Lu Xie is a genius tycoon on earth, she had owned lots of successful businesses. Life was going well with her, she thought everything will stay like this but she was unfortunate. While she was in her office she got hit by wondering thunder ending her. Lu Xie: wooo wooo what did I do wrong System: ........
"Hehehe captain we hit the jackpot today, the ship was full of gold, diamonds, and jewels" a man laughed
"Good, put that on the vault and set sail to the nearest town. It's time to have some fun boys" The captain said loudly
"AAYYYEEEE" the men on the crew cheered happily
The woman returned to her room, they have been sailing for a year now it was time for them to rest for a while before heading out again.
"Baby, we're going to rest for a month before we set sail again is it fine," she asked the man while hugging him
The man nodded "Okay, but where are we going you know your wanted" he asked
"It's fine we're going to a distant town to rest" the woman replied
"I see" the man nodded then a vicious smirk appeared a second in the corner of his mouth
"Hmm, when we're in town let's get married," the woman said while blushing
The man thought it inwardly 'Disgusting' on the surface he smiled coldly, and the woman took that as his answer.
The woman smiled excited and happily "I'll let the town know after we arrive okay, I can't wait to marry you" she said lovingly
She was blinded by love and she didn't notice the man she wants to marry didn't even like her in the first place she assumed all his reactions agreed with what she wanted.
In the kingdom of Oriel,
The princess was returning angrily back to her room, earlier she spoke with her father not to be like a slave to the Hungarian Kingdom.
But her father didn't go to war with the Hungarian Kingdom, their military was weaker than the Hungarian army their weapons are stronger than theirs even their men.
And now farmers are complaining, about the high taxes and all their wheat had been bought at a very low price. Which they gave to the Hungarian kingdom as what they spoke in a peace treaty.
But the Hungarian Kingdom didn't take their part they made the Oriel Kingdom their plaything. Where they kidnap young women and got sent them to their kingdom to a brothel.
Her father just close one eye and ignore it, making her very angry. She wanted to knock some sense of her father but he didn't listen and now people in their kingdom are declining.
Women became rare among the townspeople and only a few noblewomen are kept secret from the kingdom. Even nobles in their kingdom became greedy and wanted power they sent their daughters to the Hungarian kingdom to gain favor.
Among the people who got sent was her older sister who was a year older than her, she was kidnaped when she went to the town to investigate but got caught by a Hungarian soldier.
She wanted to go and save her but her foolish father, locked her in her room, she mourned for months until she felt numb and hatred spread in her heart.
She did everything she could to prevent any more kidnappings and hide the few noble women from the outside. So far it was effective but then her father started to tell the soldiers to take all women in the noble houses to send them to the Hungarians.
She was beyond furious and kept the secret she hid from a few women from their hands.
As time went on other people in the kingdom started to leave and the population got lower and lower.
She couldn't take anymore and wanted to make her father realize what he had been doing but no he didn't listen. So enough was enough, she took the hidden women she kept.
Then got a ship they can use that won't pin an interest to pirates or nobles.
Now they are sailing for months, not knowing where to go.
On Lu Xie's island, she called the Crystal Kingdom because all the buildings here have a crystal built in them. When the golems were digging into a bathroom section when they dug a crystal vein and made it part of the build.
The whole island is now habitable by people, the farm in both animals and crops is complete, the villager's houses are also complete, the bathroom is complete and the walls are also complete.
The walls had watch towers and big ballistas surrounding the island.
They are now only busy doing the military weapons and building a magnificent ship in the shipyard.
"Hey Ali I'm kinda excited about the ship it looks so beautiful and gorgeous" Lu Xie's eyes sparkled
[I agree it's so beautiful]
The ship was made of a type of wood pink ivory, it was an expensive kind of tree in the earth where she lived before and now there is a lot of pink ivory trees on this island.
This type of wood is hard but light a perfect type of wood to build a magnificent ship, both Ali and Lu Xie were holding back their excitement.
"After the ship is done let's go out to the sea," Lu Xie said excitedly
[Aye captain] Ali answered
"This is the best vacation ever!!!"
The ship was not yet done only the frame was done but it was coming together, the blacksmith is busy creating a cannon and metal balls.
While the tailor is busy stitching the sails and the flag of the ship, the other golems were also finishing the paved ground of the kingdom.
"This kingdom is going to be OP" Lu Xie shouted in excitement
[Eheh I agree but host calm yourself]
Lu Xie took a deep breath and then exhale slowly, she smiled then when back to the cliff to relax for a bit.
In the deep sea, sharks circle the whole house of mermaids.
"Ahahaha, you better come out or we'll destroy your home" the leader of the sharks Lanta grinned showing his sharp white teeth
"You beast, how dare you appear in this place. Begone of I'll kill every one of you" a merman said angrily while holding a trident
"Hahaha, you think I'm afraid of you, I know you're already losing your powers you're getting old, Putas hahaha" Lanta laughed
Putas gritted his teeth "Even if my age is making me weak I'll never let you step inside this place" he declared
"Haha as if you can" Lanta laughed as he shoots water blades at the barrier of the mermaid's home.
