
Transmigrator's Random Travels in Fictional Universes

What if you suddenly got transmigrated into a new world. And it even got some of your favorite anime characters? You also got an omnipotent system to help you. Well this is that kind of story, where an otaku who was transmigrated as Kinoshita Kazuya and how he enjoys his new life. WARNING:: Before reading this, I just want to inform you that Kanokari will not be the focus of this and it will be boring mostly for some. I just took the characters so don't expect that the plot will follow KanoKari just because the mc is Kazuya.There will be plotholes and cringe moments. And also some characters in this will sometimes differ from their canon counterpart in terms of maybe their personality, some history, etc. And this story mainly revolves around the desire of the mc to do what he wish. So, please leave if you don't like any info I wrote above. (AN: Also please leave comments or your opinions about the chapters and proper reviews okay? That's all I'm asking for since, that's all my entertainment for writing this fanfic. And please leave your honest thoughts, I promise I will read every one of them even if they are hate comments or whatever) (PS: I dont know how to classify this fanfic but it will contain many slice of life chapters mixed with some actions so I don't know. Well it's up to you guys how you classify this novel whether a slice of life or action etc.)

Lazy_Author69 · 漫画同人
80 Chs


I don't wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that'll be enough.

-- Portgas D. Ace ( One Piece )

(AN: Don't really know how to do a beach episode, so sorry if it's bad. And a bit of details from the previous Kazuya's memories are revealed here. Some may not like this chapter so forgive me.)


After arriving at the beach, Kazuya and others first carried their luggage to the beach house he rented.

Then they changed into swimsuits, well except the grandparents of Chizuru. So Kazuya along with his parents and his two girlfriends are the only ones in swimwear.


Kazuya was already outside of the beach house, setting up things. Then came out Kurumi and Chizuru in their swimsuit.

The two beautiful girls instantly attracted attention, since it is summer there are many people at the beach.

Kazuya smiled at the two, "You two look beautiful"

"Fufufu, of course," Kurumi chuckled

While Chizuru was blushing since she wasn't used to being stared at by many people especially in her swimsuit.

Before going off, the girls put on sunscreen and then, Kazuya held the hands of the two,

"Let's go swim there" He dragged them towards the sea. The three played in the water while laughing.


Meanwhile, people were watching them enviously. The girls being envious of the two having a handsome boyfriend and the boys being jealous of Kazuya for having two beauties.

Back at the beach house, Chizuru's grandparents were sitting on a recliner. While Kazuya's parents were watching the scene.

"Sigh* it's good to be young" Katsuhito sighed while watching Kazuya and the two girls enjoying out in the sea.

They were not that far away from the sea so he can clearly see them. Sayuri, his wife beside him just smiled.

"She really looks happy right?" She said

"Hm yes, this was the happiest expression I saw from Chizuru" Katsuhito commented, seeing his granddaughter being happy really left him happy too.


Back at Kazuya and the two girls,

"Do you guys want fresh seafood for lunch?" Kazuya suddenly asked his girlfriends.

"Seafood? I mean we brought some" Chizuru said feeling confused. While Kurumi seemed to think of something.

"Wait?! You don't mean...you will catch fresh seafood?" Kurumi exclaimed, caught ing Chizuru off guard.

Kazuya chuckled, "Of course, I have my ways."

But then he turned his head suddenly. He stared in a direction and saw a boy with binoculars staring at his two girlfriends.

He smirked a bit as he recognizes the boy. It was Raku Ichijo's friend Shuu Maiko. A boy with dirty blonde hair and wears circular framed glasses.

After seeing Shuu and the gang, Kazuya suddenly remembered a memory from the previous Kazuya. It was a memory of him when he was young, he visited Raku's house with someone but the figure was hazy.

He remembered visiting there and he became friends with Raku while they were kids.

He didn't know the reason as he just suddenly remembered it, the memory is hazy. But he suddenly thought he doesn't know much about his current family.

All he knew was they moved here and nothing else. But it seems there is more mystery to his current family.

(AN: Foreshadowing?)

Meanwhile, when Kazuya stared at Shuu, the latter stepped back. Raku noticed his friend stepping back.

"What's wrong Shuu?"

"T-that's...nothing hahaha"

While Tsugumi also noticed Shuu's action and stared at the place Shuu was looking previously and saw Kazuya smiling towards her.

She was shocked but not by his appearance but, she can feel Kazuya is an expert martial artist. Since she herself practices martial arts, she can feel the ki coming from Kazuya. She raised her guard up and stood beside Chitoge.

"Tsugumi?" Chitoge asked curiously seeing Tsugumi standing beside her with a solemn expression.

"Ojou, I just spotted a strong expert with an unknown objective. Please be prepared in case of an attack" Tsugumi whispered.


"Where are you looking at?" Kurumi asked curiously then looked in the direction Kazuya is looking. She saw a group of teenagers there.

Kazuya smiled, "I just saw a friend from when I was a kid. Come on let's see them" He said then he started walking towards Raku and the gang.

Chizuru and Kurumi followed him. They didn't who Kazuya's friend was but just followed.

When they arrived, Kazuya was about to greet them but Tsugumi quickly arrived in front of Kazuya and tried kicking him in the face with a ki reinforced leg.

Kazuya smiled and lowered himself. Then he grabbed her leg and threw her overhead. Tsugumi was thrown a few meters away in the sand.

"Tsugumi?!" Raku and the gang were surprised to see Tsugumi being thrown. They stared at Kazuya intensely. While Chitoge already ran to Tsugumi.

Kazuya shrugged, "She attacked me first, and just to let you know she has killing intent when she attacks me. She should be grateful I only threw her."

Then he turned to Raku, "And Raku, you can't recognize me anymore? I visited your house when we were kids you know?"

Raku was confused, he tried remembering someone he knew who was this super handsome.

"I don't remember you, who are you?"

Kazuya was not surprised by Raku's question. "It's me, Kazuya! Remember me now?" he pointed at himself.

Raku repeated the name before remembering something, "Kazuya nii-chan?! But you look different from before"

"Um...I can't quite follow here but, do you know him Raku-sama?" Marika asked Raku

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kinoshita Kazuya. I'm Raku's childhood friend, yep you can call me that." Kazuya smiled brightly.

By that time, Tsugumi and Chitoge arrived and heard his introduction. Seeing them, Kazuya turned to Tsugumi and apologized.

"I'm very sorry if I threw you strongly but next time you really shouldn't attack someone the first time you met " Kazuya reprimanded her.

Tsugumi smiled awkwardly and apologized too, "I apologize too, I thought you mean to attack Ojou when you approached."

"Well, you probably felt my ki right?"

"Yes, I felt you're an expert so I assume you mean to harm"

The others listening to the conversation of the two except some we're confused. Ki? Expert? They suddenly thought they discovered something.

"Well, do you want to join us in there? Raku come on, we need to talk about what happened these past years"

So they walked towards the beach house Kazuya rented. After the initial awkwardness, they soon chatted happily.


(AN: It seems Kazuya's family still has a secret. I wonder what it is, well...find out in the later chapters. Also, I think I will add one more world to the mix. And maybe I can't upload a chapter tomorrow so here it is)

I'm pissed since I needed to rewrite the chapter due to an error. F*ck the devs they needed to fix some sh*t since there are many mistakes in this app.

Lazy_Author69creators' thoughts