
Tracy is... [1]


Astin shattered the leader's head armor into dust. His body was engulfed by black mana, causing the surrounding greenery to wither and turn black. Even the rain avoided him like a plague.

However, all his attempts at destroying it were for naught.

Astin was surprised that his black magic, which can destroy anything, couldn't eliminate the blue hearts.

"Kiddo, that power is terrifyingly strong. You can demolish anything, you can easily kill someone of a higher level than you, but that's not enough to kill us," the knights spoke unanimously.

"A puppet master," the smile on Astin's face was growing wider. The area around him turned black as the rainfall slowed down, and the drops of water evaporated before they hit the ground.

With a light tap of his left foot, the shadows danced around and shook the very mountain they stood on, dragging the scattered knights together and tying them with their shadows.