
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · 作品衍生
93 Chs

76) A date to enjoy

"Fate can be cruel." Helena spoke gently to the child infront of her.

"Oh it is!" Severus agreed with a nod.

Looking over the Great Lake at the distance, he spotted the glistening moonlight being reflected from the water surface. The scenery was so captivating that he couldn't help but admire it for a second.

Helena looked at the far away lake too. Memories flood in her mind of the old days. The days when she had been a child and used to play alongside its shore.

Gone were the days, but the memories still remained. Even if she lingered softly to the mortal plane.

"Is your betrothed not happy with you?" Helena asked softly. The boy had trusted her with the newfound happenings of his life. Helena knew that he wanted a way out of the whole scenario and was hoping to get a trick from her regarding this. However, she had failed in giving him so. Instead telling him to make peace with the scenario.

Even if the ghosts were not allowed to tamper much with the mortals, she still had no knowledge of magic regarding breaking contracts. In their days, the contracts were a sacred thing. And one who dealt with it, were warned to be cautious at every step.

"Well, she was smiling during our meeting with each other!" Severus spoke aloud with a frown. Francesca didn't seem to be too angry on him.

"A smile can hide many feelings buried deep inside us!" Helena warned him off. Perhaps he had grown on her. But them again, they usually talked twice or thrice a week in Astronomy tower during the nights. She had never talked this much with another student apart from that Riddle boy.

"It can. However she seemed to have made peace with the situation." Severus explained softly. It was the read which he got from her during their first meeting.

"She is wise then!" Helena commented softly. Having anguish over the ungotten only brought pain.

"I am meeting her tomorrow though." Severus spoke up softly. Tomorrow was the Hogsmeade weekend, he will apparate to London to meet her there. It will help them to be more familiar with each other.

Francesca Zabini weirded him a little. For instance, the girl was unusually interested in poisons. And she seemd to be a hell of a horny girl. He had scanned her slight surface thoughts and was scandalized for a moment to find thoughts about the size of his cock during their meeting. Who thought stuff like that? And that too during one of the earliest meetings.

But then again, she had a reputation to play around. During her time in Slytherin, she had made many admirers for her. She played with all, but never gave any of them her priority.

As far as he knew, she was still a virgin. She must be afterall. Pureblood girls usually played around. They never gave their virginity to anyone apart from their betrothed. It was meant to be. They needed to be virgin till their marriage. It was something which was traditional in the wizarding world.

Nonetheless he wasn't complaining about it. It was not as if he had a choice in the whole matter. She will be his, despite her past.

"Well good luck for your date then. Treat her like a gentlemen!" Helena advised with a smile on her face. His words had evoked a desire to be young again. To be able to love and be happy with someone.


The next day was the same as usual. Severus wouldn't have bothered to even stay in the school if not for the constant complaints of Alastor Moody. The auror wanted him to be present during the duelling classes and actively take part in the lessons.

Still Severus attended some of the classes. Even though he preferred to keep his company with Nott or Laena. Since Alice was in the class too, he usually quelled inside any sort of childish desire to talk to her anymore. She tried to be far away from him, for which he was all too eager.

Breakups hurt. But holding on to belief of patchup hurt more.

"Come on Severus! Spill out the lady's name?" Laena asked once again to the surly boy in her carriage.

Dressed nicely from his usual attire. He had even used a cologne. Something which she had never smelled on him before.

"Not today." Severus replied dryly. He didn't want rumours of him and Francesca from this moment. He wanted things to be a secret for some time. A time till they were more comfortable with each other and about rumours.

"Hmm. Atleast tell the place you're taking her?" Laena asked with a curious look. She dearly wanted to know if he was going take his date into Hogsmeade. If that happens, it won't be problems to get the identity of the girl.

"Why? So you can crash there!" Severus replied dryly.

"Well, that does sound like a feasible option!" Laena commented with a devilish smirk.

"C'mon!" Laena insisted as she tried to pry about the name of the girl from Severus.


"Hey!" Francesca greeted with a smile. Her eyes glinted with amusement after spotting a well groomed Severus.

"Hello." Severus greeted with a smile. His eyes took on her appearance. Dressed in dark skirt and red top, she was looking very beautiful. Her curves enticed the people with her each walk. Severus would admit that she aroused a lust inside him. Master Occlumens he might be, his body remained that of a teenager. Hormones disturbed his mind and thoughts alike.

"You look marvelous!" He complimented with a smile.

Francesca smiled happily. Atleast he was going good in compliments.

"You look great too!" She dished back to him.

Severus nodded as he found himself a little nervous than before. He didn't know what Francesca liked much in general terms. He didn't want to make a bad impression on her from the very first day. It was better to flatter her gently along the way.

"Well! What are we going to do?" Francesca asked curiously. She dearly wanted to know, how he would treat her at a date. She hadn't been on a date for months.

"Ahh!" Severus started slowly with a hesitant look.

"We are going for bowling." He gently spoke up with a smile.

"Bowling?" Francesca asked confused. She didn't know what bowling meant or entailed. It was a new word which she was hearing today.

"You will love it!" Severus said confidently with an easy going smile. Well if she didn't like it, she still will have to plaster a smile on her face, faking the happiness. It was something which both of them knew. To act and pretend happy.

"Okay!" Francesca replied with a smile on her face. She didn't know what this 'Bowling' which he was speaking of, entailed. However she was ready to take a risk. Besides he seemed to be pretty enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Twenty minutes later, she was absolutely enjoying this whole bowling thing. There was something completely refreshing in throwing the balls so that they hit the pin perfectly.

"Another round?" Severus asked with an amused smile as he saw an eager Francesca looking at the number of pins she had downed.

"Yes!" Francesca said excitedly. This felt nice. Nicer than having tea or coffee at some fancy hotel while they simply talked. This was more of her type. Her body was enjoying this. Not to mention she was quite eager to flaunt her perfect backside to a discreetly peeking Severus. The pleasant ache was so welcoming to her.

Severus nodded. This was going to be fun it seemed. Atleast she liked it which was a plus.

An hour later, a tired Francesca and Severus emerged out of the Sports Arena. It was a shame that Paintball not invented yet. Perhaps he could invent it, he thought amusedly.

"That was so fun." Francesca gushed out excitedly. It was more fun than simply watching Quidditch. Were all muggle games so good? She had seen the Table Tennis game. It had invoked her curiousity. However she was too tired to play it. She metally berated herself for only playing bowling the whole time.

"Want to have lunch?" Severus asked casually eyeing his watch. It was near time for lunch.

Francesca looked at the boy infront of her. Despite having her reservations on the whole thing. She couldn't help but think that Severus wasn't a bad option like she thought. He was much more amiable when he let you inside his circle. She could see why Alice chose him. He was so patient with everything.

Instead of replying with words, she chose to do it with her actions. She pressed her full lips to his cheeks suddenly. She didn't remove it for full five seconds. Not till her lipstick mark was embedded in his cheek.

Severus was amused at the kiss on cheek. It would probably leave a lipstick mark

"Should I take it as a yes?" He questioned amusingly to the girl besides him. He only got a roll of her eyes as an answer.

"I take you out for bowling and lunch. All I get is a kiss on cheek." Severus complained lightly as he looked at the girl besides him.

"If the food's going to be good. You can receive it." Francesca proposed with an amused smile. Her lips pouted to the boy besides her.

Severus' lips curled in a grin at her answer. The date was not boring as he thought.


I know you all are angry with the late updates. However, I have started pursuing Masters in Life Sciences from two months. My schedule is a mess. I promise that I won't let the fic die though. Expect two chapters a week from now on. The plot will thicken from this chapter.

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