
Transmigrated Into the Violent Boss’ Little Mermaid

Jun Qingyu pursues a novel with a protagonist that strives on his own, from an ordinary person to a high position as a marshal. He suffered from an accident on the battlefield that only a mermaid can heal, but because the injury caused the protagonist to have a violent temperament, the mermaids refused to treat him. The protagonist’s family seized the opportunity to steal his token to start an interstellar war. The close friend of the protagonist kicked him when he was down. For a period of time, the protagonist became a target of public criticism. He was simply a model example of an unfortunate person with good looks and strong capability. Initially, the protagonist should have risen at this time and started a series of face-slapping in line but the author ran off in the end, leaving the novel incomplete and directly sentenced the protagonist to death. Jun Qingyu got so hung up over it that he dreamt of the protagonist of this book and after he woke up, he became a mermaid in that novel. Fu Yuanchuan didn’t know how many times he had stood by the mermaid pond. The little newborn mermaids in the pond were no more than the size of his palm. The mermaids rejected coming into contact with him very much. He looked at the pod of mermaids, who were originally close to the shore, quickly fleeing without any accident when he approached. The sound of taunts and jeers fell incessantly in his ear. ‘How can someone like him still dare to buy a mermaid?’ ‘If I were him, I would stay at home and wait for death instead of running around and scaring people.’ Fu Yuanchuan looked indifferent but when he was going to leave, he heard an exclamation. ‘What’s going on with that mermaid?’ Fu Yuanchuan looked down and saw a golden-tailed little mermaid struggling against the pod of mermaids to swim towards him. The little mermaid stopped when he was close to the shore. He raised his head and his golden eyes were full of his shadow. After a moment of silence, he crouched by the side of the mermaid pond and tried to dip his hand into the water…… The little mermaid did not flee. The little mermaid hugged his hand. The little mermaid kissed his finger. It was as if a beam of light had shone into the gloomy world, leading him back to the world. NOT MY NOVEL CAN BE FOUND ON FORESTNOVEL Author: Xian Sanqian

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
109 Chs

Chapter 86

Jun Qingyu stared at this reply for a long while, with a faint smile in the bottom of his eyes, pressing his fingertips against the virtual buttons, he didn't know what to reply for a while.

Shi Kaixin could also tell who Jun Qingyu was chatting with when he saw it. The state looked completely different and it was easy to tell.

In this way, he stayed aside and waited honestly.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while and replied: [Then I will tell you when things are settled down. ]

The mecha hasn't been obtained yet, whether it is really like what Yao Yao said is still to be discussed.

Now that I have said it, it will be disappointing if it doesn't work then.

Fu Yuanchuan: [Good. ]

Jun Qingyu sent a small emoticon in the past, but it showed that the sending failed.

At this time, the battleship should have left the main star field, or is passing through a black hole, and the signal should not be good.

Jun Qingyu didn't bother him anymore.

Seeing Jun Qingyu put away and put away, Shi Kaixin couldn't help asking: "Madam, do you need someone to stare at?"

How did Shi Kaixin feel that it was wrong? What Yao Yao said just now was one after another. Jun Qingyu only replied a few words sporadically, and inexplicably led the conversation to the mecha, which was a bit too jumpy.

"No." Jun Qingyu could see the demon's thoughts, did not mention it at first, but after seeing the fruit and vegetable juice in the test tube, he began to speak with guidance.

It can't be said to be malicious, but it is a bit of good intentions in it.

After all, this fruit and vegetable juice has a much higher aura concentration than the previous ones.

Yao Yao is sensitive to spiritual power, and he must be aware of what's wrong this time.

The words are ringing, even if he doesn't answer the words, Yao Yao rounds up by himself.

However, no matter what, if that kind of mecha really exists, he will pay several times the price on the market, trade, not favors.

Compared with Wen Chengyao's not-so-good star thief, Yao Yao is more like a clever star thief.

Jun Qingyu shook his head, stopped thinking about Yaoyao, bowed his head and cleared the table.

Experimental data needs to be recorded repeatedly. Before, Jun Qingyu planned to make progress gradually, but now there is not enough time and can't wait to take it slowly.

After three more experiments, the average value should be calculated.

