
Last event [2]

Chapter 49: Twins

The last day of the tournament has finally arrived.

The sound of the audience cheering and reporters' cameras flashing filled the enclosed stadium, leaving no gaps visible from the stands.

"The rules are simple. There are only two rules: the first to be out of the arena loses," the MC said. "This is a friendly match, so do not kill your opponents."

"Is that simple enough?"

As the audience cheered, the MC continued.

[Now, let's welcome our two contestants from Euro Academy.]

["Snow Polar Bear" versus "Fire Fury."]

Setting foot onto the circular-shaped arena, Eddie's back was covered in sweat as he stared at Steve.

"Give up," Steve said stoically, without a care.

Eddie took a dry gulp and replied, "No."

"Hmmm, what did you say?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I said no, you sick head," Eddie spat out, a little timidly.

"Don't test my patience," Steve spoke.

"As if you had any. I'm sick of you telling me what to do," Eddie refused to back down.

"Are you on that rebellious syndrome of yours again?" Steve commented casually.

"I'm sick of you and Kevin, taking out your anger on me," Eddie gulped.

"Be a good boy and stop the nonsense. Don't forget your place because we were nice to you lately," Steve smiled slightly.

"You tormented me for years because your dear younger brother doesn't like you," Eddie spat out the truth.

"Don't step out of your boundaries," Steve said, his light blue eyes glowing dangerously.

"I've always wanted to beat you more than I ever wanted to beat Kevin. 

"Can't blame Kevin for hating you. You're just that unlikable bastard," Eddie's hand trembled as he tried to provoke him.

"Haaa, it seems like you forgot how to behave," Steve's smile was sallow as he turned the arena into an Ice field.

Steve moved forward, neither slow nor fast, touching the ice cube in which Eddie was trapped inside.

However, the ice was getting hotter, and drops of water fell on the arena. 

The giant ice was melting at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Thank goodness," Eddie growled, "You're still an asshole."

The explosive heat of fire filled the medium-sized arena, and the ice shards evaporated as they fell.

Eddie's body trembled from the cold as he surrounded himself with fire, waiting.

Steve attacked, his light blue eyes glaring at Eddie like prey.

The ice spear fell from the sky as Eddie dodged swiftly, creating a small wall of fire as camouflage.

Steve stepped forward, making the ground slippery, not to cause Eddie to slip but to facilitate and accelerate his movement.

Eddie slipped away from Steve's icy kick, but his counterattack was too slow, sending him to the edge.

Again and again, with each attack from Steve, Eddie's counterblow came an instant late and weakly.

Eddie's defensive reactions were blindingly fast, but they moved each time at precisely the correct angle, helping him deflect parts of Steve's blows.

Still, he wasn't entirely unharmed, as he received multiple blows and had his upper arm semi-frozen.

"Ah, that one hurt," he murmured. Although his potential underwent explosive growth, it didn't mean he suddenly became powerful.

Eddie couldn't help but smile; he could tell that Steve was getting tired, and the power balance was shifting.

He had spent his life as Kloth's twins' punching bag. So, he knew more than anyone their attack pattern, power, endurance, and stamina levels.

His radiation was barely used as he launched himself forward like a bullet.

Eddie pounced, allowing his leg to get caught and twisted by Steve, who easily dodged the attack.

Instead of feigning retreat, Eddie smiled and met the ice blade directed at his face head-on.

He fired with all his might an explosive fire, the only attack he could master in that short period of time.

Steve backed away, rubbing his hand.

Blood dripped from the injury for a moment and then stopped.

His eyes were wide, staring at Eddie with newfound wariness in those dull light blue eyes.

"You're out of the arena, bitch," Eddie smiled as he declared.

[And we have a winner of the first match. A round of applause for Fire Fury.]

The MC's voice thundered as the crowd cheered loudly.



"I expected more from you," said a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup on her face. She took off her sunglasses, revealing eyes of a darker shade of blue, and her hair dyed a disgusting orange color.

