
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · 奇幻
28 Chs

Other Perspectives

After Kai and Amelia met up at the station all of the officer's eyes went wide seeing a Satellite with a duel runner.

As Kai and Amelia set off for Crash Town Trudge rushed into the station to file a report on Kai, their duel, and his runner since they realized he wasn't in their system and couldn't overlook this incident. This of course happened a few weeks before Yusei received the last part to his duel runner which allowed him to enter New Domino City. Goodwin of course knew to keep tabs on Jack's past so he could bring Yusei to New Domino but when he saw Trudge's report he now had to make a plan for Kai to come to New Domino as well.

Goodwin: "How interesting. Jack, didn't you say that your friend Kai didn't have his own deck?"

Jack: "Yeah, poor chum never had any cards and would always use whatever he could get, what does it matter? He's in the Satellite and I'm here! That should be all to concern yourself with Goodwin!"

Goodwin: "Yes I know you're here but we have to make sure to handle your past before it catches up to you."

Goodwin said this seriously but he now knew that there was a small chance that Kai could also be a signer! If he was hiding his personal deck then he might have also been hiding a powerful dragon! He needed to get more information on Kai to know for sure but there were only a few ways to go about it.

Jack: "So what?! Let them come I'll crush them like everyone else that I've beaten!"

Jack stated with confidence even though he never got a chance to duel Kai's personal deck he had a false sense of confidence due to his new position as "The King" and thought that his previous duels with Kai were just flukes.

Goodwin: "Jack? Do you know if your friend Kai ever came into the possession of a powerful dragon like yours and Yusei's?"

Goodwin need to be certain in his next moves but he didn't have enough information on Kai to know if he'd become a part of his plans or if he was just a good duelist that's was a liability.

Jack: "I'm certain he's never had a card that strong. He would've used it against me and Yusei many times if he did. But why is that even important Goodwin?! I did what you said and it's not like he's coming to New Domino so why do you need to know?!"

Jack was getting even more frustrated with Goodwin as their conversation dragged on.

Goodwin: "We need to keep your past in the past so I need to prepare for your little friend. I've found the best way to prepare is to understand your opponent before even thinking of attacking them. Now that this is out of the way I'll just make a fake profile for him so he'll have his hands full with sector security."

After Goodwin said this Jack visibly relaxed seeing this matter being dealt with. However in Satellite other people were having a different reaction.

Trudge: "What happened with the system?! Wasn't this guy clean before our duel?! Now he has a warrant for multiple thefts! What's going on?!"

Trudge didn't know what to think after being beaten by a Satellite and discovering that he wasn't previously in their system. But now he has a full blown warrant on a criminal record that wasn't there before!

Random Officer: "I don't know sir we checked after you filed the report and it was just there! The first time there wasn't anything! I can confirm this since I was the one who ran his name the first time."

Trudge: "GRRR, it seems the higher ups have a bone to pick with this punk but...who exactly is he to cause this much trouble in a couple of days and with a single duel?!"

As Trudge said this a smaller person wearing makeup approached the officers in the station.

???: "Good evening officers I'm here under orders from Director Goodwin to handle all matters related to this individual."

Trudge: "Just who are you to come here and start barking orders at me small fry?!"

???: "Easy now Trudge, wouldn't want to get demoted now would you? After all you did lose to a Satellite so it wouldn't be hard to demote or just flat out fire you hehehe. But since you asked so kindly, my name is Lazar and like I previously said, I'm here to help you with this individual."

Trudge: "How're you going to help pipsqueak?!"

Lazar: "Simple, I'm going to find this individual and have a small chat with them, nothing to concern yourself with."

Trudge: "How is a chat going to-"

Lazar: "That's enough! As I said all matters related to this person now fall into MY jurisdiction so don't get in my way or else!"

As all of this was happening Kai and Amelia finally arrived on the outskirts of Crash Town and were deciding their next steps.

Kai: "I know about the daily duels between Malcolm and Ramon so I'm not even gonna bother with that can of worms. I came here to stop their small gang before the true war starts later down the road!"

Amelia: "How do you even know these duels are happening?! For all I know you could be making this up for something else!"

Kai: "You'll see. Everyday just before sundown the two gangs pick a duelist to represent them and their group. That's how the get territory and the losing duelist gets sent to the mines to work."

Amelia: "Then what are you going to do?"

Kai: "I'm going to have sector security witness these duels and show them the mines filled with people before sending a witness back with evidence for reinforcements."

Amelia: "What do you mean witne- OW!" Kai thumped her on the head.

Kai: "That's you genius!!!"

Amelia: "Ok but I don't see why you had to flick me!"

Kai: "It was because you were being stupid. It's that simple."

This earned him a glare from the young officer as they finally made their way into Crash Town.

Kai: "Here put this jacket on."

Amelia: "I don't take orders from you!"

Kai: "Do you want an angry mob of gangsters out in the middle of nowhere with no reinforcements and a cute security officer?"

Amelia: "....."

This earned a blushed and a now silent Amelia as Kai's plan to stop Malcolm and Ramon early was on track. Now he just needed Amelia to play the witness role and see what's been happening under sector security's nose this entire time before he duels Malcolm and Ramon before they're arrested.