
Transmigrating as the third prince: Conqueror of the seven multiverse

In a futuristic world where space adventuring is a common happening, the coexistence of genetically modified humans, humanoid species and none humanoid entities in one universe under one power. A young man woke up as the only surviving Prince and the rightful ruler of the Universe. With the help of the Almighty Star system, Would he be able to bring the known and unknown universes under one power? and live his long awaited life of peace and luxury? Join Ghengi on his road to greatness not forgetting, it might be his… doom. Sorry… please my English is average. Please I am not the owner of the cover image and will gladly remove if the owner wants me to. Hope you like the Novel.

King_Sparo · 科幻
16 Chs

14. The first Star shelter, the Box

"Hello, I am the captain of the steel shelter's 2nd platoon. You can call me Rob 2."

The white armored man said in a solemn tone as he stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Hello Mr. Rob 2, am Donald Huff and the leader of our exploration team. Nice to meet you."

Donald snapped out of his daze and quickly replied with a handshake.

Thinking of the name of the captain, he could only guess it to be his code name.

"Nice to meet you Sir Donald. Please it is not safe out here, come into the steel shelter for a drink."

Hearing the request from the Captain which seems more like a command, he could only nod and signal for everyone to follow him inside.

Only then did they realize the vehicles were actually floating.

Somewhere on the same planet.

"…we will do it immediately sir."

"Good. Let me know immediately when you find anything."

"Sir I wil…"

Beep Beep

The signal disconnected before he could finish his sentence. He was extremely irritated by the other person's action but could not show it on his face as there are several eyes on him right now.

He took in a big deal of air before calming down. With a solemn expression he looked back at his subordinates.

"You heard him, move out!"

"And Marcoos, let the others know."

With his command, all the individuals seated at the table got up and after a salute left the hall hurriedly. Leaving him and the four individuals standing behind him.

"Eagle, Shadow… you know what to do."

With that two of the people behind him seemed to have vanished the next second.

After a long and meticulous interview, filling of forms after agreeing to join the base as citizens, which was followed with a hyper decontamination that felt very refreshing for the group as they used to wash themselves with the brown liquid once in a week at most.

It felt super refreshing as some even starting to cry.

Soon after a long speech by Donald, the group reluctantly agreed to leave their decontamination rooms after putting on their new outfits given by the base to all new citizens.

Surprising them once more as the outfits easily adjusted to their size accurately. Yes, this was not the first surprise after entering the gigantic metal cube.

Even though they have not entered the main city and have been performing all these kinds of activities in the walls alone.

The level of technology are too high for them as every thing they would see felt right from a futuristic fantasy.

From the hovering vehicles, to the first decontamination field before entering the walls main zone. An artificial holographic entity which lead the way after the second platoon left them in it's hands.

The hyper fast shuttles that brought them to thus side of the walls in less than five seconds but they did not even feel it move throughout the whole process and only when someone asked the Ai did they get to know the abnormal distance they crossed in seconds.

Holographic screens, voice inputs, the truth detectors, and most of all the clean water that is found in the decontamination rooms. It was so clean and the temperature could be adjusted with voice.

As the apocalypse emerged, 99.99% of all non human creatures mutated both above land and under waters. Rendering all water bodies highly harmful to human. If you are lucky enough you may die immediately and not transform into a monster after taking it.

So seeing such clean and refreshing water they got lost in it's refreshing embrace. If not that Ai telling them not drink it as there are decontamination chemicals within which is not harmful to them as long as they do not drink it, some would have been surely filled up by now

Soon everyone was sent to special floor in the left wall for their imprint. But before they were assigned an imprint, each had to go through series of tests both physically and virtually.

That is their current physical attributes are scanned in other other to create a much younger version of themselves in the virtual test room.

It was nothing special at the beginning, just your run to test speed and stamina. Left weight and punch a measuring machine to determine your strength. Shoot arrows from any possible weapons or shoot guns to determine you proficiency in a specific field. This applies to all kinds of weapons.

Use magic or side effect to determine the level of it. The final test is a survival mode where you fight double the previous number of monsters or humans you defeat.

This is to determine your experience in combat which will surely get you a better results.

Even if you fail all other tests and pass the last test… survival mode, you can get high results.

As expected there were no magic or talents users. Out of the hundred, only 38 people passed the survival mode thereby have the chance to join the base and receive the special rewards.

The 38 people received top grade tier 2 imprints, as the others received low grade tier 1 imprints. All they had to do was to have their scans registered and get the blood imprint by putting their left hand in a ring-like mechanism that forcefully imprints the level of codes into their blood directly, and at the end get a light blue permanent tattoo.

'The tattoo is to show their imprint level which corresponds with your level of citizenship. Low tier 1 imprint will have a number 1 sign and 1 star tattoo, after low is medium which is 2 stars, high will be 3 stars and top will be 4 stars.

The imprints allow every citizen to have access to corresponding buildings. The higher your imprint the more benefits you get.

Now that you are officially citizens of the first Star shelter, the Box, you can apply to join any of the three main factions in the shelter to gain more benefits.

These are the commoners faction, the military faction and adventurer faction. You may need to reach specific requirements to join the latter two.

Just think about imprint's screen and a panel will be generated from the tattoo point…

You can check and explore the rest on your own.'

With the long but quite the eye opener information the holographic Ai gave them, they understood everything quite simply. Not knowing if it was because of the imprint or it was just easy to understand.

With that everyone settled, in the following hours got adapted to the environment and imprint panel.

At the same time in the Unnamed Star ship of Ghengi.

'Commander, the new tier 5 radar system installed on the new moon base have picked up an ultralight signal from from outer space which was directed at planet R324.'

"…", Ghengi who was currently practicing his marksmanship with a plasma gun in one of the training rooms stopped and turned to look at the panel that suddenly appeared on his right.

The panel had an audio file which he asked Sindy to play.

After listening to audio which was a conversation between an unknown entity from outer space and his subordinate on Earth R324, a creepy smile formed on his face.


Author here.

Hello everyone, sorry for the late update. I have something going on this week and next week but I will do my best to update when I can.

Thanks for the collections and votes. I really appreciate it.

Big thank you to Invisible001, Viper_King, Lonnie_Barrar.