She slapped Steve in the face again, seemingly uncaring for her eldest son's injured arm.

"But, Mom..."

"Shut up, Kevin, you're worse off than your older brother," she interrupted him, delivering another slap to Steve's face who stood adamantly shielding Kevin.


Blood dripped onto the floor of the infirmary from Steve's mouth as he carelessly wiped it away.

Retracting her rings-filled hand, Ms. Kloth sneered, "Kevin."

"Ah, yes, Mom!" Kevin answered hurriedly, knowing his mom could become very angry if she didn't receive a response.

"Tell me, how did you lose in that Battle game? And to whom? A servant?"

"All— my teammates w— were— mages. I couldn't f—fight— alone against the other... and that Majestic..." Kevin stuttered.

"No, you didn't lose to that lightning guy; you lost to Eddie, that lowlife's son." She spat angrily, her body boiling with rage. "That's why Steve lost. If not for you, why would he lose?"

The mother didn't wait for an answer. "You lost against a nobody, so your brother has to suffer. You're just a little shit that got out into this world to pull your brother down."

The two twins stood side by side, in silence, knowing they weren't allowed to speak.

"What will your father think of me?" The mother fixed her makeup, sitting on a stool and grumbling.

"I raised two useless trashes; one is a waste of space, and the other will forever try to anger me," she spat angrily. "You're 16, and you'll never make mommy proud."

"I should have killed you the moment you got out of my womb," she said in an angry, irritated voice. "Ah, my mascara is falling apart."

Kevin flinched slightly at her cold words. No matter how many times he heard them, he could never get used to them.

"Once your father re-watches the tournament when he isn't busy, I'll be the one to take the blame," she spoke as if doing them a favor.

"I'm leaving this damn island. If not for completing the transaction between your father and 'the Seer,' I wouldn't even come." She stomped her high heels on the ground.

"Transaction?" Steve opened his mouth and asked.

"Mhmm, the Seer has bought that driver from your father," she answered carelessly, looking at her face in the mirror. "At least I wouldn't be seeing that worthless bug ever again."

She rambled about how unfair it would be for her to deal with her friends' mockery for another hour and left some words before leaving.

"Be useful and continue to have a good relationship with Damion."


The door protested as it was forcefully closed shut.

The twins looked down at the ground in silence, their appearance indistinguishable, apart from the shade of their eye color.

"Why did you lose?" Kevin asked in a small voice, biting his lips hard.

Steve's swollen face showed no emotion. "It isn't because of you."

"Do you think I care? You should have won regardless," Kevin's eyes, resembling those of his mother, were bloodshot.

"Whenever something happened to you, it's my damn fault. Everyone thinks that," he fumed, grabbing Steve by the collar.

"Why? Why? Aren't we twins? Shouldn't we be born with the same fµcking potential?" Kevin's rage exploded as he questioned his brother.

"Why are you a damn S- and I'm only an A+ potential? Do you know how much of a difference that is?"

"Don't make a fuss about it," the silent Steve spoke. "No matter how high your potentials are, it just doesn't matter. They just don't love anyone."

"I hate you." Kevin's hand fell weakly, tears that he had been suppressing for a long time ran down his dark blue eyes. "I hate that you're always right."


The door weakly cried out as Kevin violently opened and closed it.

Steve sat down on his assigned bed and looked behind him at the other bed.

His eyes met with Lina's beautiful purple eyes.

"Sniff... waaa..." Seeing that she was found out, Lina broke into tears. "I didn't mean... sniff... to spy on you... sob."

She emerged from under the bed, holding a book with 'Catharina' name on it, and said in a soft, small, sobbing voice, "I was just looking for Ash's... sniff... book... and... Woo... That lady comes in... I'm so- sorry."

Steve kept silent and listened to her whine non-stop.

"I'll help you heal your injuries," Lina said, wiping her red eyes as she started to channel, her mana holding his hand. Steve's wounds disappeared gradually until no scars were left.

"Thank you," Steve said as he left the infirmary.