
Chapter 54

After both Aurelia and the duchess left, Ilaria said she wasn't feeling well either, and left with her box and flowers. Only he and Victoria, with a wronged expression, were left, so he dismissed dinner early, he had no appetite. He wanted to see if Aurelia was alright, but their conversation stunned him.

Were they scheming to hurt his innocent daughter?

No wonder Victoria is always upset whenever he sees her!

"She is not going anywhere." he stated coldly.

"your grace!" does he not see the tears in his daughter's eyes? Is it not the appropriate time for education.

"as a matter of fact, you will learn to get along with each other, and you will not take a single step out of this household without her."

"your grace, don't be too strict on her, she is not feeling well as it is." Agitated by the her husband's words, she quickly intervened." and Aurelia is going to have various social events to attend from now on, she ca—"

"if she asked, the other girls would not say no."

Aurelia hid her crying face and shaking body in her mother's embrace, her parents never fought before. "and why should she want to embarrass herself?"

"embarrass! Shouldn't she feel proud to have someone her age to play with?"

'proud my a**! What's there to be proud about? Should she feel proud that her father has a child from an affair? Huh? Should she be proud of it and show off that cursed child? Or should she be proud that her parents are fighting because of that same child?'

The duchess wanted to give him a piece of her mind, but she bit her tongue and remembered Aurelia was still in the room. "your grace, I was only thinking of everybody's best interest. Let's continue this discussion sometime else, shall we?"

"there's nothing to discuss. My words are final and this topic ends here!" his frosty eyes and tone pierced through her heart like a sharpened icicle.

"then, I will leave with my children to my father's house until you have calmed down." how could he be so cruel when his daughter is crying in such a sorrowful way! Strangers on the street will have more mercy than his frozen heart!

'is she threatening me! Me! Her husband after all these years !' how can his pride allow it?

" you will leave alone! My children shall not take a step out of the threshold as long as my face sees another day!"

"I shall not, and will not, separate from the children which I born and raised! Myself alone, must I add."

"you dare talk back! I have tolerated your actions for so long that you would dare raise your voice to destroy this family."

The argument grew more intense, and Aurelia could only hug her mother tighter, choking back on sobs. It shook her to the core. She wanted it to stop. All of it! But the only thing she could do was to cry pathetically. Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth, preventing her from speaking a single word to end this madness.

" you shattered of this family the second that child of yours stepped into our lives, no, you you sowed the seed of the destruction it the moment the thought of being unfaithful crossed your mind! You knew fully well about what's in stake, yet you still committed reckless actions." the duchess did not back down like she always did. All her pent up feelings over the years erupted like a volcano.

" I have been constantly trying to correct your mistakes since the the moment we got engaged, but I shan't accept them and suffer in silence any longer. And where have you been all these years? Huh? You were always so caught up in work, sometimes months pass without having a proper conversation! And how about our kids? When was the last time you spent quality time with them? If his majesty never gave you a home arrest would you have ever cared to spare a few minutes to ask about their well-being? Or is your unconditional fatherly love reserved solely for that bit—"



Nobody knew what to do or say next, their minds still processing what happened.

It stunned them all. Even Aurelia's faint sobs stopped. She felt like her heart stopped for a second too, then started beating like crazy. The duchess stared into oblivion with disbelief.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but when she finally came out of her long shock, the sun had long set. In place of the Duke, was her lady in waiting, Olivia. She must be the one who closed the curtains and lighted a few candles.

The duchess's hair pins had been pulled out and her hair organized in a way that covered her left cheek. "Liv?"

Her competent lady in waiting reported the events, "Madame, I was guarding by the door, no one else knows. Are you alright, Madame? "


She nodded, tipping her head deeply. "I apologize, I overheard the conversation."

The duchess only nodded in response, looking at her sleeping daughter. She was slow to react due to the effects of the aftershock.

"Madame... I think it will greatly effect her future and traumatize her." Olivia maintained her gentle tone despite her shock, she worked efficiently. "I apologize for my impulsive behavior, but I brought this from your room."

She gave a delicately embroidered pouch, containing a magical pill. The pill was a family heirloom as it was extremely difficult to obtain even if it was for the emperor. She received it as part of her dowry from her sister, but she kept it a secret even from her husband.

"...do it."


Amourora, on the other hand, wanted to rest early after a long day of socializing. Her uncle wasn't feeling well, so she excused herself as well.

After she confirmed the recipe's success, she sealed three other recipes for the bakery, and a brief letter to Andrew, in an ordinary envelope. She didn't use the cookie recipe as people already know it's from the imperial palace, if they didn't, the little girls would spread the words to their families, the most influential in the empire. Besides, chocolate will be expensive for an average bakery.

When she used to live in the care homes, she went by the name, Lara Jagoda. Jagoda, because she liked berries, and Lara, her initials. (L) Lilacian princess, (A) Amourora (R) Rosabella de (A) Auclair. No one suspected it.

Of course, She couldn't go by her names because the residents of the care homes despised all nobles and royalty. They strongly believed they were the reason for all their sufferings, fighting over land and money, and in the end it falls on the head of the poor.

Therefore, she made up a story of a pitiful maid abused by her cruel master, and with the scars on her body, no one dared to question it. They even took pity on her and excused her from working under the sun or near fire. She was even well-liked and occasionally asked how the extravagant life of the rich was. Many dreamed of having more money to persue their dreams and strive for a better life. Little girls wanted their dress to look pretty, even with crude materials. Those poor kids were content and would be happy even with a colorful rock tied with strings.

The care homes won't be open for years and years to come, so she could use some of their ideas to her advantage and make use of her experience to aid her in the future. She also wrote the letters in code, just in case someone intercepted them and they fell into the wrong hands.

She wrote the code in two papers and wrote two short but clear letters, one to Anthony and the other one to Mr. Clifford.


[To Anthony,

I will try to keep the letter as short and comprehensive as possible.

First, I attached a code page to decipher the content of the letter, make sure to write me back in code.

Second, I offered sir Leo Clifford from 'River of the Valley' restaurant a deal and asked him to go to your bakery if he agrees, give him the other envelope when he arrives. Work together to accomplish greater success.

Third, I attached some recipes for you to follow, and some tips for the ones you already have.

Last, reopen your bakery as 'Dove's Delicious Delights'.

Write back only when you have urgent or important news.

Hide it at the bottom of a box,

Lara Jagoda]


[Sir Clifford,

I will keep the letter short and comprehensive. I am that girl who visited your restaurant. I apologize beforehand for the inconvenience. Thank you for reconsidering my offer.

First, Please use the money I left behind to assist the restaurant, and lend a helping hand to the bakery. Get acquainted with Anthony and show him the tips and tricks of the business world.

Second, send coded letters to Anthony if necessary, urgent and important matters only. He will deliver them to me.

Third, buy all the land around the area to expand the restaurant. Not necessarily immediately. Reopen your restaurant as 'The Secret Banquet'.

Last, I attached tips for the already existing dishes, and some ways to grab the attention of customers.

Thank you,

Lara Jagoda]


She waited for the ink to dry, divided the papers into two piles, then sealed them in two envelopes and hid them under the roof of one of the couches, no body cleans there, especially now that only the triplets serve her until her maids' punishment is over. She heard they worked in washing clothes from morning till night. She felt guilty, of course, but she could use this time to get started on her plans without any intervention from nosy people.