admirals, the dogs of the world government, no, he knew if he did anything to the celestial dragons then he would be killed or worse made into a slave for them, one of the fates worse then death in this world.


"Is that everyone?" Solomon asked all the people around him as he wrote down in his note pad, they were all giving him their requests for things that he should buy once he was on Sabaody when he suddenly felt someone tugging at his trousers, looking down he saw a small mermaid with a pink tail and green hair, "What is it little one?" Solomon asked the little mermaid.

"Can you get me a teddy bear? I heard they're really soft!" She exclaimed excitedly, Solomon couldn't help but smile at the small girls excitement, writing it down as well, "Okay, it's on the list." Patting the girls head with his large hand, completely covering her small head but it just made her smile wider.

Solomon had become well-known now and because he acted as a bridge between the surface world and the bottom of the ocean he was well liked, he would get little requests like this often but he just enjoyed doing it as he world see smiles like the one he was getting now, he felt that it was worth it just to get that smile, to know that you made someone feel even just a little bit better.

"Alright, I'm off everyone, I'll see you all in a couple days." Solomon said before he boarded the coated merchant ship that was just about to leave, he waved to everyone that was their to see him off with a smile on his face, waving goodbye to his home.

He could also see his new home from where he was on the ship and he could see his room mate waving to him from her balcony. Solomon started hopping up and down as he waved his hands wildly in the air, from the reaction she had Solomon knew the she was laughing at him acting silly.


"Now I just need to get that teddy bear." Solomon said was he looked at his note pad, filled with tick marks he was looking down at the last item on his list, he also had a backpack three times his size on his back that was packed full with all the things he was asked to get, he then made sure to tuck the note pad back into the backpack.

He had just bought a small black bear plushie, that was actually the size of a child but small to him, when he heard screaming and frantic splashing, it sounded like a child screaming desperately he quickly shoved the black bear into his trouser pocket and ran towards the screaming as quickly as he could, going against the flow of people that were leaving the scene just as quickly.

As he got closer he was passing people kneeling down on the ground but he didn't pay them any attention as he was too focused on the child he heard screaming, he knew he recognised the voice!

Rushing onto the scene he saw men dressed in black suits and black sun glasses, they all had stone cold looks on their faces, like they weren't just looking at a child being abducted, like it was just an everyday occurrence for them.

The child in question was the very same mermaid that had asked him to get her a teddy bear, the very same one in his pocket, so when he saw the men in black trying to drag her out of the water he saw red, not even the sudden pain in his leg stopped him from rushing at the men, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!!" Solomon raged as he ran at them, even with his large size and the even larger backpack on his back didn't slow him down as he rushed at them like a bull.

When the men finally noticed that someone was actually running at them they looked at him like he was an idiot, but they were even more surprised when Solomon threw his giant backpack at them, knocking almost all of the men in black suits into the sea along with the backpack and forcing the one that was trying to drag the mermaid out of the sea to let go of her unless he also wanted to be hit by the backpack.

Solomon felt another sharp pain but in his arm this time, he ignored that as well in favour of checking that the mermaid had gotten away safely, looking into the water he saw the mermaid and some other Fishman children he recognised, "Go home now! It's not safe here!" When Solomon saw the children nod their heads frantically at him, seeing that he relaxed but as soon as he did he started feeling light headed and without knowing he passed out from blood loss.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


https://www.pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhoundcreators' thoughts