When recording, Jun Qingyu used pen and paper. Things that are too smart have pros and cons. To be on the safe side, handwriting is safer.

Shi Kaixin stood aside, looking at the back door without squinting, for fear of seeing something that shouldn't be seen.

After finishing writing, Jun Qingyu closed the logbook, and seeing that the demon hadn't returned, he thought that the mecha might not be able to be delivered for a while, so he got up and said, "Let's go."

"it is good."


After the data information came out, when he returned home, Jun Qingyu was not idle. He didn't even care about food and went into the study, loaded the data into the virtual computer, and then wrote down the simulation results to contrast with the experimental data.

It's not too difficult, but it's time-consuming bit by bit.

When he waited for the result, Jun Qingyu glanced at Guangnao from time to time, and Fu Yuanchuan never responded, there should be no signal yet.

If there is a signal from Fu Yuanchuan, he will definitely be contacted as soon as possible.

A few hours have passed since the last news, Jun Qingyu sighed and immersed himself in writing data, trying to attract attention in this way.

'Boom Boom'

Jun Qingyu paused at his fingertips, and then remembered that Shi Kaixin hadn't left. He picked up the mask on his hand and put it on, and said lightly: "Enter."

Shi Kaixin came in with a stack of documents, "Madam, these are the documents that need to be approved today. I have printed them out."

In the past, the data was sent directly to the mailbox, but the Marshal had told him when he left that he was afraid that Jun Qingyu would not be able to handle it, so all paper documents were sent.

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, "Yuan Chuan just left the main star, where did so many documents need to be approved?"

Looking at the pile, the number is a bit too much.

"There are a lot of miscellaneous things." Shi Kaixin also felt a lot, and he could see a lot after using the folders to separate them.

Jun Qingyu said: "Put it on the table."

In terms of chores, it should be different from those of Fu Yuanchuan before. After all, the identity has changed, and there are only a lot more things to deal with.

"Okay." After Shi Kaixin put it down, he was afraid that it would fall if it was too high, so he divided it into two stacks.

Jun Qingyu sorted out the data on the paper and put it in the drawer beside him. The drawer was empty, but this time a ball rolled out after pulling it open.

Subconsciously picked up the little thing, one hand couldn't hold it, and the three words 'grip the ball' are clearly visible on the little ball.

Jun Qingyu put the file in place, and looked at the ball strangely. He had clearly remembered that the drawer was empty before, and when there was more of this thing.

Shi Kaixin put the file and said, "Is the madam also practicing grip strength? I said why the marshal asked me to buy this thing suddenly and bought a box of it. ."

Jun Qingyu tried to hold it, and a string of numbers appeared on the ball, "What's the use of practicing this?"

"Um...may make you control your opponent's strength more accurately? Like when we sometimes lose control of our mental strength, our strength is stronger than usual, and it will be recorded with a power ball."

"It's not very good to control strength when mental power is out of control. This thing can also be used to practice how to grasp this degree in the case of out of control."

It is naturally useless for ordinary people to buy this thing.

Jun Qingyu was stunned when he heard the words. He tried to click on the string of numbers just now. After all of them were expanded, new numbers appeared, which were arranged from left to right.

The number is a red blank at the beginning, it should represent that the full strength is too big to break through the highest value calculated by the grip ball, then the number fluctuates several times, and finally it steadily increases from large to small, and then the continuous recording has interruptions, from time to time A digital record, the last is the one he held just now.

Lightly tapping the ball, Jun Qingyu asked casually, "When did Yuanchuan ask you to buy it?"

"It's been a long time..." Shi Kaixin thought for a while, "Probably a few days when the mermaid was bought?"

Fu Yuanchuan was repelled by the mermaid at the time, and everyone who brought the mermaid back cheered. This also caused Shi Kaixin to have a particularly deep memory of the days when Fu Yuanchuan bought the mermaid back.

Jun Qingyu stunned suddenly, hiding his emotions and saying indifferently: "I see. Go ahead."

"Okay, remember to call me if you have something to do."

Shi Kaixin closed the door when he left.

The study was quiet for a moment, and Jun Qingyu rubbed the ball with his fingers.

Fu Yuanchuan was always strong in front of him, but his personality was gentle and indifferent, and he knew everything well.

