
Transmigrated with Ethereal Emperor System

Born Alexander Von Gestar, the illegitimate son of James Von Gestar, King of Vikeria. Alex and his mother were alienated since his birth. When he was 10, she died under mysterious circumstances. Later during the coming of age at 15, he died and his body was occupied by someone else. This is his adventure in this new fantasy world. Support me with power stones, comments and reviews.

MS_Reddy · 奇幻
25 Chs

Chapter 10

"Sir, I like this weapon but I am a sword user. I can't use a saber", Alex spoke with a pitiful voice. He knows that he had to show a little interest in it but not too much or he would wind up with an empty wallet.

Hearing the pitiful voice was like a lullaby for the man. He thought that he just needed a push and he can earn good money for this waste. No one showed any interest in it, not just because it's a saber but an old weapon.

It appeared as if it would break in weeks. No one would like to buy something like that. It would not be just a waste of money but if it breaks in the middle of a battle, they would lose their life as well.

In order to change that, the man polished and changed the handle to look anew. Though it looks new, the fact is that it's only a cover to make it sell as soon as possible.

This is something that he found while he was traveling. He thought this would give him some coins even if it is minuscule, he won't make a loss. After all, he found it by chance, so it cost him nothing.

The only problem is that no one bought it.

One may think that how could a blacksmith make such a mistake, you would be right to doubt if the man is a true blacksmith.

Back then everyone who saw him thought that he was a blacksmith because of his body, but he never dwindled in that profession. With many thinking that he is a blacksmith, an idea popped up in his head.

He learned a few basics of the blacksmithing profession. He don't want to become a blacksmith but wanted to look like one to sell weapons. Of course, if he sells all fakes, then he would be hunted down faster than he could sell another one.

The plot he made is to travel across the kingdom, buy some authentic weapons and mix a few fake ones. When he sees some gullible person, as long as he doesn't have a background, he switches to fakes.

While the person would see the genuine item at the shop, the one packed would be a fake which he wouldn't see until he returns home. The appearance would be the same, so he wouldn't easily distinguish them.

Though it would be a fake weapon, it still can be used a few times before it gets damaged. Only then they can see that they were swindled. Even if they come back and demand an explanation, he would feign ignorance about it.

No one can say that he bought it here or perhaps changed the real weapon to a fake in order to swindle the person. There may be a chance that the person who bought may even be the one who is swindling.

It would be a mess, so most people can't come back to complain as it gains them nothing.

This was what the man banking on for a long time. Of course, this is not a foolproof plan, as there were a few times he sold fakes to young masters of some influential families either accidentally or on purpose.

When that happens he would skip the place, and change some features like a beard, hair on the head, or something that can be changed easily. He finds a new place with a new name and starts the operation swindle, once again.

He did do this many times and was chased after, so he settled in the border town a few months back. No sane young master would purposefully come to these towns, where beast tides are a common occurrence.

He thought of staying here for some time, as there are no wealthy people to gain much. If he swindles too many using common weapons, he would be caught easily. Though he downed the swindling, he would hike the price a bit here and there, saying that was made from uncommon materials or some bullshit to make the sale.

He chose such ways as, the appraisers, who can identify the items that are rare in the kingdom and all are either located in the capital or work for noble houses. They earn a lot without facing dangers and they are rare, making the cost of appraising high.

He got sad when he couldn't sell the saber and so he did a few modifications to it. A few hours after that a young boy walked into his shop and he thought that he found the right target.

"Don't worry boy, a sword is a saber. There are only slight changes to it. If you had learned sword then that automatically makes you compatible with saber too."

"I don't know sir. My father will scold me if I bring a saber instead of a sword", Alex lied about his father.

"Oh, tell you what, I recently acquired a saber art. I'll throw in it for you if you buy the saber", the man spoke with a kind voice as if he was doing the boy a favor.

Alex pretended to think for a moment.

He then proceeded to ask, "How much is the saber?"

The man thought that he is about to sell, "Just for 15 gold coins."


"That's too much sir. The sword only costs two gold coins and it is all that I have with me."

Alex on purpose told how much gold he held. This is so that the man would not go beyond that price. He even calculated to throw the basic sword which is nearing his life but I shouldn't appear too curious about the saber.

The man thought for a moment, 'Hmm, the cost for the modifications was only one gold coin. Even if I get two, it's still a profit. Moreover, it looks like that sword is old and he is looking for a new one. In addition to the two gold coins he has, I could ask for that sword too.'

The man smirked inside his mind and spoke, "Boy, I'm in a good mood..."