
Transported to Marvel world

Disclaimer: This is my first time doing fanfiction. I hope that readers would enjoy my take and don't be shy to voice your suggestions on how I could improve my novel. Thank you!!!

HowToFallInLove · 奇幻
24 Chs

Money Making Plan

Founding a superhero team had many similarities with starting a business. To roll things up you're gonna need funding which is your capital. For the base of operations, you're gonna need land. The members of the team are your labor force and lastly, the way you steer the team to accomplish its goals is your form of entrepreneurship.

These are the thoughts that run through Harvey's mind as he reads the second main mission.

[Main Mission: Create a superhero team


- $ 100,000

- 100 Marvel Coins

- Tier 1 Headquarters (blueprint)]

Luckily, the system's maintenance stayed true to its words by releasing another mission.

[Permanent Mission: Defeat a bad guy (repeatable)


- Civilian = $100

- Soldier = $200

- Super = $300

- Super Soldier = $400

- ...

- ...]

According to the system, the mission rewards won't interfere with the first defeat rewards. Also, for the same person, there is a cooldown of one week before they could trigger the rewards again.

"Luckily I still have time," Harvey said as he looked at the information posted on the display board.

A person's picture was pasted on it with the words " May 2010: A man created an advanced suit of armor" written below.

The person is none other than Tony Stark. After a brief research, Harvey found out that Tony is yet to become Iron Man. At this time he is busy living his life as a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and selling his inventions to the U.S. government.

If there wasn't a major deviation in the course of events Tony Stark would encounter an incident that would result in people thinking that he met his end. As a result, numerous shareholders will decide to leave the boat called Stark Industries to minimize their losses.

When this happened Harvey would swoop down to buy the depreciated stocks. But first, he needed tons of cash, fortunately, today is only the month of August. This leaves Harvey 10 months to stockpile his funds.

SPOILER ALERT!! If you don't want to be spoiled skip this!!

After he escapes from the Hydra base, our MC is bound to face new challenges in the outside world. Now, for reasons only he knows the MC decided not to reveal his true name.

This would cause him to take on a new persona in the next few chapters. Now, I already have a few names in mind but I thought that it would be better to give you, my readers, a chance to pick a name for the MC's future persona. Just COMMENT down below your picks

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