The mermaids and merman inside the barrier felt the powerful vibration and the cracking of the barrier.
Putas chanter with his trident a pale blue light shone and the crack on the barrier recovered but he can felt his magic inside was draining fast.
"Oh I can do this all day" Lanta mocked then released another powerful water blades
Putas tried to block it but some still got in and hit the barrier, the crack was getting larger and larger.
"Your highness!" a merman shouted as he assists
"No! Go and warn the others, escape, and don't look back" Putas said a little weak
"But your highness" the merman wanted to speak
The merman bowed and then flapped his tail as fast as he can to warn the others.
"Ahahaha how kind of you but I won't let anyone of you escape, you're our dinner today," Lanta said viciously
"Is a mermaid delicious?" a disbelief voice suddenly asked
Lanta and Putas looked at the source of the voice to see a human and a mermaid beside him. The person was wearing a male outfit with his eyes covered with a cloth.
"What is a human doing here?" Lanta sneered
"Oh I was asked to help by her" Lu Xie pointed at the mermaid beside her
"Father," the girl said with a low tone
"Calis, what have you done?" Putas said shocked
When Lu Xie was resting in her usual spot on the cliff when her fishing rod moved she immediately reeled in and a big fish came out of the water.
"OOHHH COME TO PAPA FISHY," she said excited and catch the fish in her arms
She looked at the fish and was shocked "Your not a fish?" she said dumb
[Instead of a fish it's a mermaid] Ali added
The mermaid had a beautiful face, with pearls as her accessory on her upper body and her tail was sky blue.
Lu Xie then frowned she was not here to catch a mermaid she was here to catch a fish so she decisively threw the mermaid back into the water before she cast her line again.
The mermaid was about to speak when she got thrown off and landed on the water, she frowned she thought if humans saw mermaids they would get excited and immediately tie but she got thrown away.
She used her magic and flapped her tail hard then she got shot up and easily sat near the cliff where the human throw her.
"Why did you throw me?" she asked
She saw the human frown "You are not a fish so I don't like you" the human said simply
The mermaid was shocked and then regained her senses, she had no time to care about herself anymore. Her home is being attacked so she needs this human's help.
She doesn't why she would ask her but a part of her tells her that she can help them.
"Human, I want to speak with you," she said seriously
"Hmm, What is it?"
"Please..." she bowed her head until it touched the ground
Lu Xie got shocked by her actions "Hey why are you bowing your head?" she asked confused
"Please help my tribe to defeat our nemesis if you can defeat them I'll do anything you want" the mermaid begged
Lu Xie was confused "Why would a mermaid ask me to help you a human"
"As long you can help us I don't care if you are a human or what. After you save my tribe I'll do anything you want" she repeated the latter
'Ali, what do you think?'
[Hmm, well since she's begging let's go host and see if we can befriend them that way we don't have to worry about fishing fish anymore] Ali said a little excited
"What's your name?" Lu Xie asked the mermaid
"My name is Calis," the mermaid said still bowing
"Well, then raise your head let's go to your home" Lu Xie said while she straighten her clothes
Calis immediately raised her head when she heard him agree "Then please follow me" she said seriously and jumped on the water
Lu Xie let herself fall onto the water before her body hit the water a shield protected her body, and she saw Calis waiting for her.
"Let's go," she said
Calis nodded and flapped her tail to lead the way, Lu Xie followed just fine behind while looking at the beautiful sea creatures they passed by.
[Waahh, host this ocean is a breathtaking view] Ali said in awe
'Yeah, It's beautiful'
Calis would always glance back to see if the human is following her she sighed in relief she was following just fine with a fast speed.
She looked ahead and thought 'Please be safe father for my return'
**Back to the present**
"Father even if I offer myself I don't want to see you die"Calis cried
Putas was silent and look at the human besides his daughter.
"Hey, what's your name you look cool for a shark?" Lu Xie asked the shark who look like a megalodon
"Hahaha you human has eyes feast your eyes and worship my great name Lanta," Lanta said proudly
"PPFFTT" Lu Xie covered her mouth not to laugh
Lanta was angry at her reaction "You dare to laugh at my name" he said coldly
"Pft, hahaha your name is so funny hahaha Lanta" Lu Xie laughed
Lanta got pissed and released water blades at the human.
Putas and Calis were shocked they were about to help but the blade was fast.
"Yah, can't you wait if someone is still laughing Lanta" the human said angrily
Lanta was shocked that his attack was blocked by a human.
"Do you even have hands?" Lu Xie asked
[Pft, ahahahahah not hands but fins ahaha] Ali cracked up