Jun Qingyu always remembered the description of Fu Yuanchuan's character in the original text, but when he saw Fu Yuanchuan with his own eyes, he found that his character was almost the opposite of the description in the original text. He naturally left the words in the original text behind in his daily dealings.

But it seems that, in addition to what he saw, Fu Yuanchuan made a lot of effort in how to raise him in places he couldn't see.

Just like this ball.

It's not hard to imagine that person is clumsy, testing his hands again and again.

There is only the last one left in a box of grip balls, and I carefully find the most suitable strength in each trial.

I'm afraid that the little mermaid in his hand will be hurt by inadvertent movements.

Jun Qingyu bends his eyes, and Fu Yuanchuan's gentleness and attentiveness have never been just what he said.

The lights in the office are automatically adjusted to the eye-protection mode at night, and the faint light falls on the ball with a little warm color.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, holding the pale gold marker, and sketching out the image of a mermaid on the ball little by little.

With mediocre painting skills, he only drew an outline. Jun Qingyu stopped and did not carefully depict the details, so that he could still see that he was a mermaid. If he continued to paint, he might not know what he was painting in the end.

After the handwriting was dry, put the ball back in the drawer, Jun Qingyu looked at the two stacks of documents, took the one near him and looked at it.

Shi Kaixin's chores can be summed up properly. It is not just chores, but sesame-sized things are delivered.

Jun Qingyu patiently continued to look down.

In the middle of the night, there were still no important documents.

The only one who can be considered as a business matter is the idea of ​​new fruits and vegetables.

They thought that the fruits and vegetables were the products of experiments. Now that Fu Yuanchuan is not there, they are all moral kidnapping and want him to distribute the fruits and vegetables for free.

It sounds nice, but the target is staring at what is in your pocket.

If Fu Yuanchuan was here, the nobleman would not dare to mention this idea. Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows. Did he use him as a soft persimmon?

Pick up this document sheet and continue to look at other chores.

As he was turning over, his hand had a brain shock, Jun Qingyu quickly picked it up and saw that it was indeed Fu Yuanchuan's news.

Fu Yuanchuan: [The signal has just stabilized, what are you doing? ]

Jun Qingyu took a picture of a pile of documents on the table and sent him: [Aristocrats have a lot of things. ]

There are still some trivial things. The friction between the nobles has written a document and sent it over, but it can be seen that the rights of the nobles are now greatly compressed, and they are not idle.

Fu Yuanchuan: [It's getting late, let's rest. ]

Jun Qingyu: [Okay, you rest early, don't be too late. ]

As for him, let's go to sleep after reading all the documents, so that the province will be utterly unspeakable.

Jun Qingyu doesn't care how others talk about him, but now he is one with Fu Yuanchuan, discussing him will inevitably bring Fu Yuanchuan, which is not good.

After the message was sent, there was no reply, so Jun Qingyu thought for a while and sent a [good night] in the past.

Then Fu Yuanchuan came over by video in the next moment.

Jun Qingyu picked it up subconsciously, and asked in a daze, "What's the matter?"

The picture on Fu Yuanchuan's side went black for a moment, and it took a while before a figure slowly appeared.

Looking at the furnishings behind Xiaoyu, it was obvious that he was still in the office, and Fu Yuanchuan asked, "Didn't you say you want to rest?"

"After reading these, go to rest." Jun Qingyu put Guangnao aside and lay on the table to watch him, "I'm not sleepy yet."

I didn't feel sleepy at all, and returning to the room was just insomnia tossing over and over in bed. It would be better to stay up late to deal with this, and save trouble tomorrow.

"Go and rest, don't worry about these things." Fu Yuanchuan turned on a night light and sat by the bed.

Jun Qingyu blinked and looked at him innocently, "But I can't sleep."

Fu Yuanchuan touched the virtual screen with his fingertips, as if he was stroking the hair of a small fish in ordinary days, but there was a distance between the virtual screen and the screen, so he couldn't touch it, and his fingertips were about to retract.

Jun Qingyu approached first and sent himself on the screen to Fu Yuanchuan's hands.

Fu Yuanchuan's eyes were full of smiles, and he coaxed softly: "Hey, go back to the room now, let's rest together."